Ordinance Disposition Table

Ord. No.

Action and Disposition

1 (1969)

Repeals Ords. 15 (1954) and 31 (1962) (Repealer)

2 (1943)

Laying of water or sewer lines along or across county roads [Amd. by 9 (1944), 2 (1958), 2 (1964), 1 (1969), 2-A (1971), an unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, and by Ord. 5 (1974)] (Repealed by 85 (1981))

3 (1969)

Adds Ch. 10.28, the Noise Ordinance [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, 3-A (1975), 133 (1989), 133-A (1992), 3-B (1995), and 3-D (1997)] (10.28 [Ed. Note])

3-A (1975)

Amends in entirety Ch. 10.28, the Noise Ordinance [See additional amendments noted under Ord. 3 (1969)] (10.28)

3-B (1995)

Adds §§ 10.28.085, 10.28.145 and 10.28.146; amends §§ 10.28.050, 10.28.060, 10.28.070 and 10.28.080; repeals § 10.28.020; all pertaining to the Noise Ordinance [See additional amendments noted under Ord. 3 (1969)] (10.28)

4 (1969)

Adds Ch. 46.44, Kitsap County Traffic Code [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, and by 4-A (1975), and 4-B (1975)] (Repealed by 68 (1976))

4-B (1975)

Adds Ch. 46.44, size, weight and load restrictions (46.44)

5 (1943)

Construction of approaches to county roads; repeals portions of Ords. 2 (1958) and 2 (1964) [Amd. by 41 (1969)] (Superseded by 5 (1971))

5 (1971)

Construction of approaches to county roads, amends §§ 11.24.020, 11.24.040, 11.24.055 and 11.24.060 [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972]; repeals Ord. 41 (1969) (Repealed by 293 (2003))

6 (1971)

Adds Ch. 10.12, the Park Code, regulating the government, control and supervision of public parks [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, and by 6-B (1993)] (10.12)


Adds Ch. 10.20, curfew [Amd. by an unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))

8 (1972)

Adopts “Kitsap County Code,” 1971 edition (Not codified)

9 (1944)

Digging on county roads; amends Ord. 2 (1943) (Superseded by 85 (1981))

10 (1947)

Adds Ch. 4.04, keeping, dumping, removal and disposal of garbage [Amd. by 10-1952] (Repealed by 32 (1965))

10 (1970)

Adds Ch. 4.04, sales and use tax; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.24)

11 (1951)

Regulation of “trade stimulants” [Amd. by 11 (1956) and 11 (1968)] (Not codified)

12 (1968)

Adds Ch. 4.08, real estate excise tax [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972]; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.52)

13 (1953)

Adds § 10.20.060, use or possession of intoxicating liquor by minors (Repealed by 13 (1967))

13 (1967)

Repeals and replaces § 10.20.060, use or possession of intoxicating liquor by minors [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972 and by 13 (1980)] (Repealed by 84 (1980))

14 (1954)

Adds Ch. 6.28, sewerage system cleaning and disposal [Amd. by 14 (1967)] (Repealed by 14-A (1971))

14-A (1971)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.28, sewerage system cleaning [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))

15 (1971)

Dangerous buildings [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, and by 58 (1975)] (Repealed by 77 (1979))

16 (1954)

Firing or use of firearms (Repealed by 50 (1972))

17 (1954)

Firing or use of firearms (Repealed by 50 (1972))

18 (1957)

Adds Ch. 6.12, licensing of junk dealer/pawnbrokers and secondhand stores (6.12 [Ed. Note])

18 (1967)

Amends in entirety Ch. 6.12, junk dealers, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (6.12)

19 (1958)

Regulation of building, occupancy and land use permits [Amd. by 19 (1965)] (Repealed by 19 (1969))

19 (1969)

Regulation of building, occupancy and land use permits [Amd. by Ords. dated Sept. 1, 1971 and Nov. 1, 1971, by an unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, and by Ord. 19-A (1974)] (Repealed by 58 (1975))

20 (1971)

Adds Chs. 16.04 – 16.44, subdivisions and plats; repeals ordinance dated October 27, 1952 [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, and by 20 (1972)] (Repealed by 20 (1975)

20 (1975)

Repeals and replaces Chs. 16.04 – 16.44, subdivisions and plats [Amd. by 75 (1979)] (Repealed by 20 (1980))

20 (1980)

Repeals and replaces Chs. 16.04 – 16.44, subdivisions and plats (Repealed by 20 (1983))

20 (1983)

Repeals and replaces Chs. 16.04 – 16.44, subdivisions and plats (16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.32, 16.36, 16.40, 16.44)

20-A (1997)

Adds § 16.16.085, enforcement by civil action; subdivision violations (16.16)

21 (1970)

Abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative vehicles (Repealed by 68 (1976))

22 (1958)

Adds Ch. 13.20, plumbing and sewage disposal permits for houseboats (13.20)

23 (1958)

Adds Ch. 6.16, installation and sanitation of mobile home parks (Repealed by 23-A (1971))

23-A (1971)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.16, mobile home parks [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (6.16)

24 (1958)

Prohibition on possession of snap blade knife and tear gas pen or projector (Repealed by 24 (1971))

24 (1971)

Repeals and replaces Ord. 24-1958; adds Ch. 10.24, Art. I, snap-blade knives, tear gas pens or projectors [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (10.24)

25 (1958)

Prohibition on carrying of pistols or other small firearms (Repealed by 25 (1971))

25 (1971)

Repeals and replaces Ord. 25-1958; adds Ch. 10.24, Art. II, pistols and other short firearms (10.24)

26 (1960)

Use of watercraft [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, and by 26-A (1976)] (Repealed by 133-A (1992))

27 (1961)

Adds Ch. 13.16, regulation of individual sewage systems [Amd. by 27 (1967), and by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))

28 (1961)

Adds Ch. 10.16, obstruction of airports [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (10.16)

29 (1961)

Adds Ch. 6.36, installation and sanitation of trailer parks [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))

30 (1962)

Adoption of Plumbing Code; repeals Ord. 3 [Amd. by 30 (1966), 30 (1967), 30-A (1971), by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, by 30-A (1974)] (Repealed by 77 (1979))

31 (1971)

Adds Ch. 1.12, general penalty provisions (1.12)

32 (1965)

Adds Ch. 9.12, collection, disposal and removal of refuse; repeals Ord. 10-1947 [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))

33 (1965)

Harvesting and transportation of minor forest products (Repealed by 33 (1971))

34 (1966)

Adds Ch. 10.04, false report of fire (10.04)

35 (1966)

Adds Ch. 2.20, justice court districting plan (Repealed by 35-A (1982))

35-A (1982)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.20, district court (2.20)

35-B (1982)

Amends §§ 2.20.030, 2.20.040 and 2.20.100, district court regulations (2.20)

35-C (1991)

Amends §§ 2.20.010, 2.20.020 and 2.20.040, district court regulations (2.20)

35-D (1991)

Amends §§  2.20.030 and 2.20.040, district court regulations (2.20)

36 (1967)

Adds Ch. 10.32, regulations for Kingston Marina [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (10.32)

37 (1967)

Fire Code [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, 37-A (1974)] (Repealed by 58 (1975))

38 (1968)

Adds Ch. 10.08, prohibition of solvent inhalation [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (10.08)

39 (1968)

Adds Ch. 6.32, regulation and licensing of sewer system designers [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))

40 (1969)

Adds Ch. 6.24, regulation of merchant patrol agencies and patrolmen [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (6.24)

41 (1969)

Regulating construction of approaches to county roads; repeals parts of Ords. 2 (1943) and 5 (1943); [Amd. by 41 (1971) and 5 (1974)] (Repealed by 5 (1971))

42 (1969)

Adds Ch. 9.08, food service sanitation [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))

43 (1969)

Zoning Ordinance [Amd. by 72 (1977) and 75 (1979)] (Repealed by 93 (1983))

44 (1969)

Keeping and control of dogs and other animals; repeals Res. 36-1961 [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (Repealed by 90 (1982))

45 (1969)

Impounding of dogs and other animals; repeals Res. 37-1961 [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, and also amended by Ords. 45-1 (1974) and by 45 (1978)] (Repealed by 90 (1982))

46 (1969)

Licensing of dogs and dog kennels; repeals Res. 43-1962; [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972, and also amended by Ords. 46-1 (1973), 46-2 (1974), 46-3 (1976), 46-4 (1978), and 46 (1979)] (Repealed by 90 (1982))

47 (1969)

Adds Ch. 2.04, emergency powers of county commissioners (2.04)

48 (1970)

Adds Ch. 2.52, civil defense plan; repeals Res. 5-62 (1962) and Res. 63-66 (1966) [Amd. by unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972] (Repealed by 48-A (1985)

48-A (1985)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.52, civil defense organization (Repealed by 104 (1985)

49 (1970)

Licensing and regulation of outdoor public entertainment [Amd. by unnumbered ordinance, dated August 28, 1972] (Repealed by 60 (1975))

Unnumbered Ord. dated August 28, 1972

• Amends § 10 of Ord 48 (1970), civil defense (Repealed by 48-A (1985))


• Amends § 4.08.120, real estate sales excise taxes; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.52)


• Adds section to Ord. 18 (1967) and Ch. 6.12, junk dealers, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers (6.12)


• Adds section to Ord. 23-A (1971) and Ch. 6.16, mobile home parks (6.16)


• Adds section to Ord. 40 (1969) and Ch. 6.24, merchant patrol agencies (6.24)


• Adds section to Ch. 6.28, sewerage system cleaning (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))


• Adds section to Ord. 39 (1968) and Ch. 6.32, sewage disposal systems (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))


• Adds section to Ord. 29 (1961) and Ch. 6.36, travel trailer parks (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))


• Amends § 7.04.140, animals (Repealed by 90 (1982))


• Amends § 7.08.040, impounding animals (Repealed by 90 (1982))


• Adds section to Ord. 46 (1969) and Ch. 7.12, dog kennels (Repealed by 90 (1982))


• Adds section to Ord. 42 (1969) and Ch. 9.08, food service sanitation (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))


• Adds section to Ch. 9.12, refuse disposal (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))


• Adds section to Ord. 39 (1968) and Ch. 10.08, solvent inhalation (10.08)


• Amends § 10.12.190, park code (10.12)


• Adds section to Ord. 28 (1961) and Ch. 10.16, obstructing airports (10.16)


• Adds section to Ord. 13 (1967) and Ch. 10.20, minors (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))


• Adds § 5 to Ord. 7 (1943), curfew (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))


• Amends penalty provision of Ord. 24 (1971), snap-blade knives and tear gas pens or projectiles (10.24)


• Adds section to Ord. 3 (1969) and Ch. 10.28, nuisances (10.28 [Ed. Note])


• Adds section to Ord. 36 (1967) and Ch. 10.32, marina regulations (10.32)


• Adds section to Ord. 26 (1970) and Ch. 10.36, watercraft (Repealed by 133 (1989))


• Adds section to Ord. 5 (1971) and Ch. 11.24, county road approach construction (Repealed by 293 (2003))


• Adds section to Ch. 11.28, utility line installations on road right-of-way (Repealed by 293 (2003))


• Adds section to Ord. 5 (1943) and Ch. 13.12, sewage (Repealed by 55 (1974))


• Adds section to Ord. 27 (1961) and Ch. 13.16, individual sewage disposal systems (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))


• Amends § 14.16.110, dangerous buildings (Repealed by 147 (1992))


• Adds § 16.04.040, subdivision violations (Repealed by 20 (1983))


• Adds § 17.68.050, zoning violations (Repealed by 93 (1983))


• Amends § 46.64.050, traffic; repeals §§ 46.12.070 and 46.52.090 (Repealed)

50 (1972)

