Chapter 6.16


6.16.010    Definitions.

6.16.020    Parking mobile homes outside mobile home parks.

6.16.030    Permits.

6.16.040    Inspection.

6.16.050    Location, space and general layout.

6.16.060    Service buildings.

6.16.070    Water supply.

6.16.080    Sewage disposal.

6.16.090    Refuse disposal.

6.16.100    Insect and rodent control.

6.16.110    Electricity and fire protection.

6.16.120    Park management.

6.16.130    Revocation of registration certificate.

6.16.140    Violation – Penalty.

*    Editor’s Note: For regulations governing recreational vehicle parks, see the Kitsap County Zoning Ordinance.

6.16.010 Definitions.

The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and the enforcement of this chapter:

(1)    “Dependent mobile home” means a mobile home without toilet and/or bathing facilities;

(2)    “Health officer” means the district health officer, as defined in Chapter 70.46 RCW, or his authorized representative;

(3)    “Independent mobile home” means a mobile home having toilet and/or bathing facilities;

(4)    “Mobile home” means a transportable, single-family dwelling unit suitable for year-round occupancy and containing similar plumbing, waste disposal and electrical conveniences as immobile housing;

(5)    “Mobile home lot” means a parcel of land within a mobile home park for the placement of a single mobile home and the exclusive use of its occupants;

(6)    “Mobile home park” means a plot of ground divided into lots, under the ownership or management of one person, firm or corporation for the purpose of locating two or more mobile homes for dwelling or sleeping purposes;

(7)    “Permit” means a written permit issued by the health officer allowing a person to operate and maintain a mobile home park subject to the provisions of this chapter;

(8)    “Person” means a person, firm, corporation, partnership, association, or agency of state, county or municipal government, or agency of the federal government which is subject to the jurisdiction of the state;

(9)    “Service building” means a structure housing toilet, lavatory, shower and such other facilities as may be required by this chapter;

(10)    “Sewer connection” means the connection consisting of all pipes, fittings, and appurtenances from the drain outlet of the mobile home to the inlet of the corresponding sewer riser pipe of the sewerage system serving the mobile home park;

(11)    “Sewer riser pipe” means that portion of the sewer lateral which extends vertically and terminates above ground elevation to permit hook-up with the mobile home sewer connection;

(12)    “Water connection” means the connection consisting of all pipes, fittings, and appurtenances from the water riser pipe to the water inlet pipe of the distribution system within the mobile home;

(13)    “Water riser pipe” means that portion of the water supply serving the mobile home park which extends vertically above ground elevation and terminates at a designated point at each mobile home lot.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 1, 1971)

6.16.020 Parking mobile homes outside mobile home parks.

No mobile home shall be parked and occupied outside of an approved mobile home park unless adequate sanitary facilities are provided and approved by the health officer and unless permitted by applicable local building and/or zoning requirements.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 2, 1971)

6.16.030 Permits.

(a)    No person shall operate a mobile home park in Kitsap County who does not possess an unrevoked permit as issued annually by the health officer, in the name of such person, for the specific mobile home park.

(b)    Permits shall be issued on an annual basis. Fees for less than one-half of a calendar year shall be one-half of the yearly rate. Permit fees shall be twenty-five dollars for the first ten lots and two dollars for each additional lot. Payments for the permit are to be made to the Bremerton-Kitsap County health department and deposited in the public health pooling fund.

(c)    The applications for the initial permit shall include the name and address of the applicant, a legal description and complete plan of the proposed park, which shall contain the following information:

(1)    The area and dimensions of the tract of land;

(2)    The number, location and size of all mobile home lots – dependent and independent;

(3)    The number, location, and size of all automobile parking lots;

(4)    The location and width of roadways and walkways;

(5)    Method and plan of water supply;

(6)    Method and plan of sewage disposal;

(7)    Method of garbage disposal;

(8)    Plan of electrical service;

(9)    Plans and specifications of all buildings and other improvements constructed or to be constructed within the mobile home park;

(10)    Size and location of the play area, if provided;

(11)    Evidence of compliance with local building and/or zoning requirements.

(d)    No major changes or alterations shall be made to any part of the mobile home park, as outlined in the park plan, without approval of the health officer.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 3, 1971)

6.16.040 Inspection.

The health officer is authorized and directed to make such inspections as are necessary to determine satisfactory compliance with this chapter, and shall have free access to such premises at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 4, 1971)

6.16.050 Location, space and general layout.

(a)    The mobile home park shall be located on a well-drained site, and shall be so situated and maintained as not to create a public health hazard or nuisance.

