Chapter 12.16


12.16.010    Authority of the director.

12.16.020    Grading plan required.

12.16.030    Abbreviated grading plan.

12.16.040    Erosion and sedimentation control.

12.16.050    Drainage.

12.16.060    Minimum grading standards.

12.16.070    Hazards.

12.16.080    Additional review.

12.16.090    Permit exemptions.

12.16.100    Changes in site topography.

12.16.110    Rockeries and retaining structures.

12.16.120    Maintenance.

12.16.130    Progress of work.

12.16.140    Expiration of existing grading permits.

12.16.010 Authority of the director.

The director is the designated agent for the issuance of site development activity permits for grading, and shall have the authority to prepare regulations and set administrative procedures to carry out the purposes and intent of this chapter.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.05, 1996)

12.16.020 Grading plan required.

Grading projects meeting the criteria of Section 12.10.060 shall be required to have an approved engineered grading plan.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.10, 1996)

12.16.030 Abbreviated grading plan.

Grading projects meeting the definition of a minor development will require an approved abbreviated grading plan in lieu of an engineered grading plan. An abbreviated grading plan is a grading plan that does not require the seal of a professional civil engineer.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.11, 1996)

12.16.040 Erosion and sedimentation control.

The grading plan shall include a temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan. The plan shall clearly indicate the construction sequence for establishment of all erosion and sedimentation control work, both temporary and permanent. The plan shall conform to all requirements and standards for erosion and sedimentation control set forth in Chapter 12.14.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.12, 1996)

12.16.050 Drainage.

(a)    All grading activities shall conform to the requirements of this title concerning storm water management.

(b)    Where required by the director, all discharge of runoff from the project site shall be of like quality, flow rate and velocity as that which flowed from the project site prior to the work for which the site development activity permit has been issued.

(c)    Storm water flows shall be accepted onto, and shall be discharged from, a project site at the natural or otherwise legally existing locations.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.13, 1996)

12.16.060 Minimum grading standards.

This title sets forth minimum standards which shall apply to grading activities as described in Section 12.10.030. For circumstances not specifically addressed in this title or the Stormwater Design Manual, the provisions of the Uniform Building Code as currently in effect and adopted in Title 14 of this code, shall apply.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.14, 1996)

12.16.070 Hazards.

Whenever the director determines that an existing excavation, embankment or fill on private property has become a hazard to public safety, endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public way, critical drainage area, or drainage channel, such conditions shall become a violation of Section 12.32.130.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.15, 1996)

12.16.080 Additional review.

Permits regulating grading activities for major developments may be subject to review and recommendation of approval by the Kitsap County department of community development.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.16, 1996)

12.16.090 Permit exemptions.

The following grading activities shall not require the issuance of a site development activity permit:

(1)    Excavation for utilities, or for wells or tunnels allowed under separate permit by other agencies;

(2)    An excavation below finished grade for basements and footings of a building, retaining wall or other structure authorized by a valid building permit. This shall not exempt the placement of any fill material removed from such an excavation, and shall not exempt any excavation beyond the limits of the basement or footing excavations nor exempt excavations having an unsupported height greater than five feet after the completion of such a structure;

(3)    Agricultural crop management outside of critical drainage areas limited to the preparation of soil by turning, discing or other means endorsed by the Kitsap County Conservation District;

(4)    Excavation for cemetery graves;

(5)    Landscape installation where fill is confined to less than one foot of topsoil and land disturbing activities are limited to less than one acre;

(6)    The disposal of solid waste, wood waste, problem waste and demolition waste authorized pursuant to RCW 70.95, and regulations presently enacted or as may be amended or as specifically approved by the Bremerton-Kitsap County health district;

(7)    Mining, quarrying, excavating, processing and/or stockpiling of rock, sand, gravel, aggregate or clay where established and provided by law, and a permit for said activity has been issued by the state of Washington or the federal government, provided such operations do not affect the lateral support or increase the stresses in or pressure upon any adjacent or contiguous land and the activities meet the minimum requirements of this title;

(8)    Exploratory excavations under the direction of a qualified professional engineer;

(9)    Grading activities already approved by separate permit granted by any governing authority, provided that the activities meet the minimum requirements of this title;

(10)    Emergency sandbagging, diking, ditching, filling or similar work during or after periods of extreme weather conditions when done to protect life or property;

(11)    Maintenance activities within public rights-of-way performed by Kitsap County personnel. However, exemption from the site development activity permit does not constitute an exemption from the other requirements of this title.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.20, 1996)

12.16.100 Changes in site topography.

(a)    The maximum surface gradient on any artificially created slope shall be two feet of horizontal run to one foot of vertical fall (2:1). This gradient may be increased to that gradient which can be demonstrated through engineering calculations to be stable, if, in the opinion of the director, it has been demonstrated by the applicant through engineering calculations performed by a qualified professional engineer that surface erosion can be controlled to that erosion rate equal to a properly stabilized 2:1 slope under the same conditions.

(b)    The applicant shall, at all times, protect adjacent private properties and public rights-of-way or easements from damage occurring during grading operations. The applicant shall restore public improvements damaged by his/her operations.

(c)    The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining and coordinating all required state or federal permits associated with the filling of wetlands or other regulated activities.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.30, 1996)

12.16.110 Rockeries and retaining structures.

Any rockery or other retaining structure greater than four feet in height shall be permitted under a separate building permit issued by the Kitsap County department of community development.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.40, 1996)

12.16.120 Maintenance.

It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to maintain all erosion control and drainage facilities in good operating condition at all times, as required in Chapter 12.14.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.50, 1996)

12.16.130 Progress of work.

All work permitted under this title shall proceed continuously to completion in an expeditious manner unless otherwise authorized by the director, with the intent that work may be halted due to weather conditions or the need to coordinate other construction on the project site. Site development activity permits, issued for grading only, shall expire six months after issuance.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.60, 1996)

12.16.140 Expiration of existing grading permits.

Any grading permit issued by Kitsap County and currently valid as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall expire six months after the effective date of said ordinance.

(Ord. 199 (1996) § 6.70, 1996)