Adds Ch. 10.24, prohibiting the discharge of firearms; repeals Ords. 16-1954 and 17-1954) [Amd. by Ord. 50, Oct. 2, 1972] (Repealed by 50-A (1985))

50-A (1985)

Repeals and replaces Ord. 50 (1972), prohibiting the discharge of firearms and allowing for no-shooting areas; added to Ch. 10.24 as Art. III, no-shooting areas [Amd. by 50-B (1993), which added 10.24.105 and 10.24.107, and also amended by Ords. 50-C (1993), 50-D (1997), 50-F (2000) and 50-G (2000)] (10.24)

51 (1973)

Adds Ch. 14.24, implementation of the Survey Recording Act (14.24 [Ed. Note])

51-A (1992)

Amends Ch. 14.24 in entirety, survey records [Amd. by 51-B (1996)] (14.24)

51-B (1996)

Amends Ch. 14.24, survey records (14.24)

52 (1973)

Adds Ch. 2.22, creating department of corrections; specifies organization and duties (2.22)

53 (1974)

Short plats and short subdivisions (Repealed by 53-A (1975)

53-A (1975)

Short plats and short subdivisions [Amd. by 72 (1977), 75 (1979), 79 (1980)] (Repealed by 53-A (1983))

53-A (1983)

Short plats and short subdivisions [Amd. by 53-B (1983)] (Repealed by 108 (1986))

54 (1974)

Commissioners salaries for 1975-76 (Expired)

55 (1974)

Amends Ch. 13.12, regulation of sewerage systems; supersedes Ord. 5-1943 and part of an unnumbered ordinance dated August 28, 1972 [Amd. by 55-A (1975), 55-B (1978), 55-C (1978), 55-D (1984), 55-E (1985), 113 (1986), 55-F (1989), 55-G (1993), 55-H (1994), 55-I (1996), 55-J (1996), 55-K (1997), 300 (2003)] (13.12)

55-A (1975)

Amends §§ 13.12.030, 13.12.040, 13.12.070, 13.12.130 and 13.12.250, regulation of sewerage systems (13.12)

55-B (1978)

Amends §§ 13.12.020, 13.12.190 and 13.12.210, regulation of sewerage systems (13.12)

55-C (1978)

Amends § 13.12.040, regulation of sewerage systems (13.12)

55-D (1984)

Amends § 13.12.190, regulation of sewerage systems (13.12)

55-E (1985)

Amends § 13.12.190, regulation of sewerage systems (13.12)

55-F (1989)

Amends § 13.12.190, regulation of sewerage systems (13.12)

55-G (1993)

Amends § 13.12.190, regulation of sewerage systems (13.12)

55-I (1996)

Adds §§ 13.12.260 and 13.12.270, amends §§ 13.12.010, 13.12.070, 13.12.090, 13.12.110, 13.12.130, 13.12.140, 13.12.160, 13.12.170 and 13.12.240, regulation of sewerage systems (13.12)

55-J (1996)

Amends § 13.12.190, regulation of sewerage systems (13.12)

55-K (1997)

Amends § 13.12.190, regulation of sewerage systems (13.12)

56 (1974)

Salaries of county officers for 1975 (Repealed by 61 (1975))

57 (1974)

Salary of county prosecutor for 1975 (Repealed by 61 (1975))

58 (1975)

Adoption, administration and enforcement of Building Code; amends Ord. 15 (1971); repeals Ord. 37-A (1974), 1, 3, 4(a) of Ord. 5 (1971), also repeals Ords. 19 (1969) and 19-A (1974) [Amd. by 58-A (1975), 58-B (1975), 58-C (1975) and by 67 (1976) (Repealed by 77 (1979))

59 (1975)

Adds Ch. 6.44, tax on gambling activities; repeals Res. 260-1970 [Amd. by 59-A (1975), 59-B (1975), 59-B (1975), 59-A (1978) and 59-B (1978) (6.44)

59-C (1999)

Amends § 3 of Ord. 59 (6.44.030), tax on gambling activities; repeals §  3(f) of Ord. 59-A (1978) (6.44)

59-D (2000)

Amends §§ 3 and 3.5 of Ord. 59 (6.44.030 and 6.44.040), tax on gambling activities (6.44)

60 (1975)

Adds Ch. 6.20, regulation and licensing of outdoor public entertainment; repeals Ord. 49 (1970) (6.20)

61 (1975)

Salaries of county officers for 1976; repeals Ords. 56 (1974) and 57 (1974) (Repealed by 69 (1975))

62 (1976)

Adds Ch. 6.10, emergency alarm systems [Amd. by 62-A (1979)] (Repealed by 62-B (1981))

62-B (1981)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 6.10, emergency alarm systems [Amended in parts by the Code Adoption Ordinance) (6.10)

63 (1976)

Adds Ch. 4.15, leasehold excise tax; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.64)

64 (1976)

County addressing system adopted (Repealed by 227 (1998))

65 (1976)

Consolidated board of appeals for building and fire matters (Repealed by 77 (1979))

66 (1976)

Commissioner salaries for 1975-80 (Expired)

67 (1976)

Site approach permits, amends Ord. 58 (Repealed by 77 (1979))

68 (1976)

Adds Ch. 46.02, adoption of Washington Model Traffic Ordinance; repeals Ords. 4 (1969) and Ord. 21 (1970) (46.02)

68-A (1983)

Adds § 46.02.040, amending RCW 46.61.250, pedestrians (46.02)

69 (1976)

Salaries of county officers; repeals Ord. 61 (1975) (Expired)

70 (1977)

Adds Ch. 4.10, lodging excise tax; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.40)

70-A (1998)

Amends Ch. 4.10, lodging excise tax; adds §§ 4.10.060, 4.10.070, 4.10.080, 4.10.090; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.40)

71 (1977)

Adds Ch. 6.40, regulation of massage parlors (6.40)

72 (1977)

Subdivisions; amends Ords. 43 (1969) and 53 (1975) (Repealed by 93 (1983))

73 (1978)

Prohibits nudity in places where liquor is sold (Not codified)

74 (1978)

Commissioner salaries for 1981-82 (Expired)

75 (1979)

Land use and adjusting fees for land use permits; amends § 5 of Ord. 53 (1975), § 6 of Ord. 20 (1975), § 2 of Res. 316-1976, § 8(ii) of Res. 311-1977, § 5.2 of Ord. 43 (1969); and repeals § 5.6 of Ord. 43 (1969) (Repealed by 93 (1983)

76 (1979)

Risk management program (Repealed by 116 (1987))

77 (1979)

Adoption and enforcement of State Building Code; repeals Ords. 58, 58-A-C (1975), 65 (1976), and 67 (1976) [Amd. by 77-A (1980), 77-B (1982) and by 77-C (1982)] (Repealed by Ords. 95 (1983) and 96 (1983))

78 (1980)

Commissioner salaries for 1981-84 (Expired)

79 (1980)

Land use and adjusting fees for land use permits; amends § 5 of Ord. 53 (1975), § 6 of Ord. 20 (1975), § 2 of Res. 316-1976, 8(ii) of Res. 311-1977; repeals §§ 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 of Ord. 79 (1979) [Amd. by 79-A (1980)] (Repealed by 93 (1983))

80 (1980)

Adds Chs. 15.04 – 15.20, flood damage prevention (15.04, 15.08, 15.12, 15.16, 15.20)

81 (1980)

Adds Ch. 9.20, access to controlled substances by minors (9.20)

82 (1980)

Creates office of land use hearing examiner [Amd. by 82-A (1980) and 82 (1981)] (Repealed by 100 (1984))

83 (1980)

Adds Ch. 46.04, penalties for parking violations (46.04)

83-A (1992)

Amends § 46.04.040, failure to respond to notice (46.04)

84 (1980)

Sale and distribution of malt liquor; repeals § 10.20.060 and Ord. 13 (1980) as amended [Amd. by 84-A (1987)] (Not codified)

85 (1981)

Adds Ch. 11.28, permit fees and bonds for installation of utility lines; repeals Ord. 2-A (1971) (Repealed by 293 (2003))

86 (1981)

Adds Ch. 2.72, establishing a housing authority; repeals Res. 46-1971 [Amd. by 86-A (1981), 86-B (1982), 86-C (1982), 86-C (1983), 86-D (1986), 86-E (1987), 86-F (1999] (2.72)

87 (1982)

Commissioner salaries for 1983-86 (Expired)

88 (1982)

Adds Ch. 4.06, additional sales and use tax; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.28)

89 (1982)

Adds Ch. 4.09, unincorporated areas real estate excise tax; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.56)

90 (1982)

Licensing of dogs; repeals Ords. 44 (1969), 45 (1969), 46 (1969) (Repealed by Ord. 103 (1985))

90-B (1988)

Animals; repeals Ord. 103 (1985) (Repealed by 127 (1989))

91 (1982)

Unlawful issuance of bank checks (Repealed by 158 (1993))

92 (1983)

Adds Ch. 6.48, regulation of erotic dance studios [Amd. by 92-A (1983), 92-B (1993), 92-C (1993), 92-D (1993) and 243 (1999)] (6.48)

93 (1983)

Zoning Ordinance; repeals Ord. 43 (1969) [Amd. by 93-A (1983), 93-B (1983), 93-C (1984), 93-D (1984), 93-E (1984), 93-F (1984), 93-G (1986), 93-H (1986), 93-I (1987), 93-J (1988), 93-K (1988), 93-L (1989), 128 (1989), 93-M (1990), 93-N (1990), 93-O (1992) and 93-P (1994)] (Repealed by 168 (1994))

94 (1983)

Storm water control (Repealed by 156 (1993))

95 (1983)

Building Code; repeals Ords. 77 (1979) and 77-C (1982) [Amd. by 95-A (1984) and 95-B (1985)] (Repealed by 105 (1986))

96 (1983)

Fire protection and fire flows; repeals Ord. 77-B (1982) (Repealed by 131 (1989))

97 (1984)

Commissioner salaries for 1985-88 (Expired)

98 (1984)

Adds. Ch. 4.11, timber harvest excise tax; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.68 [Ed. Note])

99 (1984)

Adds Ch. 18.04, adopts State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA); repeals Res. 316-1976 and Res. 301-1983 [Amd. by 99-B (1992)] (Repealed by 99-A (1991))


Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.04, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) [Amd. by 99-B (1992)] (18.04)

100 (1984)

Land use and zoning procedures; repeals Ord. 82 (1980) and Res. 82-1981 (Repealed by 128 (1989))

101 (1984)

Land use hearing examiner system (2.10)

102 (1985)

Adds Ch. 9.28, sidewalk maintenance (9.28)

103 (1985)

Animal control; repeals Ord. 90 (1982) [Amd. by 103-A (1986)] (Repealed by 90-B (1988))

104 (1985)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.52, emergency services; repeals Ord. 48 (1970) and Joint Res. 72 (1973) (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))

105 (1986)

Building Code; repeals Ords. 95 (1983), 95-A (1984) and 95-B (1985) [Amd. by 105-A (1987)] (Repealed by 131 (1989))

106 (1986)

Adds Ch. 16.52, large lot subdivisions [Amd. by 106-A (1987)] (Repealed by 106-B (1990))

106-B (1990)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.52, large lot subdivisions [Amd. by 106-C (1997)] (Repealed by 106-D (2000))

106-D (2000)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.52, large lot subdivisions (16.52)

107 (1986)

Emergency services communication system excise tax (Expired)

108 (1986)

Amends Ch. 16.48, short subdivisions; repeals Ord. 53-A (1983) [Amd. by 108-A (1987), 108-B (1987), 108-C) (Repealed by 108-D (1991))

108-D (1991)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.48, short subdivisions (Repealed by 108-E (1991))

108-E (1991)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.48, short subdivisions [Amd. by 108-F (1997)] (16.48)

109 (1986)

Adds. Ch. 2.104, emergency management (2.104)

109-B (1998)

