Chapter 19.800

The purpose of the appendices is to provide supporting documentation to assist in the implementation of the ordinance codified in this title.


Appendix A    Washington State Wetlands Rating System Categories.

Appendix B    Washington State Department of Natural Resources Stream Typing System.

Appendix C    Kitsap County’s GIS Database of Critical Areas Information.

Appendix D    Site Development Figures.

Appendix E    Kitsap County Geologically Hazardous Area and Buffer Notice.

Appendix F    Critical Area Decision Types.

Appendix G    Checklist and Sample Outline for a Delineation Report.

Appendix H    Mitigation Plan Checklist.

Appendix A – Washington State Wetlands Rating System Categories (See Section 19.200.210)

This system utilizes a four-tier process. The following text includes an additional categorization system for wetlands.

A.    Category I Wetlands are:

1.    Wetlands that 1) represent a unique or rare wetland type; or 2) are more sensitive to disturbance than most wetlands; or 3) are relatively undisturbed and contain ecological attributes that are impossible to replace within a human lifetime; or 4) provide a high level of functions.

2.    Wetlands with high quality native or regionally rare wetland communities with irreplaceable ecological functions including, but not limited to, sphagnum bogs and fens, estuarine wetlands, mature forested wetlands, or wetlands which qualify for inclusion as a Wetland of High Conservation Value.

3.    Wetlands scoring 23 points or more (out of 27) on the questions related to functions in the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington, revised 2014, or as hereafter amended.

B.    Category II Wetlands are:

1.    Wetlands that are difficult, though not impossible, to replace, and provide high levels of some functions.

2.    Wetlands which are disturbed and may be estuarine and interdunal greater than 1 acre.

3.    Wetlands scoring between 22 – 22 points (out of 27) on the questions related to functions in the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington, revised 2014, or as hereafter amended.

C.    Category III Wetlands are:

1.    Wetlands that are 1) wetlands with a moderate level of functions (scores between 16 – 19 points) and 2) interdunal wetlands between 0.1 and 1 acre in size.

2.    Wetlands scoring between 16 – 19 points and have generally been disturbed in some ways, and are often less diverse or more isolated from other natural resources in the landscape than Category II wetlands.

D.    Category IV Wetlands are:

1.    Wetland with the lowest levels of function (scores less than 16 points) and are often heavily disturbed.

2.    Wetlands that may provide some important functions and have a high probability for successful replacement and/or improvement.

(Ord. 545 (2017) § 5 (Appx. (part)), 2017: Ord. 351 (2005) § 37 (part), 2005)

Appendix B – Washington State Department of Natural Resources Stream Typing System

Water Type Conversion Table

Permanent Water Typing

Previous Water Typing

Type S

Type 1

Type F

type 2 and 3

Type Np

Type 4

Type Ns

Type 5

A.    “Type S Streams” are those surface waters which meet the criteria of the Washington Department of Natural Resources, WAC 222-16-030(1) as now or hereafter amended, as a Type S Water and are inventoried as “Shorelines of the State” under the Shoreline Management Master Program for Kitsap County, pursuant to RCW Chapter 90.58. Type S waters contain salmonid fish habitat.

B.    “Type F Streams” are those surface waters, which meet the criteria of the Washington Department of Natural Resources, WAC 222-16-030(2) as now or hereafter amended, as Type F Water. Type F streams contain habitat for fish.

C.    “Type Np Streams” are those surface waters, which meet the criteria of the Washington Department of Natural Resources, WAC 222-16-030(3) as now or hereafter amended, as Type Np Water. Type Np waters do not contain fish habitat.

D.    “Type Ns Streams” are those surface waters, which meet the criteria of the Washington Department of Natural Resources, WAC 222-16-030(4) as now or hereafter amended, as a Type Ns Water. These streams are areas of perennial or intermittent seepage, ponds, and drainage ways having short periods of spring or storm runoff. Type Ns waters do not contain fish.

