Chapter 11.12


11.12.010    Designated – Maps.

11.12.010 Designated – Maps.

All of the roads (with exception of state highways and those within incorporated towns and cities), as indicated on that certain set of maps on file in the office of the county engineer, being the latest, current and revised edition entitled “General Highway Map – Kitsap County, Washington” prepared by the Department of Highways, Highway Planning Division in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, consisting of Sheet A of 1 map sheet and 12 supplemental sheets, are established as county roads for the purpose of allocating funds from the Motor Vehicle Fund of the state of Washington as set forth and prescribed under RCW 46.68.120 and the set of maps shall be considered part of this chapter, the same as if set forth in this section at length.

(Res. 150-1971, 1971)