Amends §§ 2.104.010, 2.104.060, 2.104.070, 2.104.080, 2.104.090, 2.104.100, 2.104.130, 2.104.170 and 2.104.210; repeals § 2.104.200; all pertaining to emergency management (2.104)

110 (1986)

Adds Ch. 4.76, superior court clerk service fees [Amd. by 110-A (1988)]; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.128)

111 (1986)

Commissioner salaries for 1987-89 (Expired)

112 (1986)

Adds Ch. 4.80, antiprofiteering revolving fund; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.76)

113 (1986)

Amends Ch. 13.14, charges for sanitary sewage service; repeals § 10 of Ord. 55, and also repeals Resolutions 68-1980, 120-1980, 121-1980, 229-1980, 204-1981 and 473-1984 [Amd. by 113-A (1995), 113-B (1997), 113-C (1998)] (13.14)

114 (1986)

Adds Ch. 46.37, motor vehicle compression brakes (46.37)

115 (1987)

Adds Ch. 9.24, family court funds (Repealed by 197 (1996))

116 (1987)

Adds Ch. 4.84, risk management; repeals Ord. 76 (1979) (Repealed by 116-A (1991))

116-A (1991)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 4.84, risk management; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.144)

116-B (2000)

Revises prior code Ch. 4.84 in entirety, risk management (4.144)

117 (1987)

Storm water drainage (Repealed by 199 (1996))

118 (1987)

Amends Ch. 9.36, chemical hazard (“right-to-know”) communication policies (9.36)

119 (1988)

Adopts custodial care standards for detentions and corrections center (Repealed by 463 (2010))

120 (1988)

Creates Lake Management District #1, Lake Symington [Amd. by Ord. 120-A (1991)] (Not codified)

121 (1988)

Reporting of all deaths to coroner (2.26)

122 (1988)

Commissioner salaries for 1989-92 (Expired)

123 (1988)

Regulates smoking in county buildings (3.54)

124 (1988)

Adds Ch. 9.40, hazardous materials reporting and storage (9.40)

125 (1988)

Adds Ch. 4.86, setting foreclosure date for delinquent special assessments; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.148)

126 (1989)

Adds Ch. 4.88, establishing an admissions tax [Amd by Ords. 126-B (1991), 126-C (1993)]; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.36)

127 (1989)

Animal control regulations; repeals Ords. 90-B and 103 [Amd. by 127-A (1999)] (7.04 – 7.14)

127-A (1999)

Adds § 7.12.040, wolf/cat hybrids; amends §§ 7.04.020, 7.04.030, 7.04.040, 7.08.010, 7.08.030, 7.08.040, 7.08.050, 7.08.060, 7.10.010, 7.10.020, 7.12.010, 7.12.020, 7.12.030, 7.14.010, 7.14.030 and 7.14.040, all pertaining to animal control regulations (7.04, 7.08, 7.10, 7.12, 7.14)

128 (1989)

Adds Ch. 2.60, land use hearing examiner; amends Ords. 93 (14(m) and 21(e)); repeals Ord. 93 (23(a – d)); and repeals Ord. 100 [Amd. by Ords. 128-A (1993), 128-B (1994), 128-C (1995), 128-D (1996) and 128-E (1996)] (Repealed by § 1 of Code Adoption Ordinance, Ord. 251 (2000))

129 (1989)

Authorizes auditor to publish local voters pamphlet (1.10)

130 (1989)

Establishes interim controls on planned unit developments (Bainbridge) (Repealed by 132 (1989))

131 (1989)

Building code; repeals Ords. 96 (1983) and 105 (1986) [Amd. by Ords. 131-A (1989), 131-A (1990), 131-B (1991)] (Repealed by 147 (1992))

132 (1989)

Interim controls on planned unit developments (Bainbridge); repeals Ord. 130 (1989) (Expired)

133 (1989)

Adds Ch. 10.36, boating regulations; amends subsection (11) of 10.28.080 (Repealed by 133-A (1992))

133-A (1992)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 10.36, watercraft; repeals subsection (11) of 10.28.080 [Ord. 3A (1975), 5(d)(11)] repeals Ord. 26-1960 (10.36)

134 (1990)

Minimum design standards for public water systems (13.28)

135 (1990)

Adds Ch. 4.13, imposing additional real estate excise tax; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.60)

136 (1990)

Conservation futures tax (4.70)

137 (1991)

Interim development controls in Suquamish area [Amd. by Ords. 137-A (1991), 137-B (1991), 137-C (1992), 137-D (1992) and 137-E (1993)] (Expired)

138 (1991)

Interim controls of state managed forest lands [Amd. by Ords. 138-A (1991), 138-B (1991) (Expired)

139 (1991)

Adds Ch. 4.84, expert witness fund [Amd. by Ord. 139-A (1991)]; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.84)

140 (1991)

County fair regulations [Amd. by Ords. 140-A (1992) and 140-A (1993)] (9.44 [Ed. Note])

140-A (1993)

Amends Ch. 9.44 in entirety, county fair regulations (9.44)

141 (1991)

Repeals Res. 262-1989, and adds new Ch. 4.48, letting of county contracts; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (Repealed by 255 (2001))

142 (1992)

Adds Ch. 4.72, emergency services communication system excise tax [Amd. by Ord. 142A (1994)]; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.44)

142-A (1994)

Adds § 4.72.060, effective date, and amends §§ 4.72.010, 4.72.020 and 4.72.040, emergency services communication system excise tax; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.44)

143 (1992)

Adds Ch. 4.98, transportation/recreation impact fees; repeals Res. 110-1991 [Amd. by Ords. 143-A (1992) (added 4.98.095) and 143-B (1995)]; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (Repealed by 302 (2003))

144 (1992)

Adds Ch. 4.99, public school development impact fees [Amd. by 144-A (1992) (added 4.99.095)]; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (Repealed by 302 (2003))

145 (1992)

Adds Ch. 2.16, prisoners' credit for labor (2.16)

146 (1992)

Interim controls on building lots in Suquamish area (Repealed by 146-A (1992))

146-A (1992)

Adds Ch. 14.12, interim controls on building lots in Suquamish area [Extended by Ords. 146-B (1992), 146-C (1993), 169 (1994), 146-D (1994), 147-E (1995)] (Expired Dec. 26, 1995)

147 (1992)

Building code; repeals Ord. 131 and Chs. 14.08 – 14.18 [Amd. by 147-D (1994) and 147-E (1995)] [Building code portions repealed by 175 (1995)]; also adds §§ 11.24.010 and 11.24.015, construction of approaches to county roads (Repealed by 293 (2003))

148 (1992)

Interim control of erosion on construction sites (Repealed by 199 (1996))

149 (1993)

Adds Ch. 46.48, commute trip reduction plan [Editor's Note: Relocated to Title 20 at time of 1999 recodification (20.08)

149-A (1993)

Amends Ord. 149 (1993), commute trip reduction plan (20.08)

150 (1993)

Adds Ch. 18.16, timber harvesting (18.16 [Ed. Note])

150-A (1993)

Amends Ch. 18.16 (Ord. 150 (2000)) in entirety, timber harvest (18.16)

151 (1993)

Adds Ch. 3.68, whistleblower protection [Amd. by Ord. 151-A (1995)] (3.68)

152 (1993)

Adds Ch. 10.48, fireworks restrictions (10.48)

153 (1993)

Adds Ch. 4.07, criminal justice sales and use tax [Amd. by 153-A (1993)]; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.48)

154 (1993)

Adds Ch. 4.94, family services funding; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.88)

155 (1993)

Adoption of interim growth areas (Repealed by 169 (1994))

156 (1993)

Adds Ch. 12.36, surface and storm water management program; repeals Ord. 94 (1983) (12.36)

157 (1993)

Adds Ch. 9.48, service levels and rate structures for solid waste and recycling [Amd. by Ord. 157-A (1994)] (9.48)

158 (1993)

Repeals Ord. 91 and Ch. 10.44 (Repealer)

159 (1994)

Adds Ch. 14.32, the master cable television franchise ordinance (14.32)

160 (1994)

Adds Ch. 14.36, TCI Cablevision franchise agreement (Expired)

161 (1994)

Interim controls on short subdivision PUDs (Expired)

162 (1994)

Interim controls on sewer permits in Suquamish area (Expired)

163 (1994)

Dissolves Bainbridge Island Ferry District (Not codified)

164 (1994)

Dissolves South Kitsap Hospital District #1 (Not codified)

165 (1994)

Adds Ch. 12.40, establishment of surface and storm water management program rate structure [Amd. by Ord. 165-A (1995)] (12.40)

165-A (1995)

Amends § 12.40.040, definitions, 12.40.050, rate structure, surface and storm water management program rate structure (12.40)

166 (1994)

Falcon Cable franchise agreement (Expired)

167 (1994)

Amends Ch. 14.08, fire marshal's commercial inspection program and fees for the enforcement of the Uniform Fire Code [Amd. by 167-A (1994) and 167-B (1997)] (14.08)

168 (1994)

Interim Zoning Ordinance; repeals Ord. 93 (1983) and Title 17 [Amd. by Ords. 168-A (1995) and 168-B (1995)] (Expired)

169 (1994)

Adoption of comprehensive plan; repeals Ordinance 155 (1993) and Ch. 17.56; amends Ordinance 146-C (1993) (Repealed by 215 (1998))

170 (1994)

Interim Critical Areas Ordinance [Amd. by Ord. 170-A (1995)] (Repealed by 181 (1996))

171 (1994)

Interim Civil Enforcement Ordinance [Amd. by 171-A (1995)] (Expired)

172 (1995)

Adult entertainment regulations (10.52)

173 (1995)

Repeals Ch 3.04, current expense employees; repeals Res. 101-1978; repeals Ch. 3.02, personnel manual); and repeals Res. 142-1971 (Repealer)

174 (1995)

Adds Ch. 4.102, surcharge on superior court cases filed under Title 26; renumbered at time of 1999 recodification (4.132)

175 (1995)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 14.04, Building Code; repeals Ord. 147 [Amd. by Ords. 175-A (1995) and 199 (1996)] (Repealed by 224 (1998))

176 (1995)

Parks and recreation capital improvement program (Not codified)

177 (1995)

Interim urban growth areas (Repealed by 186 (1996))

178 (1995)

Interim Zoning Ordinance (Repealed by 182 (1996))

179 (1995)

Interim zoning map (Repealed by 183 (1996))

180 (1995)

Interim Critical Areas Ordinance (Repealed by 181 (1996))

181 (1996)

Interim Critical Areas Ordinance; repeals Ord. 180 (1995) [Amd. by 181-A (1996), 208 (1997), 181-B (1997), 212 (1998)] (Repealed by 217 (1998))

182 (1996)

Interim Zoning Ordinance; repeals Ord. 178 (1995) [Amd. by 182-A (1996), 208 (1997), 182-B (1997), 212 (1998)] (Repealed by 216 (1998))

183 (1996)

Interim zoning map; repeals Ord. 179 (1995) [Amd. by 183-A (1996), 208 (1997), 212 (1998)] (Repealed by 216 (1998))

184 (1996)

Adopts interim urban growth area for Port of Bremerton; repeals Ord. 177 (1995) [Amd. by 184-A (1996), 208 (1997), 212 (1998)] (Repealed by 220 (1998))

185 (1996)

Adopts interim urban growth area for Port Orchard; repeals Ord. 177 (1995) [Amd. by 185-A (1996), 208 (1997), 212 (1998] (Repealed by 220 (1998))

186 (1996)

Adopts interim urban growth area for Port Gamble; repeals Ord. 177 (1995) (Expired)

187 (1996)

Adopts interim growth area for Central Kitsap; repeals Ord. 177 (1995) [Amd. by 187-A (1996), 208 (1997), 212-(1998)] (Repealed by 220 (1998))

188 (1996)

