Chapter 19.500


19.500.505    Purpose.

19.500.505 Purpose.

The purpose of this section is to protect the public health, safety and welfare from harm caused by flooding. It is also the intent to prevent damage and/or loss to both public and private property. In addition, this section will give special consideration to anadromous fish habitat in combination with Chapter 19.300, Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas. To fulfill this purpose, Kitsap County uses the Title 15 of this code (Flood Hazard Areas), adopted by reference, which designates special flood hazard areas and establishes permit requirements for these areas.

In addition, the Kitsap County Geographic Information System (GIS) database for critical drainage areas, as defined in Title 12 of the Kitsap County Code (Stormwater), will be included for areas of review under Frequently Flooded Areas.

(Ord. 351 (2005) § 33, 2005: Ord. 217 (1998) § 3, (part), 1998)