(b)    The area of the mobile home park shall be adequate to accommodate:

(1)    The designated number of mobile home lots, independent and dependent;

(2)    Necessary streets and roadways;

(3)    Service areas.

(c)    Each mobile home lot shall abut on a driveway or other clear area with unobstructed access to a public street. Mobile homes shall be parked on such lots so that there will be a minimum of ten feet between mobile homes.

(d)    A mobile home shall not be occupied unless it is properly placed on a mobile home lot and connected to water, sewerage and electrical utilities.

(e)    No mobile home shall be parked so that any part of such mobile home will obstruct any roadway or walkway.

(f)    Access roads shall be provided to each mobile home lot. Access roads shall be surfaced with crushed rock, blacktop, concrete or other suitable material approved by the health officer. Each access road shall connect with a street or highway; have a minimum width of twenty-four feet; and shall be well-marked in the daytime and adequately lighted at night.

(g)    Surfaced and lighted walkways shall be provided to all service buildings.

(h)    Off-street parking in a form of parking bays or individual parking spaces on each lot must be provided. Each lot must be designed to provide parking for two automobiles.

(i)    Minimum lot area shall be five thousand square feet with a minimum width of fifty feet at the mobile home stand, which is that part of a lot reserved for the placement of a mobile home.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 5, 1971)

6.16.060 Service buildings.

(a)    Service buildings are optional for mobile home parks serving only independent mobile homes. Service buildings adequately equipped with flush-type toilet fixtures, lavatories and showers shall be provided for the use of dependent mobile homes.

(b)    Location. Service buildings shall be conveniently located not more than two hundred feet from any dependent mobile home lot and not less than eight feet from any mobile home.

(c)    Construction and Maintenance.

(1)    Service buildings shall be of permanent construction with an interior finish of light colored moisture-resistant material which will stand frequent washing and cleaning;

(2)    The floors shall be of water-impervious material, easily cleanable, and sloped to floor drains connected to the sewage system. The service building shall be maintained in a clean condition at all times;

(3)    All exterior openings from toilet rooms shall be covered with 16-mesh screen during fly seasons. Toilet rooms shall be provided with self-closing doors;

(4)    Toilet and shower rooms shall be well-lighted at all times. There shall be at least one operable window, or a mechanical device which will adequately ventilate such rooms;

(5)    During periods of use, service buildings shall be maintained at a temperature of 70° F., minimum;

(6)    An adequate quantity of hot water shall be provided for lavatory and bathing fixtures.

(d)    Toilet, Lavatory and Shower Facilities. Service buildings in mobile home parks designed to accommodate only independent trailers or in parks that have a capacity of less than ten dependent trailers, shall have toilet, shower and lavatory facilities separate for the sexes, with a minimum of one toilet, one lavatory and one shower for each sex.

(1)    For those mobile home parks that have a capacity of more than ten dependent mobile homes, additional fixtures shall be provided. One additional toilet for each sex shall be provided for every ten additional dependent mobile homes. (Urinals may be substituted for one-third of the additional toilets.) One additional lavatory for each sex shall be provided for every ten additional dependent mobile homes, and one additional shower for each sex for every twenty additional dependent mobile homes;

(2)    Toilet rooms shall be provided with toilet paper;

(3)    Soap and single-service towels shall be available on request;

(4)    If laundry facilities are provided, the room containing them shall be separate from the toilet rooms and shall have an exterior entrance.

(e)    Where community recreation structures are provided, an adequate and sufficient number of toilet and lavatory facilities, separate for each sex, and in accordance with the Kitsap County plumbing code, shall be installed.* Such facilities shall be housed in a building, or buildings, of comparable construction to that provided in (b) and (c) of this section.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 6, 1971)

*    Editor’s Note: The Kitsap County Plumbing Code is adopted by reference in Section 14.04.030 of this code.

6.16.070 Water supply.

(a)    An accessible, adequate, safe and potable supply of water shall be provided in each mobile home park. Where a public supply of water of satisfactory quantity, quality, and pressure is available, connection shall be made thereto and its supply used exclusively. When a satisfactory public water supply is not available, a water supply system may be developed and used as approved by the health officer. This water supply shall be developed in accordance with WAC Chapter 248-54 and RCW 43.20.050.

(b)    The water supply shall be capable of supplying a minimum of two hundred gallons per day per mobile home.