Adopts interim urban growth area for Kingston; repeals Ord. 177 (1995) [Amd. by 188-A (1996), 208 (1997), 212 (1998)] (Repealed by 220 (1998))

189 (1996)

Adopts interim urban growth area for Poulsbo; repeals Ord. 177 (1995) [Amd. by 189-A (1996), 208 (1997), 212 (1998)] (Repealed by 220 (1998))

190 (1996)

Adopts interim urban growth area for Bainbridge Island; repeals Ord. 177 (1995)) [Amd. by 190-A (1996), 208 (1997), 212 (1998)] (Repealed by 220 (1998))

191 (1996)

Submission to special election proposing issuance of bonds for emergency radio communication system and 911 facility-Special)

192 (1996)

Mutual aid DWI taskforce (Not codified)

193 (1996)

Special election for 911 communications system (Not codified)

194 (1996)

Amends Ch. 16.56, binding site plan approval [Amd. by 194-A (1997)] (16.56)

195 (1996)

Moratorium on land use permits for cellular communication facilities [Amd. by 195-A (1996), 195-B (1997)] (Repealed by 206 (1997))

196 (1996)

Adds Ch. 9.52, Bremerton-Kitsap County health district; repeals Res. 207-1996, repeals 1947 resolution and interlocal agreements regarding the health district (Repealed by 455 (2010))

197 (1996)

Adds Ch. 9.26, family court services program; repeals Ord. 115 (1987) [Amd. by 197-A (1998)] (9.26)

198 (1996)

Adds site development activity fee schedule for public works department; supersedes all previous fee schedules [Amd. by 198-A (1998)] (Repealed by 265 (2002))

199 (1996)

Repeals and replaces Chs. 12.04 – 12.36, adopting the storm water management ordinance; amends Ord. 175 (1995); repeals Ords. 117 (1985) and 148 (1992) [Amd. by 199-A (1997)] (12.04, 12.08, 12.10, 12.12, 12.14, 12.16, 12.20, 12.24, 12.28, 12.30, 12.32)

199-A (1997)

Amends § 12.32.010, violation of storm water management ordinance (12.32)

200 (1996)

Amends Ch. 1.16, county fair operations (1.16)

201 (1996)

Order to complete shellfish protection program plan [Amd. by 201-A (1997)] (Not codified)

202 (1996)

Extends effective period of interim Ords. 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189 and 190 until July 8, 1997 (Special)

203 (1996)

Adoption of Comprehensive Plan, Part I; Land Use Plan, Part II; Capital Facilities Plan; Part III; Foldout Figures and Land Use Plan Map 9 (Repealed by 215 (1998))

204 (1997)

Adoption of South Port Gamble Bay shellfish protection program plan (Special)

205 (1997)

Adds Ch. 2.116 [added as Ch. 2.118], creating Lake Management District #2 (2.118)

206 (1997)

Adopts land use and development standards for the siting and construction of wireless communication facilities; repeals Ord. 195 (1996) and 195-B (1997) (Not codified)

207 (1997)

Dissolves South Bainbridge Island Water District #18 (Not codified)

208 (1997)

Extends interim Ords 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189 and 190 until January 8, 1998 (Special)

209 (1997)

Civil enforcement ordinance (2.116)

210 (1997)

Emergency ordinance setting speed limit on Newberry Hill Road (Special)

211 (1997)

Emergency ordinance establishing a restrictive area and setting a no-wake zone in Dyes Inlet (Special)

212 (1998)

Relating to growth management and renewing for a period of six months ordinances adopting interim zoning, interim development regulations to protect critical areas, and interim urban growth areas (Not codified)

213 (1998)

Setting speed limit on NW Seabeck Holly Road by Seabeck post office at 35 mph (Special)

214 (1998)

Setting speed limit on Miller Bay Road NE and Hansville Road NE at 35 mph in North Kitsap, Comm. Dist. 1 (Special)

215 (1998)

Repealing Ordinances 203 (1996) and 169 (1994), which adopted comprehensive plans, and adopting a revised Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Growth Management Act (Not codified)

216 (1998)

Adopts a new Zoning Ordinance and map pursuant to the Growth Management Act; repeals Ords. 182 (1996) and 183 (1996), interim zoning ordinance and maps (Title 17)

217 (1998)

Adds Title 19, the critical areas ordinance; relating to growth management and adopting development regulations to protect critical areas; repeals Ord. 181-B (1998) (Title 19)

218 (1998)

Adopts county transportation facilities concurrency requirements (20.04)

219 (1998)

Adds Title 21, adopting the land use and development procedures ordinance (Title 21)

220 (1998)

Adopts revised interim urban growth areas document; repeals Ords. 184 (1996), 185 (1996), 187 (1996), 188 (1996), 189 (1996), 190 (1996), all relating to interim urban growth for cities and regions within the county (Not codified)

221 (1998)

Adopts moratorium on acceptance of building permits in the Suquamish area (Special)

222 (1998)

Emergency ordinance amending zoning map and Table 17.330.060 of the Zoning Ordinance, as adopted by Ord. 216 (1998), to indicate that development densities within the McCormick Woods-South Kitsap IUGA/UGA are maintained at previously approved levels (17.330)

223 (1998)

Reduces speed limits in Bethel/Lund area from 40 mph to 35 mph on Bethel Ave. SE beginning at Lincoln Avenue running south to SE Sedgwick Road for a distance of 1.4 miles (Not codified)

224 (1998)

Adopts Kitsap County Building Code, 1998; repeals Ord. 175, and Chs. 14.08 through 14.18 (14.04)

224-A (1998)

Amends §§ 14.04.310 [UBC 904.1], 14.04.320 [UBC 904.2], 14.04.470 [UFC 3.1, 3.2], 14.04.480 [UFC 1003.1], 14.04.490 [UFC 1003.2.1 et seq.], technical building codes (14.04)

224-B (1999)

Amends § 14.04.030, adding provisions for swimming pool barriers to codes adopted under the Uniform Building Code (14.04)

224-C (2000)

Amends § 14.04.290, adding an explanatory note, allowing for concurrent review of building permit applications by Kitsap County and Bremerton-Kitsap Health District, without affecting requirements for complete building permit application (14.04)

225 (1998)

Amends emergency Ord. 221 (1998), to lift a moratorium on acceptance of all building permits in the Suquamish area and adopts interim development regulations for the Suquamish area (Not codified)

225 (1998)

Extends Ord. 225 (1998), moratorium on acceptance of building permits in the Suquamish area and interim development regulations for the Suquamish area (Not codified)

226 (1998)

Amends zoning map and Table 17.330.060 of the Zoning Ordinance, as adopted by Ord. 216 (1998), to indicate that development densities within the McCormick Woods-South Kitsap IUGA/UGA are maintained at previously approved levels [Editor's Note: This ordinance makes permanent the amendments adopted by Ord. 221 (1998)] (17.330)

227 (1998)

Adopts grid and addressing system for county; repeals Ord. 64 (1976) (16.60)

228 (1998)

Adopts criteria for identification of forest lands within county, pursuant to Growth Management Act (Not codified)

229 (1999)

Amends Comprehensive Plan, designating forest lands and criteria for designating forest lands (Not codified)

230 (1999)

Adds Ch. 17.300, forest resource lands (FRL zone) to the Zoning Ordinance adopted by Ord. 216 (1998) (17.300)

231 (1999)

Imposes increased sales and use tax, for expansion and improvement of adult correctional facility, and for maintenance and operation of adult and juvenile detention facilities (4.32)

232 (1999)

Adds Ch. 17.321 to the Zoning Ordinance, Areas of More Intensive Rural Development; specifically adds Section 321A to the Zoning Ordinance, Suquamish rural village subarea plan (17.321A)

233 (1999)

Adopts guidelines on prevention of waste in county government (3.72)

234 (1999)

Amends Ch. 17.455, interpretation and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance; adds § 17.455.020, Exceptions to Lot Sizes (17.455)

235 (1999)

Prohibits use of unmuffled compression brakes; amends § 46.37.010 in entirety (46.37)

236 (1999)

Adds Section 321B to the Zoning Ordinance, adopting Port Gamble rural historic town provisions (17.321B)

237 (1999)

Emergency ordinance implementing emergency land use regulations for Bethel corridor area (Superseded by 240 (1999))

238 (1999)

Creates Burley Lagoon Watershed Protection District (18.18)

239 (1999)

Speed limit set on county road (Special)

240 (1999)

Adopts interim land use regulations for Bethel corridor area (Not codified)

241 (1999)

Speed limit set on county road (Special)

242 (1999)

Authorizes clerk of superior court to increase fees for trial requests following mediation (Not codified)

243 (1999)

Amends Ch. 10.52 in entirety, adult entertainment; repeals §§ 6.48.040, 6.48.050, 6.48.060, 6.48.070, 6.48.080, 6.48.090 and 6.48.110, pertaining to erotic dance studios (10.52)

244 (1999)

Adds Ch. 14.10, fire and life safety requirements for existing multi-family residential buildings (14.10)

245 (2000)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 11.36, (and repeals Res. 210-1976), Permits and Standards for Use and Improvements to County Right-of-Way (11.36)

246 (2000)

Interim land use policies for State Highway 303 corridor (Not codified)

247 (2000)

Adopts Bethel Road Corridor Development Plan; amends Ch. 17.355, zoning; and repeals Ord. 237 (1999) (17.355)

248 (2000)

Amends Ch. 10.48 in entirety, adding 10.48.012, 10.48.014, 10.48.016 and 10.48.018, and amending existing 10.48.010 and 10.48.020, regarding discharge and sale of common fireworks (10.48)

249 (2000)

Adds Ch. 17.317, Port Blakely Sub-Area Plan; zoning (Repealed by 367)

250 (2000)

Amends Chs. 17.340 and 17.355 to reflect design guidelines for community of Kingston

251 (2000)

Adopts 2000 Edition of the Kitsap County Code; adopts by reference certain amendments, repeals and reorganizations incorporated in new code; adds Ch. 1.01, Code Adoption; also adds Ch. 1.02, Code Revision; also adds § 1.04.050, regarding references to amendments; and amends § 1.04.040, construction of provisions (1.01, 1.02, 1.04)

252 (2000)

Amends Ch. 2.02 by adding §§ 2.02.020, 2.02.030, 2.02.040 and 2.02.050; also amends § 2.02.010, pertaining to meetings of the board of commissioners (2.02)

253 (2001)

Adopts amendment to Transportation Element of Comprehensive Plan, to reflect changes required by HB 1487, the “Level of Service Bill” (Not codified)

254 (2001)

Adds Ch. 21.08, Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Procedures (21.08)

255 (2001)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 4.116, Purchasing Procedures; also repeals Ch. 2.88 (Resolutions 338-1981, 346-1984 and 468-1984) (4.116)

256 (2001)

Amends §§ 17.455.010 and 17.500.010, pertaining to director authority in granting variances (17.455, 17.500)

257 (2001)

Increases speed limit on Carney Lake Road SW (Not codified)

258 (2001)

Ordinance relating to growth management and amending the county-wide planning policy (Not codified)

259 (2001)

Adds Ch. 4.98, One Percent For Art Program (4.98)

260 (2001)

Reduces speed limit on portion of Brownsville Highway NE (Not codified)

261 (2001)

Adds Ch. 9.56, Public Nuisances (9.56)

262 (2001)

Extends deadline for filing petition with county board of equalization for change in assessor's valuation of property (Not codified)

263 (2001)

Amends § 21.08.210, pertaining to appeals relating to Comprehensive Plan amendment procedures (21.08)

264 (2001)

Revises county commissioner districts in accordance with state law and 2000 census information (Not codified)

265 (2002)

Adopts site development activity fee schedule; repeals and replaces Ord. 198 (1996) and 198-A (1998) (Not codified)

266 (2002)