(Ord. 545 (2017) § 5 (Appx. (part)), 2017: Ord. 351 (2005) § 36 (part), 2005)

Appendix C – Kitsap County’s GIS Database of Critical Areas Information





National Wetlands Inventory

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Soil Survey of Kitsap County

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture — Natural Resource Conservation Service

Fish And Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas

National Wetlands Inventory

Information System Database

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Species Habitat Database

Washington Rivers

WA. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife

Waters of Washington State

WA. Dept. of Natural Resources

Washington Coastal Zone Atlas

WA Dept. of Ecology

Stream Typing of Select WRIA 15 Watersheds

Wild Fish Conservancy

Frequently Flooded Areas

Flood Insurance Rate Map

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Geologically Hazardous Areas

Washington Coastal Zone Atlas

WA Dept. of Ecology

Soil Survey of Kitsap County

Quaternary Geology and

Stratigraphy of Kitsap County

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture — Natural Resource Conservation Service
Jerald Deeter, 1979

Light Distancing and Radar (LiDAR) Mapping

Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium

Geologically Hazardous Areas Map Update

Kitsap County (GRI Consulting)


Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas

Aquifer Recharge Areas of Concern

Kitsap Public Utilities District (PUD) #1

Kitsap PUD #1

Principal Aquifers

Kitsap PUD #1

Soil Survey of Kitsap County

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture — Natural Resource Conservation Service

(Ord. 545 (2017) § 5 (Appx. (part)), 2017: Ord. 351 (2005) § 37 (part), 2005)

Appendix D – Site Development Figures

(Ord. 545 (2017) § 5 (Appx. (part)), 2017: Ord. 351 (2005) § 37 (part), 2005)

Appendix E – Kitsap County Geologically hazardous area and Buffer Notice

When recorded, Return to:

Kitsap County Department of
Community Development

Kitsap County Geologically Hazardous Area Notice

Tax Account # Parcel Number

ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Quarter, quarter, section, township, range; or Plat name, lot and/or block number; or Short plan or large lot name or number, lot number and Auditor’s file number

Current Property Owner: Legal Tax Payer Name

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above identified property has been found to contain a geologically hazardous area as defined by the Kitsap County Department of Community Development’s Critical Area Ordinance. Abstract or description of the specific types of risks identified in the geotechnical report. Information regarding the geologically hazardous area, the associated geotechnical report(s), and any restrictions imposed on the development or use of the property can be obtained by the Department of Community Development in the files of the following permits:

Enter Type of Permit


 Application #

, filed on








Development in geologically hazardous areas inherently includes an elevated risk which can be mitigated through proper development practices. To ensure continued safety and habitability any future use and alteration of the land and structures thereon within the geologically hazardous area or its buffer may only occur following a review for compliance with the Kitsap County Critical Areas Ordinance.

The owner(s) of the property understands and accepts the responsibility for the risk associated with development on the property given the described condition, and agrees to inform future purchasers, successors, and assignees of the risks. The owner(s) of the property also acknowledges that any damages that result from reliance on the Kitsap County Critical Areas Ordinance, or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder, does not create liability on the part of Kitsap County, any officer or employee thereof.




On this day, before me, personally appeared__________________________________, to me known to be the individual(s) described herein and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.

        GIVEN under my hand and official seal the _____day of                             _________, 20____


        NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington,

        Residing at______________________________

    Notary Seal    My Commission expires: ___________________



______________________________    ______________________________

Property Owner signature    Property Owner signature

(Ord. 545 (2017) § 5 (Appx. (part)), 2017: Ord. 351 (2005) § 37 (part), 2005)

Appendix F – Critical Area Decision Types

Below are the decisions and their respective decision-making bodies included in Title 19 of the Kitsap County Code.



Type I

Type II

Type III

Written Notice (To Interested Parties and Neighbors Within 400 feet of Project)




Decision Making Body



Hearing Examiner (Public Hearing)


Uses within Wetlands and Buffers




Mitigation Plans/Requirements




Buffer Averaging (Cat. III and IV w/habitat scores <5, up to 50%)




Buffer Averaging (all other wetlands, <25%)




Administrative Buffer Reduction (<25% and not less than 30 feet for single family residence, and not less than 40 feet for all other uses)




Variance (>25% for buffer reduction or averaging, or >50% for buffer averaging of Cat. III and IV wetlands w/habitat scores <5)









Buffer Averaging




Administrative Buffer Reduction (<25%)




Administrative Buffer Reduction (25-50% for single-family residence)




Variance (>50% for single-family residence, or >25% for all other uses)









Habitat Management Plan Approval









Buffer/Setback Reduction (with Geotechnical Report Approval)









Hydrological Report Approval








(Ord. 545 (2017) § 5 (Appx. (part)), 2017: Ord. 351 (2005) § 37 (part), 2005)

APPENDIX G – Checklist and Sample Outline for a Delineation Report

At a MINIMUM, a delineation report should include:

□    Field data sheets (complete set that were filled out during the wetland determination and delineation). These could be added as an Appendix to the report.

