Chapter 2.92

*    Editor’s Note: Former Chapter 2.92, “Veterans Relief Program,” was repealed and readopted by Ordinance 304 (2003). Resolution 316-1984 was formerly codified in this chapter. The chapter was subsequently repealed and replaced and retitled by Ord. 364 (2006).


2.92.010    Purpose.

2.92.020    Definitions.

2.92.030    Administration of veterans’ assistance fund.

2.92.040    Authorized fund uses.

2.92.050    Veterans advisory board established.

2.92.060    Duties of advisory board.

2.92.070    Application for assistance.

2.92.080    Burial or cremation of deceased veterans or family member.

2.92.090    Disbursal of funds – Issuance of warrants.

2.92.100    Contracted services.

2.92.110    Liberal construction.

2.92.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to promote compliance with state laws providing assistance to indigent veterans and their families, ensure that funds collected for veterans’ assistance are appropriately used, and achieve maximum use of limited public resources to assist as many indigent veterans and their families as possible. Chapter 73.08 RCW as now or hereinafter amended, is hereby adopted by reference.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)

2.92.020 Definitions.

(1)    “Veteran” means, for the purpose of this chapter, those persons defined in RCW 41.04.005 and 41.05.007, as now or hereafter amended.

(2)    “Advisory board” means the Kitsap County veterans advisory board.

(3)    “Veterans’ assistance fund” means those sums assessed and collected for the assistance of veterans and their families.

(4)    “Indigent” means a veteran who is using one or more of the following definitions:

(a)    Receiving one of the following types of public assistance: Temporary assistance for needy families, general assistance, poverty-related veterans’ benefits, food stamps or food stamp benefits transferred electronically, refugee resettlement benefits, Medicaid, or supplemental security income;

(b)    Receiving an annual income, after taxes, of up to one hundred fifty percent or less of the current federally established poverty level, or receiving an annual income not exceeding a higher qualifying income established by the county board of commissioners; or

(c)    Unable to pay reasonable costs for shelter, food, utilities, and transportation because his or her available funds are insufficient.

(5)    Other terms used in this chapter shall have the same meaning as in Chapter 73.08 RCW, as it may be amended from time to time.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)

2.92.030 Administration of veterans’ assistance fund.

In administering the veterans’ assistance fund the Kitsap County Department of Personnel and Human Services shall:

(1)    Assist the advisory board in giving advice and making recommendations to the board of county commissioners consistent with and reasonably necessary to implement this chapter;

(2)    Provide a meeting space for the advisory board and such supplies, equipment, and staff as may be necessary to fulfill its mission;

(3)    If needed, develop and administer contracts or interlocal agreements to provide assistance services to veterans;

(4)    Submit to the board of county commissioners for its final review and approval, all advisory board rules, guidelines, policies and procedures and their amendments; proposals for contracts or interlocal agreements; and an annual budget and list of expenditures in accordance of Chapter 36.40 RCW and county policies and procedures.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)

2.92.040 Authorized fund uses.

Expenditures from the veterans’ assistance fund, and any interest earned on balances from the fund, may be used only for:

(1)    The veterans’ assistance programs authorized by Chapter 73.08 RCW;

(2)    The burial or cremation of a deceased indigent veteran or deceased family member of an indigent veteran as authorized by Chapter 73.08 RCW; and

(3)    The direct and indirect costs incurred in the administration of the fund as authorized by Chapter 73.08 RCW.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)

2.92.050 Veterans advisory board established.

The Kitsap County veterans advisory aboard is hereby established. The board of county commissioners shall solicit representatives from either local branches of nationally recognized veterans’ service organizations or the veterans’ community at large, or both, to serve on the board. No less than a majority of the board members shall be members from nationally recognized veterans’ service organizations and only veterans are eligible to serve as board members.

(1)    The advisory board shall elect a chair and vice chair; shall propose bylaws and operating guidelines for review and approval by the board of county commissioners; and shall meet with sufficient frequency to provide timely advice to the board of county commissioners.

(2)    Advisory board members serve at the pleasure of the board of county commissioners and may be removed at the convenience of the board of county commissioners.

(3)    Service on the advisory board is voluntary and without pay.

(4)    The advisory board shall consist of not more than 17 members.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)

2.92.060 Duties of advisory board.

The veterans advisory board shall advise the board of county commissioners on the needs of local indigent veterans, the resources available to local indigent veterans, and programs that could benefit the needs of local indigent veterans and their families.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)

2.92.070 Application for assistance.

(1)    Each application for assistance shall comply with such policies, procedures, and forms as may be adopted from time to time by the board of county commissioners.

(2)    At a minimum, an assistance application shall be accompanied by a declaration that conforms with RCW 9A.72.085 and is subscribed by the indigent veteran, or family member requesting assistance, certifying or declaring that:

(a)    The person making an application for assistance is a veteran or family member of a veteran, as described in Chapter 73.08 RCW;

(b)    The person making an application for assistance is a resident of the state of Washington; and

(c)    The person making an application for assistance is indigent or is a family member of an indigent veteran, as defined in Chapter 73.08 RCW.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)

2.92.080 Burial or cremation of deceased veterans or family member.

(1)    Assistance for the burial or cremation of any deceased indigent veteran or deceased family member of an indigent veteran who died without leaving means sufficient to defray funeral expenses shall not be less than three hundred dollars or more than the limit established by current written policy approved by the board of county commissioners.

(2)    If the deceased has relatives or friends who desire to conduct the burial or cremation of such deceased person, then a sum not to exceed the limit established by board of county commissioners nor less than three hundred dollars shall be paid to the relatives or friends by the county auditor. Payment shall be made to the relatives or friends upon presenting to the department of personnel and human services due proof of the death, burial or cremation, and expenses incurred.

(3)    Expenses incurred for the burial or cremation of a deceased indigent veteran or the deceased family member of an indigent veteran as provided by this section shall be paid from the veterans’ assistance fund.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)

2.92.090 Disbursal of funds – Issuance of warrants.

Except for administrative costs, no funds shall be disbursed from the veterans’ assistance fund except in accordance with policies and procedures adopted from time to time by board of county commissioners and the county auditor.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)

2.92.100 Contracted services.

If necessary, services can be contracted with private providers, as authorized by Chapter 73.08 RCW, including review, approval and payment of burial or cremation expenditures. In addition, the board of county commissioners may authorize other entities to administer the veterans’ assistance program through grants, contracts, or interlocal agreements, as authorized by Chapter 73.08 RCW.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)

2.92.110 Liberal construction.

This chapter shall be liberally construed to achieve its stated purposes and the purposes intended in Chapter 73.08 RCW.

(Ord. 364 (2006) § 1 (part), 2006)