Chapter 13.08


13.08.010    Bills – Collection – Funds.

13.08.015    Reduced rates for tax-exempt users.

13.08.020    Delinquent payment – Interest.

13.08.030    Manchester system – Residential sewer rates.

13.08.040    Manchester system –Nonresidential sewer rates.

13.08.050    Suquamish system – Residential sewer rates.

13.08.060    Suquamish system – Nonresidential sewer rates.

13.08.070    Central Kitsap system – Residential sewer rates.

13.08.080    Central Kitsap system – Nonresidential sewer rates.

13.08.090    Newcomer’s assessment established – Kingston system.

13.08.100    Newcomer’s assessment established – Suquamish system.

13.08.110    Newcomer’s assessment established – Central Kitsap system.

13.08.120    Newcomer’s assessment established – Manchester system.

13.08.010 Bills – Collection – Funds.

The public works director is directed and authorized to bill and collect from each user each month for the use of the sewer system with monthly transmittals of all funds to the Kitsap County treasurer.

(Res. 176-1970 (part), 1970)

13.08.015 Reduced rates for tax-exempt users.

Sewer rates are established whereby those receiving a tax exemption pursuant to RCW 84.36.381 will receive sewer service at a reduced rate.

(Res. 346-1981, 1981)

13.08.020 Delinquent payment – Interest.

After ninety days, delinquency interest at the rate of eight percent per year from the original date due until paid on the principal sum plus penalty shall be charged and a certificate of delinquency shall be filed with the Kitsap County treasurer as a lien against the property. The lien shall attach upon such filing and shall be for all charges, interest and penalties. Upon the expiration of sixty days after attachment of the lien, the county may foreclose its lien by civil action in superior court, the lien to be foreclosed in the same manner as the foreclosure of real property tax liens.

(Res. 123-1973 (part), 1973)

13.08.030 Manchester system – Residential sewer rates.

Sewer service rates in the Manchester sewer system for all single-family residences, duplexes, mobile homes, apartments and all other permanent multiple residential type housing shall be ten dollars and fifty cents per month for each living unit.

(Res. 238-1979 § 1, 1979: Res. 314-1977 § 1, 1977)

13.08.040 Manchester system – Nonresidential sewer rates.

(a)    Sewer service rates in the Manchester sewer system for all commercial or industrial customers not readily identified as a residential customer, including, but not limited to, hotels, motels, other transit type housing, trailer camps or courts, stores, restaurants, laundromats, churches, schools, and other commercial services or businesses shall be ten dollars and fifty cents for the first nine hundred cubic feet of water consumed and one dollar and sixteen cents for each one hundred cubic feet consumed thereafter, all as calculated on a monthly basis. The minimum monthly sewer charge is ten dollars and fifty cents per month.

(b)    Sewer service rates for industrial facilities and/or for any commercial facility which does not utilize metered water service shall be established by the Kitsap County board of commissioners as the need arises to furnish sewer service to such a facility, but in no instance shall the minimum charge be less than ten dollars and fifty cents.

(c)    Sewer service charges which are based upon monthly metered water usage shall be calculated upon the monthly average of the previous year’s water usage, and this average shall be determined by the monthly water usage records maintained by the Manchester water district. Such previous year’s average shall be the basis for current sewer billings.

(Res. 238-1979 § 2, 1979: Res. 314-1977 § 2, 1977)

13.08.050 Suquamish system – Residential sewer rates.

Sewer service rates in Suquamish sewer system for all single-family residences. duplexes, mobile homes, apartments. and all other permanent multiple residential type housing shall be eight dollars and fifty cents per month, for each living unit.

(Res. 239-1979 § 1, 1979: Res. 316-1977 § 1, 1977)

13.08.060 Suquamish system – Nonresidential sewer rates.

(a)    Sewer service rates in Suquamish sewer system for all commercial or industrial customers not readily identified as a residential customer, including, but not limited to, hotels, motels, other transit type housing, trailer camps or courts, stores, restaurants, laundromats, churches, schools, and other commercial services or businesses shall be eight dollars and fifty cents for the first nine hundred cubic feet of water consumed and ninety-four cents for each one hundred cubic feet consumed thereafter, all us calculated on a monthly basis. The minimum monthly sewer charge is eight dollars and fifty cents per month.

