Chapter 11.40


11.40.010    Consideration.

11.40.020    Costs – Responsibility of landowner.

11.40.030    Street lighting plan map.

11.40.010 Consideration.

Street lighting shall be considered in all commercial, light manufacturing, industrial development approvals and be coordinated by the department of community development through the appropriate power provider in order to provide required street lighting as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan.

(Res. 496-1988 (part), 1988)

11.40.020 Costs – Responsibility of landowner.

Street lighting utilities as for other utilities shall be at the expense of a developer of property who shall be required to provide for street lighting as a condition of development including installation of underground wiring and poles which may be by the developer, with acceptance by the power utility and the county engineer of the design; or by the power utility with the developer billed for the installation, as well as the light fixture and head when installed; provided further, that cost of electrical services shall be billed to the landowner in a manner acceptable to the power utility and that Kitsap County shall not be responsible for any lighting poles, wiring, installation, fixtures, light, head, electricity or other lighting utility services or facilities.

(Res. 496-1988 (part), 1988)

11.40.030 Street lighting plan map.

The department of community development will work with the power providers to develop a map of the proposed street lighting plan which shall be available for review at the department.

(Res. 496-1988 (part), 1988)