□    A map identifying wetland boundaries and the locations of all data collection points (for large and/or complex projects, a large scale [1":400' to 1":100'] aerial photo with overlays displaying site property and wetland boundaries is helpful). This map must also clearly delineate the boundaries of the area evaluated.

□    An explanation of the approach used to delineate the wetlands and synthesize the data. Describe the vegetation, soils, and hydrologic characteristics and summarize the available information used in making the wetland determination. The following are examples of potential sources of information1:

▪    USGS quadrangle map (or other topographic map of the area).

▪    National Wetland Inventory (NWI) map.

▪    Local wetland inventories.

▪    County soil surveys.

▪    Stream and tidal gage data.

▪    Previous site documentation and/ or analysis (e.g., environmental checklist, environmental impact assessment or statement (EIA or EIS), geotechnical report).

▪    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood insurance rate maps.

▪    Regional maps that characterize the area.

▪    Local experts.

▪    USGS land use and land cover maps.

▪    Survey plans and engineering designs for the proposed development project.

▪    Aerial photos.

▪    Other site specific information.

□    Information on rare plants and high-quality wetlands from the Washington National Heritage Program.

□    Information on priority habitats and species from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

The following sample outline for a wetland delineation report has been copied with permission from the Field Guide for Wetland Delineation: 1987 Corps of Engineers Manual prepared by the Wetland Training Institute. Additional information can be found at the end of that field guide in the section of the document entitled “Preparing a Delineation Report.”

I. Introduction

A.    Who authorized the delineation

B.    Why is it being done

C.    Location of site (Map)

D.    Date of site visit(s)

E.    Identification of delineators

II. Methods

A.    Brief description of method used

B.    Any modification of methods

C.    Sources of existing information used

III. Results and Discussion

A    Description of the site

1.    Topography

2.    Plant communities

3.    Soils mapped and found (map)

4.    Hydrology information

5.    Existing wetland mapping (e.g., NWI/state/local)

B.    Findings

1.    Types of wetlands identified (e.g., Cowardin, et al 1979)

a.    Description

b.    Locations

c.    Area

d.    Contrast with nonwetland

e.    How was boundary chosen (e.g., feature on the landscape)

2.    Types of other waters identified

a.    Description

b.    Locations

c.    Area

d.    Contrast with nonwetland

e.    How was boundary chosen (e.g., feature on the landscape)

3.    Include maps/drawings showing results

IV. Conclusion

A.    Brief summary of total area and the types of wetlands and other regulated waters

B.    Statement regarding the need for permits

C.    Caution that final authority rests with the appropriate agencies

V. Literature Cited

VI. Appendix A (Data Sheets)

(Ord. 545 (2017) § 5 (Appx. (part)), 2017: Ord. 351 (2005) § 37 (part), 2005)

Appendix H – Mitigation Plan Checklist



Introduction and Summary of Document



Cover/Title Page



Project Name



Reference #'s (e.g., Corps application #)



Date of publication



Who it was prepared for and by/contact information



Table of Contents



List of Figures



List of Tables



Responsible Parties



Executive Summary



Proposed Development Project



Project description



Project location, maps



Type of development (existing and proposed land uses)



Size of the development project



Construction schedule



Description of the development site (baseline conditions)



Historic and current land uses and zoning designations



Existing wetlands on or adjacent to the development site



Other aquatic resources on or adjacent to the development site



Known historic or cultural resources on the development site



Maps showing the baseline conditions of the development site and adjacent properties