(c)    Individual water connections having a minimum three-quarter-inch diameter and consisting of a water riser pipe terminating at least four inches above the ground surface shall be provided at each mobile home lot.

(d)    Each water connection shall be equipped with a shut-off valve, shall be protected from freezing, from damage from mobile home wheels and the ground surface around the riser pipe shall be graded to divert surface drainage away from the connection. Underground stop-and-waste valves shall not be installed on any water service, subject to flooding or high water table.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 7, 1971)

6.16.080 Sewage disposal.

(a)    All sewage and waste water from mobile homes and service buildings shall be drained to a sewage collection system and discharged to a public sewage treatment plant; provided, however, that where no public sewage treatment plant is available, a private sewage disposal system approved by the health officer shall be provided. The disposal system shall be located and maintained where it will not create a nuisance or health hazard to the park occupants or to the owner or occupants of any adjacent property.

(b)    All sewer lines shall be located in trenches of sufficient depth to be free of breakage from traffic or other vehicular movements and shall be separated from the park water system at a safe distance, and approved by the health officer. Sewers shall be at a grade which will insure a velocity of two feet per second when flowing full. All sewer lines shall be constructed of materials approved by health officer, shall be adequately vented, and shall have water-tight joints.

(c)    Each mobile home lot shall be provided with at least four-inch-diameter sewer riser pipe. The sewer riser pipe shall be so located on each mobile home lot that the sewer connection to the mobile home drain outlet will approximate a vertical position.

(d)    The sewer connection (see Section 6.16.010(10)) shall have a minimum diameter of at least three inches, and the slope of any portion thereof shall be at least one-fourth-inch per foot. The sewer connection shall consist of one pipe line only without any branch fittings. All joints shall be leak and insect proof.

(e)    The sewer riser pipe shall be plugged when a mobile home does not occupy the lot. Surface drainage shall be diverted away from the riser. The rim of the riser pipe shall extend above ground elevation.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 8, 1971)

6.16.090 Refuse disposal.

(a)    The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the mobile home park shall be so conducted as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards or air pollution.

(b)    All refuse shall be stored in fly-tight, water-tight, rodent-proof containers, which shall be located not more than one hundred fifty feet from any mobile home lot. Containers shall be provided in sufficient number and capacity to properly store all refuse.

(c)    Where suitable collection service is not available from municipal or private agencies, the mobile home park operation shall provide this service.

(d)    All refuse shall be collected and transported in covered vehicles or covered containers to an approved disposal site or disposed of by other methods approved by the health officer.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 9, 1971)

6.16.100 Insect and rodent control.

All mobile home parks shall be kept free of rodents, and arthropods of public health significance, and the park operator shall take such measures as directed by the health officer to maintain the premises in this condition.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 10, 1971)

6.16.110 Electricity and fire protection.

(a)    Mobile home parks shall adhere to local and state electrical and fire prevention regulations.

(b)    Natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas piping systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Section 1314 of the current edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 11, 1971)

6.16.120 Park management.

(a)    The person to whom a license for a mobile home park is issued shall operate the park in compliance with the rules and regulations issued under this chapter and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition.

(b)    The park management shall notify park occupants of all applicable provisions of these rules and regulations and inform the occupants of their duties and responsibilities.

(c)    The park management shall supervise the placement of each mobile home on its lot which includes the installation of sewer and water connections.

(d)    The park management shall notify the health officer immediately of any suspected communicable or contagious disease within the park.

(e)    The park management shall not allow the owner or person in charge of a dog, cat or other pet animal to permit it to run at large or to commit any nuisance within the limits of any mobile home lot.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 12, 1971)

6.16.130 Revocation of registration certificate.

Any registration certificate issued under this chapter may be revoked for cause by the issuing health officer on ten days’ notice to the registrant, which notice shall be served by registered mail or in person at the last place of residence, or of business, reported by the registrant. Any person feeling aggrieved because of revocation of the certificate by the county health officer may within thirty days appeal to the board of county commissioners from such revocation and a hearing shall be held thereon.

(Ord. 23-A (1971) § 13, 1971)

6.16.140 Violation – Penalty.

Violation of any provision of this chapter, or of any order or orders of the health officer made pursuant to this chapter, is a misdemeanor, punishable as provided in Section 1.12.010 of this code, and for each violation of a continuing nature each day shall constitute a separate offense.

(Ord. passed August 28, 1972: Ord. 23-A (1971) § 14, 1971)