Adds § 7.08.065, animal enthusiast; also amends §§ 7.04.020, 7.04.030, 7.08.010, 7.08.030, 7.08.040, 7.08.050, 7.10.010, 7.10.020, 7.12.010, 7.12.020, 7.12.030, 7.12.040, 7.14.010, 7.14.020, 7.14.030 and 7.14.040; and repeals § 7.08.060; all pertaining to animal control and increasing fees and penalties (7.04, 7.08, 7.10, 7.12, 7.14)

267 (2002)

Adds Ch. 17.321C, Manchester Rural Village (17.321C)

268 (2002)

Amends speed limit on Tracyton Blvd. NW, from NW Bucklin Road to NW Fairgrounds Road (Not codified)

269 (2002)

Ordinance relating to growth management; adopts South Kitsap/ULID No. 6 subarea plan and urban growth area, and making corresponding amendments to the county's Comprehensive Plan (Not codified)

270 (2002)

Amends § 10.24.090, by adding subdivision (b)(1)(C), May Ranch no-shooting area (10.24)

271 (2002)

Adds § 4.08.040, Adoption of Biennial Budgets; also amends § 4.08.020, Budget form (4.08)

272 (2002)

Amends Ch. 9.48 in entirety; retitles chapter as “Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Collection”; repeals §§ 9.48.100 and 9.48.120 (9.48)

273 (2002)

Adds Chs. 16.02 and 17.318, both pertaining to the Poulsbo Urban Transition Area; also makes corresponding amendments to the county's comprehensive plan and development regulations (16.02, 17.318)

274 (2002)

Ordinance relating to growth management; amending the Comprehensive Plan and Map for 2001 and making corresponding amendments to the county's Zoning Code and map (Not codified)

275 (2002)

Adds § 9.16.015, disposal rates for the Olympic View Transfer Station; amends § 9.16.010, Disposal rates for solid waste drop box facilities; also repeals §§ 9.16.020 and 9.16.030 (9.16)

276 (2002)

Adds §§ 3.54.090, 3.54.100 and 3.54.110; amends §§ 3.54.010, 3.54.020, 3.54.030, 3.54.040, 3.54.050, 3.54.060, 3.54.070 and 3.54.080; all pertaining to smoking regulations (3.54)

277 (2002)

Amends boundaries of Bethel Corridor Development Plan, to provide consistency with Comprehensive Plan (Not codified)

278 (2002)

Amends § 10.36.420, adding speed restriction on Mission Lake (10.36)

279 (2002)

Adds Ch. 3.76, Public Records; repeals Res. 013-1997 (3.76)

280 (2002)

Amends §§ 14.04.040, 14.04.120, 14.04.130, 14.04.150, 14.04.170, 14.04.180, 14.04.200, 14.04.210, 14.04.230, 14.04.240, 14.04.250, 14.04.260, 14.04.270 and 14.04.290; also repeals §§ 14.04.110, 14.04.140, 14.04.160 and 14.04.190, and Appendices A, B, and C of Ord. 224 (1998); all pertaining to updating referenced construction codes and application procedures and fees for building permits (14.04)

281 (2002)

Adds definitions: 17.110.057, alternative technology, 17.110.687, stealth technology; repeals and replaces Ch. 17.520, Appeals; also amends §§ 17.110.105, 17.110.210, 17.110.240, 17.110.675, pertaining to zoning definitions; and amends §§ 17.460.010, 17.460.020, 17.470.020, 17.470.030, 17.470.040, 17.470.060; zoning (17.110, 17.460, 17.470, 17.520)

282 (2002)

Adds Ch. 9.18, Vehicle Litter Control (9.18)

283 (2002)

Amends § 9.48.040, minimum levels of household recyclable materials and yard debris curbside collection service (9.48)

284 (2002)

Amends § 9.16.015, disposal rates for Olympic View Transfer Station (9.16)

285 (2002)

Adds Ch. 2.50, establishing the Community Development Corporation (2.50)

286 (2002)

Amends in entirety Ch. 4.44, Emergency Services Communications System Excise Tax (4.44)

287 (2002)

Amends § 4.98.040, establishment of art board (4.98)

288 (2002)

Amends in entirety Ch. 4.132, Surcharge and User Fee on Certain Superior Court Cases (4.132)

289 (2002)

Reduces speed limit on portion of SE Southworth Drive (Not codified)

290 (2002)

Amends §§ 12.08.010, 12.10.010, 12.10.030, 12.10.100, 13.04.030, 16.48.090, 16.52.090, 16.52.190, 18.16.130, 21.04.010 and Table 21.04.030; also repeals §§ 16.52.110, 16.52.180, 16.52.190 and 18.16.140;all amendments and repeals pertaining to transfer of some permit review authority from public works department to community development department (12.08, 12.10, 13.04, 16.48, 16.52, 18.16, 21.04)

291 (2002)

Adds Ch. 21.06, Development Permit Fee Schedule; also amends §§ 11.28.040, 11.36.100, 12.10.050, 16.12.020, 16.48.080, 16.48.290, 16.52.080, 16.52.320, 16.56.110, 16.60.080, 17.450.040, 18.16.120, 18.16.170, 20.04.150; also repeals §§ 17.640.005 and 18.04.270, and Ord. 265 (2002); all pertaining to amending fees for certain applications and permits (11.36, 12.10, 16.12, 16.48, 16.52, 16.56, 16.60, 17.450, 18.16, 20.04, 21.06)

292 (2002)

Adds § 17.11.369, junk motor vehicle defined; amends Table 17.320.020, §§ 17.325.020, 17.330.020, 17.340.020, Table 17.350.020, Table 17.355.020, Table 17.370.020, §§ 17.430.020, 17.435.030 and 17.530.030; relating to the storage of junk motor vehicles on private property (17.110, 17.330, 17.340, 17.340, 17.350, 17.355, 17.370, 17.430, 17.435, 17.530)

293 (2003)

Adds Ch. 11.22, Kitsap County Road Standards; also repeals Chs. 11.24, 11.28 and 16.28, as well as 16.24.030, 16.24.090, 16.24.100, 16.24.110, 16.24.120 and 16.24.190 (11.22)

294 (2003)

Amends § 2.02.010, regular meetings of the board of commissioners (2.02)

295 (2003)

Amends § 9.16.015, disposal rates for the Olympic View Transfer Station (9.16)

296 (2003)

Amends § 2.02.010, regular meetings of the board of commissioners (2.02)

297 (2003)

Speed limit change (Not codified)

298 (2003)

Flood control (Not codified)

299 (2003)

Adds Ch. 9.14, Establishing Disposal Rates for Use of County Storm Drainage System Waste Maintenance Processing Facility (9.14)

300 (2003)

Amends subsection (2) of 13.12.160; also adds subsection (19) to 13.12.160; prohibited discharges into public sewer system (13.12)

301 (2003)

Adopts amendments to the county-wide growth management planning population projections (Repealed by 308 (2003))

302 (2003)

Adds Ch. 4.110, Impact Fees; repeals Chs. 4.108 and 4.112 (4.110)

303 (2003)

Amends §§ 4.110.200, 4.110.210 and 4.110.220, all pertaining to specific impact fees (4.110)

304 (2003)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.92, Veterans' Relief (2.92)

305 (2003)

Emergency ordinance; amends § 17.470.050, exempting certain 911 public safety communication facilities from certain lighting standards applicable to wireless communication facilities [Note: Adopted July 28, 2003 and effective for sixty days] (Repealed by 309 (2003))

306 (2003)

Amends §§ 4.116.020 and 4.116.070, purchasing procedures (4.116)

307 (2003)

Reenacts and amends in entirety, Ch. 3.56, Contract Review Procedure; repeals Chs. 4.120 and 4.124, as adopted by Resolutions 412-1985 and 411-1985, respectively (3.56)

308 (2003)

Adopts amendments to county-wide growth management population projection; repeals and replaces Ord. 301 (2003) (Not codified)

309 (2003)

Amends § 17.470.050, exempting certain 911 public safety communication facilities from certain lighting standards applicable to wireless communication facilities; repeals Ord. 305 (2003) (17.470)

310 (2003)

Adds §§ 15.08.055, 15.08.075, 15.08.077, 15.08.085, 15.08.155, 15.08.195, 15.08.212, 15.08.215, 15.08.235, 15.12.135 and 15.12.140; also amends §§ 15.04.040, 15.04.050, 15.04.080, 15.08.030, 15.08.040, 15.08.050, 15.08.080, 15.08.090, 15.08.100, 15.08.170, 15.08.190, 15.08.200, 15.12.010, 15.12.030, 15.12.040, 15.12.050, 15.12.060, 15.12.070, 15.12.080, 15.12.090, 15.12.100, 15.12.110, 15.12.120, 15.12.130, 15.16.040, 15.16.050, 15.20.010, 15.20.020 and 15.20.030; all pertaining to flood control (15.04, 15.08, 15.12, 15.16, 15.20)

311 (2003)

Amends comprehensive plan and map; amends Zoning Code and map (Title 17)

312 (2003)

Amends county-wide planning policy relating to growth management (Not codified)

313 (2003)

Amends §§ 4.110.120, 4.110.200, 4.110.210 and 4.110.220, all pertaining to impact fees for roads, parks and schools (4.110)

314 (2003)

Adds § 46.02.035, speed limits in school zones (46.02)

315 (2004)

Amends § 12.40.050, rate structure for permissive rainwater harvesting systems (12.40)

316 (2004)

Adds Ch. 18.20, Noxious Weed Control Program (18.12)

317 (2004)


318 (2004)


319 (2004)

Amends §§ 12.40.040 and 12.40.055, pertaining to equivalent service units and rates for storm water management program; repeals Res. 375-1994 (12.40)

320 (2004)

Amends §§ 4.110.200, 4.110.210, 4.110.220, 4.110.230, pertaining to impact fee rates for roads, parks and schools (4.110)

321 (2004)


322 (2004)

Amends §§ 11.36.040 and 11.36.060, pertaining to county right-of-way permits and standards (11.36)

323 (2004)

Adds § 14.04.065, Violations; § 14.04.125, Fee refunds; 14.04.235, Corrections; § 14.04.268, Permit expiration; § 14.04.272, Building permit fees; § 14.04.277, Certificate of occupancy; § 14.04.285, Appeals; § 14.04.295, Addressing; § 14.04.308, Central monitoring stations; § 14.04.325, Fire alarm and detection systems; § 14.04.405, Under-floor ventilation; § 14.04.415, Energy efficiency; § 14.04.425, Flood hazard areas; § 14.04.435, Existing buildings; also adds new Article 5, International Residential Code Amendments; § 14.04.501, IRC general; § 14.04.505, Work exempt from permit; § 14.04.515, Application for permit; § 14.04.518, Permit expiration; § 14.04.522, IRC permit fees;§ 14.04.525, IRC appeals; § 14.04.532, Corrections; § 14.04.535, Design criteria; § 14.04.545, Special flood hazard areas; § 14.04.548, Exit doors; § 14.04.552, Smoke alarms; § 14.04.555, Protection against decay; § 14.04.558, Prescriptive foundations; § 14.04.565, Under-floor ventilation; § 14.04.572, Roof drainage; § 14.04.575, Electrical Code references; § 14.04.582, Combustion Air; § 14.04.585, Plumbing Code references; § 14.04.588, Water heater locations; § 14.04.592, Manufactured homes; § 14.04.595, Existing buildings; § 14.04.605, IMC corrections; § 14.04.615, IMC Violations and appeals; § 14.04.625, Flood hazard areas; § 14.04.635, Ventilation; § 14.04.645, International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC); § 14.04.655, IFGC violations and appeals; § 14.04.720, Construction permits; § 14.04.785, IFC referenced standards; § 14.04.790, Marinas; § 14.04.850, DBC general; § 14.04.860, Enforcement;

323 (2004)

