Chapter 3.40


3.40.010    Procedure established.

3.40.020    Personnel/budget resolution –Signatures required for placement on agenda of board of commissioners.

3.40.010 Procedure established.

The following procedure relative to creation and reclassification of positions within Kitsap County is adopted:

(1)    The department requesting the change will submit to the personnel services department, in writing, complete documentation justifying the requested action, i.e., details of additional workload, increased or decreased responsibility and/or authority, etc.

(2)    Based on the information provided by the requesting department and an on site job analysis if necessary, the personnel services department will advise the requesting department, in writing, as to their comments and recommendations regarding the proposed change or addition, and assist the department in assigning a job description, position title and appropriate salary scale to the proposal.

(3)    The requesting department will then contact the department of internal management for a written projection of the immediate and long range budget impact and comments recommendations relative to their findings.

(4)    The requesting department head will forward all accumulated information, comments and recommendations to the board of commissioners for the preliminary approval or rejection of the proposal.

(5)    Upon approval of the proposal, the requesting department will prepare a resolution for submission and adoption in a public session of the Kitsap County Board of Commissioners.

(Res. 101-1979 (part), 1979)

3.40.020 Personnel/budget resolutions – Signatures required for placement on agenda of board of commissioners.

All personnel-budget resolutions relative to creation and reclassification of positions will henceforth bear the initials of the personnel services director and the director of the department of internal management prior to inclusion on the agenda of the board of commissioners meeting.

(Res. 101-1979 (part), 1979)