Assessment of the Impacts at the Development Site



Area (acreage) of wetland impacts



Description of the water regime



Description of the soils



Description of the vegetation



Description of fauna using the site



Position and function of the wetland(s) in the landscape



Description of functions provided by the wetlands



Wetland rating






*Water quality



Mitigation Approach



Mitigation sequencing



Project-specific goals



Mitigation strategy



Proposed Mitigation Site(s)



Location, including map



Site ownership



Site selection rationale



Site constraints



Existing (Baseline) Conditions of the Mitigation Site



Historic and current land uses and zoning designations



Known historic or cultural resources on the mitigation site



Existing wetlands on or adjacent to the development site



Other aquatic resources on or adjacent to the development site



*Maps showing current contours as surveyed. This is needed particularly when mitigation activities will alter ground elevations.



Description of the water regime



Description of the soils



Description of the vegetation



Description of fauna using the site



Position and function of the wetland(s) in the landscape



Description of functions provided by the wetlands



Wetland rating






*Water quality



Maps related to the existing conditions of the mitigation site, existing wetlands, and adjacent properties



Mitigation Site Plans/Design



Description of Site Plan/Design



Description of the water regime and how adequate amounts of water will be provided to support a wetland



Type of development (existing and proposed land uses) Discussion of how the mitigation plan will compensate for lost and degraded functions



Schematic drawings



*Section drawings showing relationship of topography to water regime and vegetation



Grading Plan/Site Maps



Orientation and scale



*Existing and proposed elevation contours



*Spot elevations for low points, high points, and structures



Property boundaries



On-site wetland boundaries



*On-site floodplain and ordinary high water mark boundaries



*Survey of benchmarks



*Location and elevation of soil borings or test pits



*Location and elevation of water level sampling devices



*Location of soils to be stockpiled, if any



*Description of methods of erosion control and bank stabilization



Buffer areas for the mitigation site and their boundaries



Water Regime



Description of the proposed frequency and duration of flooding, inundation, or soil saturation



Description of the proposed groundwater and surface water sources and characteristics



*Description of the elevation of the water table and dates measured



*Engineering drawings of any proposed water control structures






Soils logs from on-site evaluation



Description of how the soil characteristics will be affected by the mitigation activities



*Description of the elevation of the water table and dates measured



*Engineering drawings of any proposed water control structures



Planting/Landscape Plans



Topographic map showing typical planting scheme (distribution and spacing of vegetation)



List of plant materials



Other planting details



Expected natural revegetation from existing seed bank and natural recruitment from nearby sites



Description of methods to control invasive species



A plan for irrigating the plants



Description of soil amendments



*Section drawings showing water levels in relation to plant distributions



Description of protective features (fences, signs)



Map of location and type of habitat structures



*Examples of Similar Mitigation Projects



*Description of the experience the designer has had with the type of mitigation proposed



*Examples of other sites that have used the same approach



*Other information that demonstrates that the high-risk plan will be successful



Site-Specific Goals, Objectives, and Performance Standards






Objectives for each goal



Performance standards for each objective



Monitoring Plan



Variables to be measured



Sampling methods for each variable



Schedule for sampling each variable



A map of sampling locations or describe how the locations with be determined for each monitoring event



*Laboratory methods to be used, if applicable



Timetable for reporting monitoring results to the agencies (final plan only)



Site Protection



Describe measures that will be taken to protect the site over the long term



Copies of legal documents (e.g., conservation easement, deed restriction) (final plan only)



Maintenance and Contingency Plans (final plan only)



Maintenance plan



Description of and reason for each maintenance activity planned



Maintenance schedule for each activity (where applicable)



Contingency plan



Initiating procedures



*Description of contingency funds



Implementation Schedule (final plan only)



Construction sequence for grading, water diversions, plantings, etc.



Time schedule and completions dates



Permit conditions specifying time limits



*Financial Assurances (final plan only)

    Items with asterisk (*) are required for more complex projects. If an item is not required for a draft mitigation plan, it is indicated in parenthesis (final plan only).

(Ord. 545 (2017) § 5 (Appx. (part)), 2017)


These are potential sources of information that may have been helpful in making a determination, but not all listed sources of information may be applicable to a given situation. The delineator is not required to obtain information from all of the listed sources of information.