Chapter 2.72


2.72.010    Joint housing authority established – Title.

2.72.020    Territorial boundaries.

2.72.030    Powers of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority.

2.72.040    Appointment and tenure of commissioners.

2.72.050    Chairman.

2.72.060    Vice-chairman.

2.72.070    Quorum.

2.72.080    Compensation.

2.72.090    Administration – Staff and legal services.

2.72.100    Termination of participation.

2.72.110    Assumption of assets and liabilities of existing authority.

2.72.120    Allocation of costs.

2.72.010 Joint housing authority established – Title.

A joint housing authority by and between Kitsap County, the city of Port Orchard, the city of Poulsbo and the city of Bainbridge Island is hereby created under the title of the “Kitsap County consolidated housing authority.”

(Ord. 86-C (1982) § 1, 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 1, 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 1, 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 1, 1981)

2.72.020 Territorial boundaries.

The area of operation of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority shall include the combined area that lies within the territorial boundaries of Kitsap County and the territorial boundaries of the city of Port Orchard, the city of Poulsbo, and the city of Bainbridge Island.

(Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 2, 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 2, 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 2, 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 2, 1981)

2.72.030 Powers of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority.

The Kitsap County consolidated housing authority shall constitute a public body corporate and politic exercising public and essential governmental functions, and having all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of RCW Chapter 35.82.

(Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 3, 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 3, 1982: Ord 86-A (1981) § 3, 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 3, 1981)

2.72.040 Appointment and tenure of commissioners.

The Kitsap County consolidated housing authority shall be governed by a board of seven commissioners composed of the following:

(a)    Elected Officials. The elected members of the board of commissioners shall be the board of county commissioners of Kitsap County, the mayor of Port Orchard, the mayor of Poulsbo, and the mayor of Bainbridge Island.

(1)    Appointment to the board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority as a result of holding such elective office shall take effect upon election and confirmation of office as a county or municipal official. A certificate of appointment or reappointment to the board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority shall be filed with the clerk of the board and such certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the due and proper appointment of such commissioner.

(2)    Each commissioner shall hold office during his/her tenure as an elected official of the county or municipality respectively, and he/she shall continue to hold office until his/her successor has been appointed.

(b)    Participant. One individual who is directly assisted by the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority, elected by a majority affirmative vote of the above elected officials, who shall serve for a term of two years. Such individual participant board member may be removed from the office by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the above elected officials.

(Ord. 86-F (1999), 1999; Ord. 86-D (1986), 1986: Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 4, 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 4, 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 4, 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 4, 1981)

2.72.050 Chairman.

At its first scheduled meeting of the board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority, the board shall elect one of its members as the first chairman.

(1)    In each year, the board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority at its first scheduled meeting in January shall elect one of its members as its chairman for the following calendar year. The chairman elect shall serve in that capacity as chairman for a period of one year or until the expiration of his/her term as an elected official of the county or municipality respectively, whichever occurs first.

(2)    In the event the chairman’s position becomes vacant prior to December thirty-first of any calendar year, the board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority shall elect a new chairman to serve the remaining portion of such term.

(Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 5 (part), 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 5 (part), 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 5 (part), 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 5 (part), 1981)

2.72.060 Vice-chairman.

At its first scheduled meeting of the board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority, the board shall elect one of its members as the first vice-chairman.

(1)    In each year, the board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority at its first scheduled meeting in January shall elect one of its members as its vice-chairman for the following calendar year. The vice-chairman-elect shall serve in that capacity as vice-chairman for a period of one year or until the expiration of his/her term as an elected official of the county or municipality respectively, whichever occurs first.

(2)    In the event the vice-chairman’s position becomes vacant prior to December thirty-first of any calendar year, the board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority shall elect a new vice-chairman to serve the remaining portion of such term.

(Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 5 (part), 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 5 (part), 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 5 (part), 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 5 (part), 1981)

2.72.070 Quorum.

Fifty percent of the members of the board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority shall constitute a quorum.

(Ord. 86-E (1987), 1987: Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 5 (part), 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 5 (part), 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 5 (part), 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 5 (part), 1981)

2.72.080 Compensation.

The board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority shall receive no compensation for their services for the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority, in any capacity, but a member may be entitled to necessary expenses, including traveling expenses incurred in the discharge of his/her duties.

(Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 5 (part), 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 5 (part), 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 5 (part), 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 5 (part), 1981)

2.72.090 Administration – Staff and legal services.

(a)    Staff. The board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority may employ an executive director, secretaries, technical experts, and such other officers, agents and employees, permanent or temporary, as it may require and shall determine their qualifications, duties and compensation.

(b)    Legal Services. For such legal services as it may require, the board of commissioners of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority may call upon the chief law officer of the county and/or cities heretofore enumerated, or may employ its own counsel and legal staff.

(Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 6, 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 6, 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 6, 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 6, 1981)

2.72.100 Termination of participation.

(a)    The county or any municipality may terminate its participation in the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority by providing written notice of such intent ninety days prior to the specific termination date, and provided that participation can only be terminated at the end of a calendar year. The termination of participation by the county and/or a municipality shall not affect the existence of the joint authority.

(b)    In the event the county or municipality terminates its participation in the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, all assets and liabilities previously attributable to the withdrawing entity shall be transferred and assumed by that entity upon the request of the withdrawing entity and on condition that the withdrawing entity is legally established and has the authority to assume those assets and liabilities.

(Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 7, 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 7, 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 7, 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 7, 1981)

2.72.110 Assumption of assets and liabilities of existing authority.

The Kitsap County consolidated housing authority, upon the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter as first enacted, assumes all assets and liabilities heretofore held by the Kitsap County housing authority.

(Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 8, 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 8, 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 8, 1982: Ord. 86 (1981) § 8, 1981)

2.72.120 Allocation of costs.

In the event of a requirement for funding for the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority, the costs shall be borne by the county and individual municipality in a ratio based on the use of the facilities provided by the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority per capita within the territorial boundaries of the county and individual municipality to the total use per capita within the boundaries of the Kitsap County consolidated housing authority. Any additional funding required under this section must be authorized by the legislative body of the county or municipality respectively. Funding for discontinued federal or state programs will not be required unless authorized by the legislative body of the county or municipality respectively.

(Ord. 86-C (1983) (part), 1983: Ord. 86-C (1982) § 9, 1982: Ord. 86-B (1982) § 9, 1982: Ord. 86-A (1981) § 9, 1981: Ord. 86 (1981) § 9, 1981)