(b)    Sewer service rates for industrial facilities and/or for any commercial facility which does not utilize metered water service shall be established by the Kitsap County board of commissioners as the need arises to furnish sewer service to such a facility, but in no instance shall the minimum charge be less than eight dollars and fifty cents.

(c)    Sewer service charges which are based upon monthly metered water usage shall be calculated upon the monthly average of the previous year’s water usage and this average shall be determined by the monthly water usage records maintained by PUD #1. Such previous year’s average shall be the basis for current sewer billings.

(Res. 239-1979 § 2, 1979: Res. 316-1977 § 2, 1977)

13.08.070 Central Kitsap system – Residential sewer rates.

Sewer service rates for all single-family residences, duplexes, mobile homes, apartments, and all other permanent multiple-residential type housing shall be ten dollars and fifty cents per month, for each living unit.

(Res. 240-1979 § 1, 1979)

13.08.080 Central Kitsap system – Nonresidential sewer rates.

(a)    Sewer service rates for all commercial or industrial customers not readily identified as a residential customer. including, but not limited to, hotels, motels, other transit type housing, trailer camps or courts. stores, restaurants, laundromats, churches, schools, and other commercial services or businesses shall be ten dollars and fifty cents for the first nine hundred cubic feet of water consumed and one dollar and sixteen cents for each one hundred cubic feet consumed thereafter, all as calculated on a monthly basis. The minimum monthly sewer charge is ten dollars and fifty cents per month.

(b)    Sewer service rates for industrial facilities and/or for any commercial facility which does not utilize metered water service shall be established by the Kitsap County board of commissioners as the need arises to furnish sewer service to such a facility; but in no instance shall the minimum charge be less than ten dollars and fifty cents.

(c)    Sewer service charges which are based upon monthly metered water usage shall be calculated upon the monthly average of the previous year’s water usage, and this average shall be determined by the monthly water usage records maintained by the applicable water district. Such previous year’s average shall be the basis for sewer billings.

(Res. 240-1979 § 2, 1979)

13.08.090 Newcomer’s assessment established – Kingston system.

The newcomer’s assessment for the Kingston sewage system shall be seven hundred ninety dollars per residential equivalent unit.

(Res. 295-1986 § 1, 1986)

13.08.100 Newcomer’s assessment established – Suquamish system.

(a)    Newcomer’s Assessment Established Outside ULID. The newcomer’s assessment for the Suquamish sewage system for hookups outside the utility local improvement district (hereinafter, “ULID”) boundary shall be three thousand three hundred thirty dollars per residential equivalent unit.

(b)    Newcomer’s Assessment Established Inside ULID. There will be no newcomer’s assessment charged for property seven thousand square feet or larger located inside the ULID. The newcomer’s assessment will be charged proportionately for property inside the ULID which is smaller than seven thousand square feet based on three thousand three hundred thirty dollars per residential equivalent unit per seven thousand square feet.

(c)    Annual Newcomer’s Assessment Adjustment. The newcomer’s assessment shall be adjusted annually on January first of each year. The annual adjustment shall be the percentage change in the Engineering News Record – Construction Cost Index for City of Seattle from the previous year ending in November with November, 1991, as the base year. The construction cost index shall be used until such time as bonds are issued for plant expansion. at which time the newcomer’s assessment annual adjustment shall be set at the annual bond rate of interest.

(Res. 138-1992 §§ 1 – 3, 1992)

13.08.110 Newcomer’s assessment established – Central Kitsap system.

The newcomer’s assessment for the Central Kitsap sewage system shall be seven hundred ninety dollars per residential equivalent unit.

(Res. 297-1986 § 1, 1986)

13.08.120 Newcomer’s assessment established – Manchester system.

The newcomer’s assessment for the Manchester sewage system shall be nine hundred seventy-five dollars per residential equivalent unit.

(Res. 298-1986 § 1, 1986)