§ 14.04.865, Dangerous buildings; § 14.04.870, Dangerous building definitions; § 14.04.875, Compliance; also amends §§ 14.04.010, 14.04.020, 14.04.030, 14.04.040, 14.04.050, 14.04.060, 14.04.070, 14.04.080, 14.04.090, 14.04.100, 14.04.120, 14.04.230, 14.04.240, 14.04.250, 14.04.270, 14.04.310, 14.04.320;

amends and renumbers § 14.04.290 as § 14.04.265; Article 5, Mechanical Code Amendments, is renumbered as Article 6; § 14.04.350 is renumbered as § 14.04.601; Article 6, International Fire Code Amendments, is renumbered as Article 7; § 14.04.370 is renumbered as § 14.04.700, and amended; § 14.04.380 is renumbered as § 14.04.705, and amended; § 14.04.410 is renumbered as § 14.04.710, and amended; § 14.04.430 is renumbered as § 14.04.730, and amended;

§ 14.04.440 is renumbered as § 14.04.740, and amended; § 14.04.450 is renumbered as § 14.04.750, and amended; § 14.04.470 is renumbered as § 14.04.760, and amended; § 14.04.480 is renumbered as § 14.04.770, and amended; § 14.04.490 is renumbered as § 14.04.780, and amended; Article 7, Plumbing Code Amendments, is renumbered as Article 8; 14.04.500 is renumbered as § 14.04.800, and amended; Article 8, Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, is renumbered as Article 9; § 14.04.520 is renumbered as § 14.04.880, and amended; Article 9, Washington State Energy Code, is renumbered as Article 10; § 14.04.530 is renumbered as § 14.04.885, and amended; Article 10, Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, is renumbered as Article 11; § 14.04.540 is renumbered as § 14.04.890, and amended; Article 11, Washington State Historic Building Code, is renumbered as Article 12; § 14.04.550 is renumbered as § 14.04.895, and amended; Article 12, Washington State Manufactured Homes Installation Standards, is renumbered as Article 13; § 14.04.560 is renumbered as § 14.04.900, and amended; § 14.04.570 is renumbered as § 14.04.910, and amended; Article 13, Washington State Modular Homes and Modular Nonresidential (Commercial) Installation Standards, is renumbered as Article 14; § 14.04.580 is renumbered as § 14.04.920, and amended; § 14.04.590 is renumbered as § 14.04.930, and amended; Article 14, Board of Appeals, is renumbered as Article 15; § 14.04.600 is renumbered as § 14.04.950, and amended;

§ 14.04.610 is renumbered as § 14.04.960, and amended; § 14.04.620 is renumbered as § 14.04.970, and amended; § 14.04.630 is renumbered as § 14.04.980, and amended; § 14.04.640 is renumbered as § 14.04.990, and amended; also repeals §§ 14.04.130, 14.04.150, 14.04.170, 14.04.180, 14.04.200, 14.04.210, 14.04.220, 14.04.260, 14.04.280, 14.04.300, 14.04.330, 14.04.340, 14.04.360, 14.04.390, 14.04.400, 14.04.420, 14.04.460, 14.04.510; all pertaining to adoption of latest amendments to the various technical building and construction codes (14.04)

323(A) (2005)

Adds § 14.04.735, Fire protection water supplies; also amends §§ 14.04.730, 14.04.740, 14.04.750 and 14.04.760, fire code (14.04)

324 (2004)

Amends § 4.36.030, exemption from payment of admissions tax (4.36)

325 (2004)

Amends § 3.56.075, board of commissioners' policy relating to contract review procedures (3.56)

326 (2004)

Amends county-wide planning policy relating to growth management; adds § 21.08.155, Comprehensive Plan and development regulation amendment suggestion procedure, and amends §§ 21.08.010, 21.08.020, 21.08.040 and 21.08.090, all pertaining to docketing procedure for suggested amendments to Comprehensive Plan and development regulations (21.08)

327 (2004)

Amends §§ 12.40.040 and 12.40.055, pertaining to equivalent service units and rates for storm water management program; repeals Res. 375-1994 (12.40)

328 (2004)

Emergency amendment of Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map (Not codified)

329 (2004)

Adds § 10.12.035, formation of park advisory board; also repeals Ch. 2.24 (10.12)

330 (2004)

Adds § 18.20.040; and amends all other exiting sections of Ch. 18.20, Noxious Weed Control Program; renumbers 18.20.040 – 18.20.060 as 18.20.050 – 18.20.070, respectively (18.20)

331 (2004)

Amends Ch. 4.68, Timber harvester excise tax (4.68)

332 (2005)

Amends § 2.02.010, regular meetings (Repealed by 342 (2005))

333 (2005)

Lowers speed limit on portion of Tracyton Blvd. NW (Not codified)

334 (2005)

Amends § 1.12.010, penalty provisions (1.12)

335 (2005)

Adds Ch. 10.56, Urinating in Public (10.56)

336 (2005)

Amends § 17.370.020 to reflect board's decision to allow race tracks as conditional use in business center zone (Repealed by 350 (2005))

337 (2005)

Amends §§ 1.16.010 and 1.16.040, pertaining to operations and membership on the fair board (1.16)

338 (2005)

Temporarily reduces speed limit on portion of NW Newberry Hill Road during construction phase (Special)

339 (2005)

Lowers speed limit on portion of Hood Canal Drive NE (Not codified)

340 (2005)

Lowers speed limit on portion of Little Valley Road NE (Not codified)

341 (2005)

Amends Ch. 4.132, Surcharge on Certain Superior Court Cases, to increase surcharge and user fee for facilitator services (4.132)

342 (2005)

Readopts 2.02.010, Regular meetings of the board; readoption made retroactive to January 31, 2005; repeals 332 (2005) (2.02)

343 (2005)

Amends speed limit on SE Southworth Drive (Not codified)

344 (2005)

Amends speed limit on SE Mile Hill Drive (Not codified)

345 (2005)

Adds § 16.48.095, Requirements for short subdivisions of 5- 9 lots, also adds § 16.48.205, Approval and Expiration; also amends §§ 16.08.170, 16.48.020, 16.48.040, 16.48.050, 16.48.060, 16.48.070, 16.48.080, 16.48.090, 16.48.100, 16.48.120, 16.48.130, 16.48.140, 16.48.150, 16.48.160, 16.48.170, 16.48.190, 16.48.210, 16.48.220, 16.48.230, 16.48.240, 16.48.260, 16.48.290, 16.48.300, 16.48.320, 16.48.330; and repeals § 16.48.180; all pertaining to short subdivisions (16.08, 16.48)

346 (2005)

Amends §§ 17.300.030, 17.301.030, 17.305.030, 17.310.030, 17.315.030, 17.320.020, 17.330.060, 17.340.060, 17.430.020, 17.450.040, 17.450.050, 17.455.040; also repeals § 17.450.060; all generally pertaining to lot area requirements and uses (17.300, 17.301, 17.305, 17.310, 17.315, 17.330, 17.340, 17.430, 17.450, 17.455)

347 (2005)

Amends §§ 2.20.040, 2.20.060 and 2.20.080, pertaining to district court commissioners, boundaries and locations (2.20)

348 (2005)

Adds § 2.08.010, Schedule of fees associated with Voluntary Diversion Program (2.08)

349 (2005)

Repeals portions of Ord. 311 (2003) and the Comprehensive Plan, pertaining to the Rural Wooded Incentive Program (Repealer)

350 (2005)

Repeals Ord. 336 (2005); amends Use Table codified in 17.370.020 to reflect standards adopted pursuant to Ord. 311 (2003) (Repealer)

351 (2005)

Effects complete revision and major reorganization of Title 19, the Critical Areas Ordinance. Specifically, adds Ch. 19.150, Definitions (reenactment of provisions of former 19.100.170); also adds § 19.600.620, Activities with potential threat to groundwater (Table 19.600.620); amends §§ 19.100.105, 19.100.110, 19.100.115, 19.100.120 (renumbered to be 19.100.125), 19.100.125 (renumbered to be 19.110.120), 19.100.130, 19.100.135, 19.100.140, 19.100.145, 19.100.150, 19.100.155, 19.100.160, 19.100.165, 19.200.205, 19.200.235 (renumbered to be 19.200.225), 19.200.240 (renumbered to be 19.200.230), 19.200.255 (renumbered to be 19.200.250), 19.200.260, 19.300.305, 19.400.405, 19.400.410, 19.500.505; repeals § 19.200.230; also repeals §§ 19.200.215 and 19.200.220 and reenacts as new 19.200.210, Wetland identification and functional rating; repeals § 19.100.170 and reenacts, with amendments, former provisions as new Ch. 19.150, Definitions; repeals §§ 19.200.245 and 19.200.250 and reenacts as new 19.200.215, Wetland review procedures; repeals and reenacts 19.200.220, Wetland buffer regulations; repeals and reenacts 19.300.310, Fish and wildlife habitat conservation area categories; repeals and reenacts 19.300.315, Development standards; repeals and reenacts 19.400.415, Development standards; repeals and reenacts 19.600.605, Purpose; 19.600.610, Critical aquifer recharge area categories; and 19.600.615, Development standards; repeals § 19.700.010 and reenacts as new 19.700.705, Special reports;

19.700.710, Wetland delineation report; 19.700.715, Wetland mitigation report; 19.700.720, Habitat management plan; 19.700.725, Geotechnical report and geological report; 19.700.730, Hydrogeological report; and repeals and reenacts Ch. 19.800, Appendices (19.100, 19.150, 19.200, 19.300, 19.400, 19.500, 19.600, 19.700, 19.800)

352 (2005)

Amends Kingston and Suquamish rural village sub-area plans (Not codified)

353 (2006)

Adds Ch. 11.42, Vacation of county roads (11.42)

354 (2006)

Specifies speed limit on NE Lincoln Road (Not codified)

355 (2006)

Specifies speed limit on Glenwood Road SW (Not codified)

356 (2006)

Specifies speed limit on Colchester Road SE (Not codified)

357 (2006)

Specifies speed limit on NW Newberry Road (Not codified)

358 (2006)

Adds Ch. 10.60, Drug Free Zones (10.60)

359 (2006)

Adds § 10.36.235, Directing waterborne traffic and designation of restricted areas; also adds §§ 10.36.325, Abandoned or derelict vessels; also amends §§ 10.36.010, 10.36.020, 10.36.320, 10.36.330, 10.36.340, 10.36.350, 10.36.360 and 10.36.400; also repeals §§ 10.36.070, 10.36.080, 10.36.090; all pertaining to boating regulations (10.36)

360 (2006)

Amends § 12.40.055, relating to Rates for county surface and storm water management program (12.40)

361 (2006)

Specifies speed limit on NE McWilliams Road (Not codified)

362 (2006)

Specifies speed limit on Feigley Road (Not codified)

363 (2006)

Specifies speed limit on Clear Creek Road NW (Not codified)

364 (2006)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.92, Veterans' Assistance Fund (2.92)

365 (2006)

Specifies speed limit on Phillips Road SE (Not codified)

366 (2006)

Amends § 46.02.030, Speed limits on unposted roads (46.02)

367 (2006)

