Chapter 3.44


3.44.010    Program established.

3.44.020    Vehicle assignment – Three employees required.

3.44.030    Vehicle maintenance.

3.44.040    Drivers to be licensed – Traffic violation responsibility.

3.44.050    Drivers to be billed – Reimbursement.

3.44.060    Mileage rate.

3.44.070    Nonuse by participant – Backup driver.

3.44.080    Personal use of vehicles prohibited.

3.44.010 Program established.

There is established a program for the use of county vehicles for a commuter ride-sharing program by county employees.

(Res. 106-1981 § 1, 1981)

3.44.020 Vehicle assignment – Three employees required.

The county shall assign a county vehicle to the driver of a carpooling group to enable the driver to transport the others in the group to or near their homes and to return such individuals to work at the start of the following business day; provided, no vehicle shall be assigned unless there are at least three county employees (including the driver) regularly participating in a carpooling group.

(Res. 106-1981 § 2, 1981)

3.44.030 Vehicle maintenance.

The county shall maintain the vehicles utilized in this ride-sharing program. Such maintenance shall include, but is not limited to, oil, gasoline, tires, liability insurance, and repairs.

(Res. 106-1981 § 3, 1981)

3.44.040 Drivers to be licensed – Traffic violation responsibility.

All drivers shall possess a current Washington operator’s license and shall authorize inspection from time to time of their driving records maintained by the Department of Licensing. A driver shall be responsible for any moving traffic violations incurred by such driver.

(Ord. 106-1981 § 4, 1981)

3.44.050 Drivers to be billed – Reimbursement.

(a)    On a monthly basis ride-sharing drivers shall be billed for the use of a county vehicle. Such billing shall be computed as follows: (average round trip miles) (charge per mile) (20) = monthly billing, where the “average round trip miles” is the usual number of miles traveled to and from work and where the “charge per mile” is the rate per mile established by the county.

(b)    Drivers shall pay the monthly billing in full within five days of receipt thereof. The other members of the car-pooling group shall reimburse the driver forthwith. Usually the amount of reimbursement shall be such that each person within the carpooling group (including the driver) shall pay an equal share toward the monthly billing. However, the amount of reimbursement may be as mutually agreed upon by the group.

(Ord. 106-1981 § 5, 1981)

3.44.060 Mileage rate.

The charge per mile shall be established by the county from time to time. Such charge shall include, but is not limited to, oil, gasoline, tires, repairs, maintenance, depreciation and insurance.

(Ord. 106-1981 § 6, 1981)

3.44.070 Nonuse by participant – Backup driver.

(a)    Any participant in the ride-sharing program may occasionally elect not to utilize the county vehicle. However, such nonuse shall not reduce the county’s monthly billing nor the participant’s share of such billing.

(b)    If the ride-sharing driver elects not to utilize the vehicle on a given day, he or she shall make arrangements for a backup driver within the ride-sharing group.

(Ord. 106-1981 § 7, 1981)

3.44.080 Personal use of vehicles prohibited.

No county vehicle assigned under this ride-sharing program shall be used for personal errands or for purposes not authorized by this chapter.

(Ord. 106-1981 § 8, 1981)