Chapter 17.320
17.320.020 Uses permitted and design standards.
17.320.030 Special provisions.
17.320.010 Purpose.
This urban zone allows a wide range of industrial activities including heavy industry such as fabrication, warehousing, processing of raw materials, bulk handling and storage, construction, and heavy transportation. This zone is intended to provide sites for activities which require processing, fabrication, storage, and wholesale trade. Generally, these activities require reasonable accessibility to major transportation corridors including highways, rail, airports or shipping.
(Ord. 534 (2016) § 7(5) (App. E) (part), 2016)
17.320.020 Uses permitted and design standards.
A. Uses Permitted: Section 17.410.044, Commercial, industrial, parks and public facility zones use table.
B. Design Standards: Section 17.420.054, Commercial, industrial, and parks zones density and dimensions table.
1. Density;
2. Lot dimensions;
3. Lot coverage standards;
4. Height regulations;
5. Setbacks.
C. Chapter 17.105, Interpretations and Exceptions.
D. Chapter 17.440, Master Planning.
E. Chapter 17.450, Performance Based Development.
F. Chapter 17.490, Off-Street Parking and Loading.
G. Chapter 17.500, Landscaping.
H. Chapter 17.510, Sign Code.
I. Chapter 17.580, Transfer of Development Rights.
(Ord. 534 (2016) § 7(5) (App. E) (part), 2016)
17.320.030 Special provisions.
In any industrial zone, an industrial park, as further described, may be permitted. An industrial park is intended to provide centers or clusters of not less than twenty acres for most manufacturing and industrial uses under controls which will minimize the effect of such industries on nearby uses. Industrial parks are intended to encourage industrial activities to occur within a park-like environment. Any use permitted outright in industrial zones or by conditional use review when located in an industrial park is subject to the following provisions:
A. Lot Requirements.
1. Lot area: none.
2. Lot width: none.
3. Lot Depth. Minimum lot depth shall be two hundred feet.
B. Lot Setback. Minimum lot setback shall be one hundred feet for any yard abutting a residential zone, unless berming and landscaping approved by the director is provided which will effectively screen and buffer the industrial activities from the residential zone which it abuts; in which case, the minimum setback shall be fifty feet.
1. Front Yard. Minimum front yard setback shall be forty feet.
2. Side Yard. Minimum side yard setback shall be twenty-five feet.
3. Rear Yard. Minimum rear yard setback shall be twenty feet.
C. Lot Coverage. Maximum lot coverage by buildings shall be consistent with provisions set forth in Section 17.420.054, Commercial, industrial, and parks zones density and dimensions table.
1. No service roads, spur tracks, hard stands, or outside storage areas shall be permitted within required yard areas adjacent to residential zones.
2. No yards are required at points where side or rear yards abut a railroad right-of-way or spur track.
D. Fences, walls and hedges will be allowed inside of a boundary planting screen where it is necessary to protect property of the industry concerned, or to protect the public from a dangerous condition with no fence being constructed in a required yard adjacent to public right-of-way.
E. Off-street parking and loading shall be provided as required by Chapter 17.490. No off-street parking or loading shall be allowed within fifty feet of an adjacent residential zone, unless the director finds that a buffer will exist that effectively screens the parking and loading from the adjacent residential zone, in which case, no off-street parking or loading shall be allowed within thirty feet of an adjacent residential zone. Off-street parking or loading may be permitted within the side yard but not within a required front yard area.
F. Site Landscaping and Design Plan. As a component of land use review, development within this zone shall be subject to review and approval by the director of a site landscape and design plan. In addition to the requirements of Chapter 17.500 and any required design standards for the area, the following requirements shall apply:
1. All required landscaping shall be installed prior to occupancy.
2. Required rear and side yard setback areas abutting a residential zone shall provide and maintain a dense evergreen buffer which attains a mature height of at least eleven feet, or other screening measure as may be prescribed by the director.
3. Areas which are to be maintained shall be so designated on a landscape plan and subject to the review and approval of the director.
4. All mechanical, heating and ventilating equipment shall be visually screened.
G. Performance Standards. No land or structure shall be used or occupied within this zone unless there is compliance with the following minimum performance standards:
1. Maximum permissible noise levels shall be in compliance with the Kitsap County noise ordinance.
2. Vibration other than that caused by highway vehicles, trains, and aircraft which is discernible without instruments at the property line of the use concerned is prohibited.
3. Air emissions (smoke and particulate matter) must be approved by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Authority.
4. The emission of noxious gases (odors) or matter in such quantities as to be readily detectable at any point beyond the property line of the use causing such odors is prohibited.
5. Heat and Glare. Except for exterior lighting, operations producing heat and glare shall be conducted within an enclosed building. Exterior lighting shall be designed to shield surrounding streets and land uses from nuisance and glare.
H. Administration. As a condition for the granting of a building permit and/or site plan approval, at the request of the director, information sufficient to determine the degree of compliance with the standards in this title shall be furnished by the applicant. Such request may include continuous records of operation, for periodic checks to assure maintenance of standards or for special surveys.
(Ord. 534 (2016) § 7(5) (App. E) (part), 2016)