Amends Title 17, Zoning, to reflect 10-year Comprehensive Plan update; specifically: Adds Ch. 17.322, Urban Holding Area Zone; Ch. 17.352, Mixed Use Zone; Ch. 17.377, Parks Zone; Ch. 17.381, Allowed Uses; Ch. 17.382, Density, Dimensions and Design; Ch. 17.421, Hearing Examiner Conditional Use permit; Ch. 17.430, Transfer of Development Rights; also amends Ch. 17.110 (Definitions); 17.200.010, Ch. 17.300 (Forest Resource Lands), 17.305.020 – 17.305.040, 17.310.020 – 17.310.040, Ch. 17.315 (Urban Reserve Zone), 17.321 (Limited Areas of More Intensive Rural Development (LAMIRD), Ch. 17.321A (Suquamish Rural Village), 17.321A.020, 17.321A.030, 17.321A.040, 17.321A.080, 17.321B.030, 17.321B.040, 17.321B.050, 17.321B.055, 17.321B.060, 17.321B.070, 17.321B.075, Ch. 17.321C (Manchester Rural Village), 17.321C.020, 17.321C.030, 17.321C.040, 17.321C.060 (amended and renumbered as 17.321C.050), 17.321C.070 (renumbered as 17.321C.060), 17.321C.090 (amended and renumbered as 17.321C.080), Ch. 17.325 (Urban Restricted Zone), 17.325.020, 17.325.050, 17.325.060, 17.325.070, Ch. 17.330 (Urban Low Residential Zone), 17.330.020, 17.330.050, 17.330.060, Ch. 17.335 (Urban Cluster Residential Zone), 17.335.020, 17.335.030,

17.335.040, 17.335.050, Ch. 17.340 (Urban Medium Residential Zone), 17.340.020, 17.340.050, 17.340.060, 17.350.020, 17.350.030, 17.350.040, 17.350.050, 17.351.020, Ch. 17.353 (Urban Center Zones), 17.353.020,

17.353.030, 17.353.040, 17.353.050, 17.353.060, 17.353.070, 17.354.010, 17.355.010, 17.355.020, 17.355.030, 17.355.040, 17.360.020, 17.360.030, 17.360.040, Ch. 17.365 (Business Center Zone), 17.365.020,

17.365.030, 17.365.040, 17.365.090, 17.370.020, 17.370.025, 17.370.030, 17.370.040, 17.370.050, 17.370.090, Ch. 17.375 (Airport Zone), 17.375.020, 17.375.046, 17.375.050, 17.375.060, 17.380.020, 17.380.030,

367 (2006)


17.380.070, 17.385.010, 17.415.020, 17.428.040, 17.428.080, 17.435.030, Ch. 17.455 (Interpretations and Exceptions), 17.470.040, Table 17.470.100, 17.510.010, 17.510.020, 17.510.030, 17.525.010; also repeals and replaces Ch. 17.301, Rural Wooded Zone; Ch. 17.400, Land Use Review; Ch. 17.420, Administrative Conditional Use Permit; and repeals Chs. 17.317, 17.320, 17.410, 17.430, 17.440, 17.465; repeals §§ 17.321A.025, 17.321A.035, 17.321A.045, 17.321C.050, 17.321C.080, 17.325.030, 17.325.040, 17.330.030, 17.330.040, 17.340.030, 17.340.040, 17.365.025, 17.375.030, 17.375.040, 17.375.090, 17.455.020, 17.455.030, 17.455.040, 17.455.050 (Title 17)

368 (2006)

Amends Ch. 18.04, State Environmental Policy Act; also adds § 18.16.175, Forestry in Rural Wooded Incentive Program development; all amendments to reflect 10-year Comprehensive Plan update (18.04, 18.16)

369 (2006)

Amends Ch. 21.04, Land Use and Development Procedures. Specifically, adds § 21.04.035, Consolidation of project permit applications; § 21.04.045, Submittal requirements; § 21.04.105, Integration of SEPA review with project permit review; also amends § 21.04.020, Table 21.04.030, §§ 21.04.040, 21.04.050, 21.08.030; also repeals and replaces § 21.08.110, Application requirements for site-specific amendments or rezone; all changes to reflect 10-year Comprehensive Plan update (21.04, 21.08)

370 (2006)

Ordinance relating to Growth Management Act and regarding 10-year Comprehensive Plan update (Not codified)

371 (2006)

Imposes 90-day moratorium on acceptance of new applications for permits on nonconforming lots in rural zones for buildings connected to onsite sewage systems designed to serve more than six dwelling units (Not codified)

372 (2006)

Specifies speed limit on McCormick Woods Drive SE (Not codified)

373 (2006)

Specifies speed limit on NW Holly Road (Not codified)

374 (2007)

Amends county-wide planning policies (Not codified)

375 (2007)

Adds § 12.20.035, Storm water quantity control – Prescriptive flow control; also amends §§ 12.08.010, 12.20.030, 12.20.080 and 12.30.040, all pertaining to low-impact development and other technology updates relating to storm water management (12.08, 12.20, 12.30)

376 (2007)

Amends §§ 19.200.210 and 19.300.315 pertaining to critical areas (19.200, 19.300)

377 (2007)

Amends §§ 10.48.010, 10.48.012, 10.48.014, 10.48.016 and 10.48.018, relating to fireworks (10.48)

378 (2007)

Adds § 2.32.110, Handling of complaints; also amends §§ 2.32.010, 2.32.020, 2.32.030, 2.32.050, 11.16.020, 46.44.0904 and 46.44.0941; repeals § §2.32.040 and 2.32.090; repeals Ch. 2.108 and §§ 11.04.020 and 11.04.030; repeals § 2 of Res. 603-1979; all making amendments pertaining to department of public works (2.32, 11.04, 11.16, 46.44)

379 (2007)

Amends §§ 9.48.010, 9.48.020, 9.48.030, 9.48.040, 9.48.050, 9.48.060, 9.48.070, 9.48.080, 9.48.090, 9.48.110 and 9.48.130, all pertaining to residential recycling collection (9.48)

380 (2007)

Amends Tables 17.381.040.A and 17.381.040.E, relating to allowed uses (17.381)

381 (2007)

Amends §§ 17.381.050(A), pertaining to allowed uses, and 17.382.110(A), pertaining to density, dimensions, and design (17.381, 17.382)

382 (2007)

Amends § 17.382.110(A), relating to density, dimensions, and design (Expired)

383 (2007)

Repeals industrial multi-purpose recreational area Comprehensive Plan policy and land use designation, as well as associated urban holding area zoning classification and development regulations relating to growth management (Not codified)

384 (2007)

Amends §§ 17.200.010, 17.360.020, 17.365.020, 17.370.020, 17.375.020, 17.381.040, Table 17.381.040.C, 17.381.050, 17.382.040 and 17.382.080; also repeals Ch. 17.322; all pertaining to repeal of Urban Holding Area legislation (17.200, 17.360, 17.365, 17.370, 17.375, 17.381, 17.382)

385 (2007)

Sets speed limits on Suquamish Way NE (Not codified)

386 (2007)

Sets speed limit on Miller Bay Road NE (Not codified)

387 (2007)

Sets speed limit on Hansville Road NE (Not codified)

388 (2007)

Sets speed limit on Central Valley Road (Not codified)

389 (2007)

Sets speed limit on Sidney Road SW (Not codified)

390 (2007)

Sets speed limits on Newberry Hill Road and Silverdale Way NW (Not codified)

391 (2007)

Adds § 14.04.520, basic plan system; amends §§ 14.04.040, 14.04.065, 14.04.120, 14.04.230, 14.04.285, 14.04.505, 14.04.515, 14.04.525, 14.04.532, 14.04.535, 14.04.545, 14.04.552, 14.04.558, 14.04.565, 14.04.595, 14.04.601, 14.04.605, 14.04.615, 14.04.635, 14.04.645, 14.04.655, 14.04.705, 14.04.710, 14.04.750, 14.04.760, 14.04.780, 14.04.785, 14.04.860, 14.04.875, 14.04.880, 14.04.885,

14.04.890, 14.04.910, 14.04.980 and 14.04.990; and repeals §§ 14.04.270,14.04.865; all pertaining to bringing adopted construction codes into compliance with latest amendments (14.04)

392 (2007)

Amends Ch. 4.132, surcharge and user fee on certain superior court cases (4.132)

393 (2007)

Amends Ch. 4.98, one percent for art program (4.98)

394 (2007)

Amends §§ 4.116.010, 4.116.020, 4.116.030 and 4.116.050, purchasing (4.116)

395 (2007)

Amends Comprehensive Plan, Kingston Sub-Area Plan, 6-Year Capital Facility Plan and Kingston Wastewater Facility Plan (Not codified)

396 (2007)

Amends § 2.02.010, regular county commissioner meetings (2.02)

397 (2007)

Moratorium on acceptance of new applications for development permits in 2006 “expansion areas” of the following UGAs: Silverdale, Central Kitsap, West Bremerton, Gorst, and Port Orchard (Repealed by 412 (2008))

398 (2007)

Adds Ch. 4.113, sheriff's fees (4.113)

399 (2007)

Amends Ord. 382-2007, extending interim regulations (Expired)

400 (2007)

Adds section to Ch. 4.116, purchasing (4.116)

401 (2007)

Moratorium on acceptance of new applications for development permits in 2006 “expansion areas” of the following UGAs: Silverdale, Central Kitsap, West Bremerton, Gorst, and Port Orchard (Not codified)

402 (2007)

Adopts Keyport Community Plan; adds Chapter 17.321D; amends §§ 17.381.040(D), 17.382.090 and 17.382.110, zoning (17.321D, 17.381, 17.382)

403 (2007)

Amends county-wide planning policies (Not codified)

404 (2007)

Amends §§ 11.22.020, 11.22.040, 11.22.050, 11.22.070, 11.22.080, 11.22.110, 11.22.120; repeals § 11.22.090, road standards (11.22)

405 (2007)

Amends comprehensive plan and comprehensive plan land use and zoning map; amends §§ 17.321C.010, 17.381.040.D, 17.381.050, 17.382.090 and 17.382.110, Manchester Community Plan (17.321C, 17.381, 17.382)

406 (2008)

Amends §§ 14.04.120 and 21.06.100, permit fee schedules (14.04, 21.06)

407 (2008)

Amends comprehensive plan; amends §§ 17.110.535, 17.301.080, 17.382.110, 17.430.010 and 17.430.090; deletes § 17.110.782, zoning (17.110, 17.382, 17.430)

408 (2008)

Moratorium on applications for development utilizing Rural Wooded Incentive Program (Not codified)

409 (2008)

Amends Comprehensive Plan, Silverdale and Port Orchard/South Kitsap Sub-Area Plans, and 6-Year Capital Facility Plan (Not codified)

410 (2008)

Moratorium on acceptance of new applications for development permits in 2006 “expansion areas” of the following UGAs: Silverdale, Central Kitsap, West Bremerton, Gorst, and Port Orchard (Repealed by 412 (2008))

411 (2008)

Amends § 17.301.080, Rural Wooded Incentive Program (Repealed by 456 (2010))

412 (2008)

Repeals moratorium imposed by Ords. 397-2007 and 410-2008 (Repealer)

413 (2008)

Extends moratorium on applications for development utilizing Rural Wooded Incentive Program (Not codified)

414 (2008)

Amends zoning map (Not codified)

415 (2008)

Adds §§ 17.110.100, 17.110.132, 17.110.133, 17.110.171, 17.110.197, 17.110.212, 17.110.213, 17.110.319,

17.110.366, 17.110.368, 17.110.396, 17.110.412, 17.110.506, 17.110.548, 17.110.572, 17.110.576, 17.110.642, 17.110.643, 17.110.646, 17.110.662, 17.110.663, 17.110.693, 17.110.706, 17.110.725, 17.321C.030, 17.353.100, 17.380.065, 17.382.037, 17.385.027, 17.400.050, 17.415.032, 17.415.065, 17.415.075, 17.415.535, 17.415.625, 17.415.675, 17.420.035, 17.420.100, 17.421.025, 17.421.090, 17.425.045, 17.425.110, 17.425.120, 17.425.130, 17.435.060 and 17.445.095; amends Ch. 17.100, §§ 17.110.005, 17.110.015, 17.110.045, 17.110.055, 17.110.075, 17.110.105, 17.110.110, 17.110.130, 17.110.196, 17.110.200, 17.110.205, 17.110.220, 17.110.226, 17.110.290, 17.110.301, 17.110.315, 17.110.317, 17.110.345, 17.110.400, 17.110.405, 17.110.440, 17.110.470, 17.110.475, 17.110.477, 17.110.490, 17.110.535, 17.110.580, 17.110.615, 17.110.630, 17.110.635, 17.110.640, 17.110.647, 17.110.655, 17.110.660, 17.110.666, 17.110.673, 17.110.695, 17.110.710, 17.110.765, 17.200.010, 17.301.070, 17.305.010, 17.310.010 and 17.315.010, Ch. 17.318, §§ 17.321A.010, 17.321A.020, 17.321A.030, 17.321A.040, 17.321A.080, 17.321B.010, 17.321B.020, 17.321B.025, 17.321B.040, 17.321B.050, 17.321B.055, 17.321B.060, 17.321B.070, 17.321B.075, 17.321C.060, 17.321C.080, 17.325.010, 17.325.100, 17.330.010, 17.330.090, 17.335.010, 17.335.080,

