Chapter 4.135


4.135.010    Purpose.

4.135.020    Limitation on use of funds.

4.135.030    Collection and distribution.

4.135.040    Fee waiver/suspension.

4.135.050    Effective date.

4.135.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to authorize the clerk of the superior court of Kitsap County to assess a $220.00 fee on certain superior court civil cases when a request for mandatory arbitration is made and/or a statement of arbitrability is filed and to assess a $250.00 fee on certain superior court civil cases when a request for trial de novo from an arbitration award is made.

(Ord. 426 (2009) § 1 (part), 2009)

4.135.020 Limitation on use of funds.

Pursuant to RCW 36.18.016(24), arbitration fees are assessed solely for the purpose of offsetting the costs associated with the mandatory arbitration program by expenditure reimbursement.

(Ord. 426 (2009) § 1 (part), 2009)

4.135.030 Collection and distribution.

The clerk of the superior court shall collect the fees in the same manner as other fees and surcharges are collected. Revenue generated by these fees shall be posted monthly in the superior court budget to reflect the corresponding offset of expenditures made pursuant to the mandatory arbitration program.

(Ord. 426 (2009) § 1 (part), 2009)

4.135.040 Fee waiver/suspension.

Nothing shall preclude a judicial officer, in the regular exercise of his/her judicial discretion, from waiving or suspending any portion of either the arbitration fee or the trial de novo fee, upon a finding of financial indigence on the part of the requesting party.

(Ord. 426 (2009) § 1 (part), 2009)

4.135.050 Effective date.

This chapter takes effect on June 15, 2009.

(Ord. 426 (2009) § 1 (part), 2009)