Chapter 17.130


17.130.010    Purpose.

17.130.020    Uses permitted and design standards.

17.130.030    Special provisions.

17.130.010 Purpose.

This zone promotes low-density residential development and agricultural activities that are consistent with rural character. It is applied to areas that are relatively unconstrained by environmentally sensitive areas or other significant landscape features. These areas are provided with limited public services.

(Ord. 534 (2016) § 7(5) (App. E) (part), 2016)

17.130.020 Uses permitted and design standards.

A.    Uses Permitted: Table 17.410.040(A), Rural, Resource, and Urban Residential Zones.

B.    Design Standards: Table 17.420.050(A), Rural, Resource, and Urban Residential Zones Density and Dimensions Table.

1.    Density;

2.    Lot dimensions;

3.    Lot coverage standards;

4.    Height regulations;

5.    Setbacks.

C.    Chapter 17.105, Interpretations and Exceptions.

D.    Chapter 17.440, Master Planning.

E.    Chapter 17.450, Performance Based Development.

F.    Chapter 17.490, Off-Street Parking and Loading.

G.    Chapter 17.500, Landscaping.

H.    Chapter 17.510, Sign Code.

I.    Chapter 17.580, Transfer of Development Rights.

(Ord. 534 (2016) § 7(5) (App. E) (part), 2016)

17.130.030 Special provisions.


(Ord. 534 (2016) § 7(5) (App. E) (part), 2016)