Chapter 16.08


16.08.010    Generally.

16.08.020    Alley.

16.08.030    Binding site plan.

16.08.040    Block.

16.08.050    Board.

16.08.060    Comprehensive Plan.

16.08.070    Cul-de-sac.

16.08.080    Dedication.

16.08.090    Easement.

16.08.100    Final plat.

16.08.110    Hearing examiner.

16.08.120    Lot.

16.08.130    Plat.

16.08.140    Preliminary plat.

16.08.150    Road or street

16.08.160    Subdivider.

16.08.170    Subdivision.

16.08.010 Generally.

Whenever the following words and phrases appear in Chapters 16.04 through 16.44, they shall be given the meaning attributed to them by this chapter. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense shall include the future; the singular shall include the plural, and the plural the singular; the word “shall” is always mandatory, and the word “may” indicates a use of discretion in making a decision.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(part), 1983)

16.08.020 Alley.

“Alley” is a strip of land dedicated to public use providing vehicular and pedestrian access to the rear side of properties which abut and are served by a public road.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(12), 1983)

16.08.030 Binding site plan.

“Binding site plan” means a drawing to a scale specified by local ordinance which:

(1)    Identifies and shows the areas and locations of all streets, roads, improvements, utilities, open spaces, and other matters specified by local regulations;

(2)    Contains inscriptions or attachments setting forth such appropriate limitations and conditions for the use of the land as are established by the board of county commissioners; and

(3)    Contains provisions making any development be in conformity with the site plan.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(5), 1983)

16.08.040 Block.

“Block” is a group of lots, tracts or parcels within well defined and fixed boundaries.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(9), 1983)

16.08.050 Board.

“Board” is the legislative authority of Kitsap County.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(15), 1983)

16.08.060 Comprehensive Plan.

“Comprehensive Plan” is the current Comprehensive Plan of Kitsap County approved by the board pursuant to state law.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(13), 1983)

16.08.070 Cul-de-sac.

“Cul-de-sac” is a road closed at one end by a circular area of sufficient size for turning vehicles around.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(11), 1983)

16.08.080 Dedication.

“Dedication” is the deliberate appropriation of land by an owner for any general and public uses, reserving to himself no rights other than such as are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public uses to which the property has been devoted. The intention to dedicate shall be evidenced by the owner by the presentment for filing of a final plat showing the dedication thereon; and, the acceptance by the public shall be evidenced by the approval of such plat for filing by the board of county commissioners of Kitsap County.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(6), 1983)

16.08.090 Easement.

“Easement” is a use of land granted by a property owner to specific persons or to the public for a specific purpose or purposes.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(7), 1983)

16.08.100 Final plat.

“Final plat” is the final drawing of the subdivision and dedication prepared for filing for record with the county auditor and containing all elements and requirements set forth in the ordinance codified in Chapters 16.04 through 16.44.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(4), 1983)

16.08.110 Hearing examiner.

“Hearing examiner” means the individual or board appointed as review authority pursuant to Title 21 of this code, the Land Use and Development Procedures Ordinance.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(14), 1983)

16.08.120 Lot.

“Lot” is a fractional part of divided lands having fixed boundaries, being of sufficient area and dimension to meet minimum zoning requirements for width and area. The term shall include tracts, or parcels. Where the context so indicates, lots, tracts or parcels may refer to subdivided lands not conforming to, or in violation of, zoning or subdivision regulations.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(8), 1983)

16.08.130 Plat.

“Plat” is a map or representation of a subdivision, showing thereon the division of a tract or parcel of land into lots, blocks, roads and alleys or other divisions and dedications.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(2), 1983)

16.08.140 Preliminary plat.

“Preliminary plat” is a neat and approximate drawing of a proposed subdivision showing the general layout of roads and alleys, lots, blocks and restrictive covenants to be applicable to the subdivision, and other elements of a plat or subdivision which shall furnish a basis for the approval or disapproval of the general layout of a subdivision.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(3), 1983)

16.08.150 Road or street.

“Road” or “street” is a public or approved private right-of-way which provides vehicular circulation or principal means of access to abutting properties, and which may also include provisions for public utilities, pedestrian walkways, public open space and recreation areas, cut and fill slopes, and drainage.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(10), 1983)

16.08.160 Subdivider.

“Subdivider” is a person, including a corporate person, who undertakes to create a subdivision.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(16), 1983)

16.08.170 Subdivision.

“Subdivision,” inside urban growth areas, means a division or redivision of land into ten or more lots for the purpose of development, sale, lease or transfer of ownership; outside of urban growth areas, “subdivision” means a division or redivision of land into five or more lots for the purpose of development, sale, lease or transfer of ownership.

(Ord. 345 (2005) § 29, 2005: Ord. 20 (1983) § 3(1), 1983)