Chapter 9.52


9.52.010    Definitions.

9.52.020    Organization established.

9.52.030    Powers and duties of the health district.

9.52.040    Board of health established.

9.52.050    Control by the board of health.

9.52.060    Composition of the board of health.

9.52.070    Conduct of business by the board of health.

9.52.080    Health officer.

9.52.090    Powers and duties of health officer.

9.52.100    Budget.

9.52.110    Funding.

9.52.120    Fund established.

9.52.130    Construction.

9.52.010 Definitions.

The following terms are defined as follows:

1.    “Board of health” means the board of health for the Bremerton-Kitsap County health district.

2.    “Cities” means the cities of Bainbridge Island, Bremerton, Port Orchard and Poulsbo.

3.    “County” means Kitsap County.

4.    “Health district” means the territory within the cities and within the county which provides public health services to persons.

5.    “Health officer” means the legally qualified physician who has been appointed by the board of health.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 1, 1996)

9.52.020 Organization established.

The existence of the health district as a separate entity is reaffirmed in accordance with RCW 70.46.031.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 2, 1996)

9.52.030 Powers and duties of the health district.

The health district shall provide public health services to the residents of and on behalf of the county and cities. In addition, the health district is vested with all the powers to perform all duties as set forth in RCW Chapters 70.05 et. seq. and 70.46 et. seq.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 3, 1996)

9.52.040 Board of health established.

The board of health is reaffirmed and established.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 4, 1996)

9.52.050 Control by the board of health.

The control, direction and management of the health district are vested in the board of health.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 5, 1996)

9.52.060 Composition of the board of health.

The board of health shall be composed of ten persons as follows: (1) the three county commissioners; (2) the mayor, city council president and one at-large council member of Bremerton; (3) the mayors of Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard and Poulsbo; and (4) a councilmember from the city of Bainbridge Island.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 6, 1996)

9.52.070 Conduct of business by the board of health.

(a)    Meetings. The business and other matters which come before the board of health shall be transacted at open, public meetings. Meetings may be scheduled at regular times or may be called as necessary.

(b)    Quorum. Five members of the board of health shall constitute a quorum and business may be transacted by a majority vote.

(c)    Election. At the first meeting of each calendar year the board of health shall elect one of its members chairperson and another vice chairperson. Each shall serve for the balance of the calendar year or until successors are elected.

(d)    Minutes. The health officer or someone designated by him/her shall keep the minutes of all meetings.

(e)    Rules. The board of health meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 7, 1996)

9.52.080 Health officer.

The board of health shall appoint a health officer who shall organize, administrate and operate the health district on a day-to-day basis. The health officer shall serve at the pleasure of the board of health.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 8, 1996)

9.52.090 Powers and duties of health officer.

The health officer shall:

(a)    Enforce public health statutes of the state, rules of the State Board of Health and the Secretary of Health, and all local rules and regulations regarding public health;

(b)    Take such action as is necessary to maintain health and sanitation supervision over the county and cities;

(c)    Control and prevent the spread of any dangerous, contagious or infectious diseases;

(d)    Inform the public as to the causes, nature and prevention of disease and disability and preservation, promotion and improvement of health;

(e)    Prevent, control or abate nuisances which are detrimental to the public health;

(f)    Attend all conferences called by the Secretary of Health or his/her authorized representative;

(g)    Collect such fees as are established by the State Board of Health or the Bremerton-Kitsap board of health for the issuance or renewal of licenses or permits or such other fees as may be authorized;

(h)    Inspect, as necessary, expansion or modifications of existing public water systems, and the construction of new public water systems, to assure that the expansion, modification or construction conforms to system design and plans;

(i)    Take such measures as he/she deems necessary in order to promote the public health, to participate in the establishment of health educational or training activities, and to authorize the attendance of employees of the health district or individuals engaged in community health programs related to or part of the programs of the health district.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 9, 1996)

9.52.100 Budget.

(a)    Submittal of Basic Budget. Prior to the expiration of each calendar year the health officer shall submit a proposed basic budget to the budget director of Kitsap County for his/her recommendation. The proposed basic budget shall include Kitsap County’s contribution from the general fund in accordance with Kitsap County budgetary guidelines, grants, gifts and the motor vehicle excise tax amount pursuant to RCW 82.44.110(1)(l). Thereafter, the proposed basic budget shall be submitted to the board of health after the county budget department has verified the county’s contribution in accordance with the guidelines.

(b)    Adoption. The board of health shall adopt a basic budget each calendar year.

(c)    Submittal of Supplemental Budget. If the health officer determines that supplemental funding is required, he/she will simultaneously submit a supplemental proposal with the basic budget proposal. The proposed supplemental budget shall be submitted to the budget director of the county and of each city for his/her recommendation. Thereafter, the proposed supplemental budget, together with the recommendations of each budget director, shall be submitted to the board of health.

(d)    Adoption. The board of health shall adopt a supplemental budget, if applicable, each calendar year. Approval shall require unanimous vote from the members contributing funds to the supplemental budget.

(e)    Special Projects. The county or any city, or any combination thereof, may voluntarily fund a special project of the health district.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 10, 1996)

9.52.110 Funding.

(a)    Basic Budget. The annual basic budget amount of the health district shall be funded by the county’s contribution from the general fund, receipt of grants, gifts and the public health account, which is created from a portion of the cities’ motor vehicle excise tax and distributed by the State Treasurer.

(b)    Supplemental Budget. The supplemental budget amount of the health district not funded in the basic budget shall be funded by assessments from cities. The assessment amount for each city shall be that amount which is proportionate to the population of that city, and that percentage is then multiplied by the budget amount. The county, in its discretion, may agree to participate in the funding of the supplemental budget. In the event that the county does agree to participate, the assessment amount for the county shall be that amount which is proportionate to the population of the unincorporated portion of the county and that percentage is then multiplied by the budget amount. Population figures utilized shall be the latest figures available from the Bureau of Census as updated periodically by the State Department of Health or other official source.

(c)    Special Projects. Funding for special projects may be obtained from any entity agreeing to commit funds. The county and cities shall not have the authority to commit funds of another entity.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 11, 1996)

9.52.120 Fund established.

Moneys received and collected on behalf of the health district shall be deposited in a fund known as the “health district fund” maintained by the county treasurer. Expenditures by the health district shall be made from this fund.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 12, 1996)

9.52.130 Construction.

This chapter shall be liberally construed to secure the public health, safety and welfare, and the rule of strict construction shall have no application.

(Ord. 196 (1996) § 13, 1996)