Chapter 9.20


9.20.010    Permitting to enter premises selling/displaying designated items.

9.20.020    Entering premises selling/displaying designated items.

9.20.030    Sale and display rooms.

9.20.040    Violation – Misdemeanor.

9.20.010 Permitting to enter premises selling/displaying designated items.

With respect to any owner, manager, proprietor, or other person in charge of any room or enclosure in any place of business selling, or displaying for the purpose of sale, any device, contrivance, instrument or paraphernalia for the smoking, ingestion, injection, or consumption of marijuana, hashish, PCP, or any controlled substance, as defined in RCW Chapter 69.50 (Uniform Controlled Substances Act), other than prescription drugs and devices to ingest or inject prescription drugs, as well as roach clips, and cigarette papers and rollers designed or commonly used for the smoking of the foregoing, no such person, under circumstances evincing his or her intent that any such item or items so sold or displayed be used or employed by another in the commission of a criminal violation of RCW Chapter 69.50, shall allow or permit any person under the age of eighteen years to be, remain in, enter, or visit such room or enclosure unless such minor person is accompanied by one of his or her parents, or by his or her legal guardian.

(Ord. 81 (1980) § l(a), 1980)

9.20.020 Entering premises selling/displaying designated items.

No person under the age of eighteen years shall be, remain in, enter or visit any room or enclosure in any place used for the sale, or displaying for sale, of any device, contrivance, instrument or paraphernalia for the smoking, ingestion, injection, or consumption of marijuana, hashish, PCP, or any controlled substance, as defined in RCW Chapter 69.50 (Uniform Controlled Substances Act), other than prescription drugs and devices to ingest or inject prescription drugs, as well as roach clips, and cigarette papers and rollers designed or commonly used for smoking the foregoing, under circumstances evincing the intent of the person in charge of such room or enclosure that any such item or items so sold or displayed be used or employed by another in the commission of a criminal violation of RCW Chapter 69.50, unless such person under the age of eighteen years is accompanied by one of his or her parents, or by his or her legal guardian.

(Ord. 81 (1980) § l(b), 1980)

9.20.030 Sale and display rooms.

No person shall maintain in any place of business to which the public is invited the display for sale, or the offering to sell, of any device, contrivance, instrument or paraphernalia for the smoking, ingestion, injection, or consumption of marijuana, hashish, PCP, or any controlled substance, as defined in RCW Chapter 69.50 (Uniform Controlled Substances Act), other than prescription drugs and devices to ingest or inject prescription drugs, as well as roach clips, and cigarette papers and rollers designed or commonly used for smoking the foregoing, under circumstances evincing his or her intent that any such item or items so sold or displayed be used or employed by another in the commission of a criminal violation of RCW Chapter 69.50, unless within a separate room or enclosure to which minors not accompanied by parent or legal guardian are excluded. At each entrance to such room or enclosure shall be a sign posted in reasonably visible and legible words to the effect that minors, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, are excluded.

(Ord. 81 (1980) § l(c), 1980)

9.20.040 Violation – Misdemeanor.

Any violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor, and the punishment shall be as provided by the laws of the state.

(Ord. 81 (1980) § 2, 1980)