17.340.010, 17.340.090, 17.350.100, 17.352.010, 17.352.020, 17.352.070, 17.353.020, 17.353.030, 17.353.040, 17.353.050 and 17.353.060, Ch. 17.354, §§ 17.365.010, 17.365.020, 17.365.070, 17.370.010, 17.370.022, 17.370.070, 17.370.080, 17.370.090, 17.375.060, 17.380.010, 17.380.030, 17.380.050, 17.380.060, 17.381.010, 17.381.030, 17.381.040, 17.381.050, 17.381.060, 17.382.010, 17.382.020, 17.382.030, 17.382.035, 17.382.040, 17.382.060, 17.382.070, 17.382.080, 17.382.090, 17.382.100, 17.382.110, 17.385.010, 17.385.030, 17.385.060, 17.400.010, 17.400.020, 17.415.010, 17.415.020, 17.415.030, 17.415.035, 17.415.060, 17.415.070, 17.420.040, 17.420.060, 17.420.070, 17.421.030, 17.421.050, 17.421.060, 17.425.010, 17.425.020, 17.425.040, 17.425.050, 17.425.100, 17.430.080, 17.435.010, 17.435.020, 17.435.030, 17.435.050, 17.445.100, 17.455.010, 17.455.060, 17.455.090, 17.455.100, 17.455.120, 17.470.010, 17.470.030, 17.470.050, 17.500.080, 17.510.010, 17.520.010 and 17.525.010; amends and renumbers § 17.110.505 as 17.110.508; renumbers § 17.110.197 as 17.110.199; repeals §§ 17.110.103, 17.110.230, 17.110.340, 17.110.425, 17.110.605, 17.110.674, 17.110.735, 17.380.040, 17.385.050, 17.415.050, 17.415.400 and 17.415.600; repeals and replaces § 17.415.550, zoning (17.100, 17.110, 17.200, 17.301, 17.305, 17.310, 17.315,

17.318, 17.321A, 17.321B, 17.321C, 17.325, 17.330, 17.335, 17.340, 17.350, 17.352, 17.353, 17.354, 17.365, 17.370, 17.375, 17.380, 17.381, 17.382, 17.385, 17.400, 17.415, 17.420, 17.421, 17.425, 17.430, 17.435, 17.445, 17.455, 17.470, 17.500, 17.510, 17.520, 17.525)

416 (2008)

Amends §§ 18.04.010, 18.04.020, 18.04.030, 18.04.040, 18.04.050, 18.04.060, 18.04.070, 18.04.080, 18.04.090, 18.04.100, 18.04.110, 18.04.115, 18.04.120, 18.04.125, 18.04.130, 18.04.140, 18.04.150, 18.04.160, 18.04.170, 18.04.180, 18.04.190, 18.04.200, 18.04.210, 18.04.220, 18.04.230, 18.04.250, 18.04.260, 18.04.270, 18.04.290, SEPA regulations (18.04)

417 (2008)

Moratorium on applications for development within proposed alternatives of Waaga Way extension and proposed connector roads (Repealed by 425 (2009))

418 (2008)

Amends shoreline environmental designation map (Not codified)

419 (2008)

Amends §§ 17.110.160, 17.110.375, 17.110.504, 17.381.040, 17.381.050, 17.381.060, 17.382.110, 17.435.030, zoning (17.110, 17.381, 17.382, 17.435)

420 (2008)

Adopts Illahee Community Plan; adds Ch. 17.326; amends §§ 17.200.010, 17.381.040, 17.381.050, 17.382.040, 17.382.060 and 17.382.110, Silverdale Subarea Plan, Kingston Subarea Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Plan (17.200, 17.326, 17.381, 17.382)

421 (2008)

Moratorium on applications for permits on nonconforming lots in rural zones utilizing on-site sewage systems designed to serve more than six units (Not codified)

422 (2009)

Moratorium on applications for development in area of Waaga Way extension and proposed connector roads (Not codified)

423 (2009)

Adds § 2.26.030, fee for autopsy reports (2.26)

424 (2009)

Extends moratorium on applications for development utilizing Rural Wooded Incentive Program (Not codified)

425 (2009)

Amends Tables 17.381.040(B) and (C), § 17.381.050 and Silverdale Design Standards; repeals Ord. 417-2008, zoning (17.381)

426 (2009)

Adds Ch. 4.135, court fees (4.135)

427 (2009)

Amends § 21.04.100, public notice (21.04)

428 (2009)

Amends § 2.10.120, hearing examiner rules of procedure (2.10)

429 (2009)

Extends moratorium on applications for permits on nonconforming lots in rural zones utilizing on-site sewage systems designed to serve more than six units (Not codified)

430 (2009)

Extends moratorium on applications for development utilizing Rural Wooded Incentive Program (Repealed by 456 (2010))

431 (2009)

Amends § 10.12.080, firearms in parks (10.12)

432 (2009)

Authorizes termination of three-party agreement regarding Port Blakely properties (Not codified)

433 (2009)

Adds §§ 12.04.025, 12.10.055, 12.16.010, Ch. 12.18 and § 12.20.085; amends §§ 12.04.020, 12.04.050, 12.04.060, 12.08.010, 12.10.010, 12.10.030, 12.10.040, 12.10.050, 12.10.060, 12.10.070, 12.10.080, 12.10.090, 12.10.100, 12.12.010, 12.12.040, 12.12.050, 12.12.060, 12.16.050, 12.20.010, 12.20.020, 12.20.040, 12.20.060, 12.20.070, 12.20.080, 12.20.090, 12.20.100, 12.20.130, 12.24.010, 12.24.020, 12.24.030, 12.24.040, 12.24.050, 12.28.010, 12.28.020, 12.30.030, 12.30.040, 12.30.050, 12.30.060, 12.32.010, 12.32.020, 12.32.030, 12.32.040, 12.32.070, 12.32.080 and 12.32.090; renumbers §§ 12.16.100 to 12.16.080, 12.16.130 to 12.16.110 and 12.32.130 to 12.32.120;

renumbers and amends §§ 12.12.030 to 12.12.020, 12.12.020 to 12.12.030, 12.16.010 to 12.16.020, 12.16.020 to 12.16.030, 12.16.030 to 12.16.040, 12.16.070 to 12.16.060, 12.16.090 to 12.16.070, 12.16.110 to 12.16.090 and 12.16.120 to 12.16.100; repeals §§ 12.10.020, 12.10.110, Ch. 12.14, §§ 12.16.040, 12.16.060, 12.16.080, 12.16.140, 12.20.030, 12.20.035, 12.20.110, 12.30.010, 12.32.060 and 12.32.120, storm water drainage (12.04, 12.08, 12.10, 12.12, 12.16, 12.18, 12.20, 12.24, 12.28, 12.30, 12.32)

434 (2009)

Opts out as participating taxing district in the city of Bremerton’s proposed local revitalization area (Not codified)

435 (2009)

Amends Kitsap County Stormwater Design Manual (Not codified)

436 (2009)

Extends Falcon Cable franchise agreement (Expired)

437 (2009)

Ratifies Comcast franchise (Special)

438 (2009)

Amends § 2.92.020, veterans’ assistance fund (2.92)

439 (2009)

Adds § 16.60.015; amends §§ 16.60.010, 16.60.020, 16.60.030, 16.60.040, 16.60.060, 16.60.070, 16.60.090 and 16.60.100; repeals §§ 16.60.050 and 16.60.080, addressing of land (16.60)

440 (2009)

Amends §§ 14.04.120, 14.04.125, 14.04.130, 14.04.150, 14.04.170, 14.04.180, 14.04.200, 14.04.210, 14.04.240, 14.04.250, 14.04.272, 14.04.277, 14.04.520, 14.04.522, 14.04.601, 14.04.645, 14.04.800, 14.04.910, 14.08.050 and Ch. 21.06; renames Ch. 14.04, Art. III; repeals § 14.08.060, buildings, construction, land use and development procedures (14.04, 14.08, 21.06)

441 (2009)

Extends effective date of Ord. 433-2009, storm water drainage (12.04, 12.08, 12.10, 12.12, 12.16, 12.18, 12.20, 12.24, 12.28, 12.30)

442 (2009)

Adopts Kitsap County Stormwater Design Manual; repeals Kitsap County Stormwater Design Manual adopted as Exh. A to Ord. 199-1996 (Not executed)

443 (2009)

Adopts Greater Hansville Community Plan; amends Capital Facilities Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map; rezones certain property (Not codified)

444 (2010)

Renews Wavedivision IV, LLC cable television system franchise (Special)

445 (2010)

Extends moratorium on applications for permits on nonconforming lots in rural zones utilizing on-site sewage systems designed to serve more than six units (Repealed by 457 (2010))

446 (2010)

Extends moratorium on applications for development utilizing Rural Wooded Incentive Program (Not codified)

447 (2010)

Repeals and re-adopts the Kitsap County stormwater design manual (Not codified)

448 (2010)

Amends § 12.18.120, flow control exemption (12.18)

449 (2010)

Sets speed limits on Gamble Bay Road NE and NE 288th Street (Not codified)

450 (2010)

Sets speed limit on NW Greaves Way (Not codified)

451 (2010)

Amends § 12.18.120, storm water drainage (12.18)

452 (2010)

Amends §§ 21.04.020, 21.04.030, 21.04.080 and 21.04.120, land use and development procedures (21.04)

453 (2010)

Amends §§ 9.48.010, 9.48.020, 9.48.030, 9.48.040, 9.48.050, 9.48.060, 9.48.070, 9.48.080, 9.48.090, 9.48.110 and 9.48.130, residential recycling collection (9.48)

454 (2010)

Amends §§ 2.104.010, 2.104.020, 2.104.030, 2.104.040, 2.104.050, 2.104.060, 2.104.070, 2.104.080, 2.104.090, 2.104.100, 2.104.110, 2.104.120, 2.104.130, 2.104.160, 2.104.170 and 2.104.210, emergency management (2.104)

455 (2010)

Kitsap County health district; repeals Ord. 196 (1996) (9.52)

456 (2010)

Repeals Ord. 430 (2009) and § 17.301.080 (Repealer)

457 (2010)

Adds Ch. 17.383, sewage disposal systems; repeals Ord. 445 (2010) (17.383)

458 (2010)

Adds §§ 2.56.020, 2.56.030, 2.56.035 and 2.56.040; amends § 2.56.010, department of community development; repeals Res. 60-1961 (2.56)

459 (2010)

Amends § 17.381.060, accessory dwelling units (17.381)

460 (2010)

Amends § 2.04.020, emergency powers of commissioners (2.04)

461 (2010)

Amends § 9.52.070, board of health conduct of business (9.52)

462 (2010)

Amends §§ 4.44.020, 4.44.030, 4.44.040, 4.44.050, 4.44.070, 4.44.090 and 4.44.100, emergency services system telephone excise tax (Pending 1/1/11 effective date)

463 (2010)

Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.21, correctional facility standards (2.21)