Chapter 7.10


7.10.010    Impounding, redemption, and disposition of pets and/or livestock.

7.10.020    Quarantine.

7.10.010 Impounding, redemption, and disposition of pets and/or livestock.

(a)    Impounding Pets and/or Livestock. Pets and/or livestock may be impounded in the following situations:

(1)    When the animal is at large;

(2)    When the animal has been subjected to cruel treatment as defined by RCW Chapter 16.52;

(3)    When the animal has injured or bitten a person or other animal, and/or where the animal poses a threat to people or other animals;

(4)    When the animal is found in violation of any restrictions imposed by the animal control authority, hearing examiner, or district court pursuant to Section 7.12.010 relating to potentially dangerous animals or to Section 7.12.040 relating to hybrids; and/or

(5)    When the animal is found in violation of Section 7.14.030(3) pertaining to animal noise, after two written warnings to the owner within a calendar year.

(b)    Place and Manner of Impoundment. Pets and livestock shall be impounded in the place and manner designated by the animal control authority.

(c)    Authority to Pursue. Animal control authority employees may pursue pets or livestock running at large onto county-owned property, vacant property and unenclosed private property to seize, remove, and impound such animals. This shall not restrict the animal control authority to pursue/impound an animal pursuant to RCW Chapter 16.52.

(d)    Notice to Owner. Forthwith following impoundment, the animal control authority shall notify the owner of the animal of its impoundment; provided, if the owner of the animal is unknown, the animal control authority shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner of the impoundment.

(e)    Redemption of Impounded Animals.

(1)    Pets may be redeemed upon payment of an impound fee, a boarding fee, and any appropriate license fees. All fees shall be charged per animal handled by the animal control authority.

(A)    The impound fee is $25.00, which amount shall double with each offense. For example: $25.00, first offense; $50.00, second offense; $100.00, third offense.

(B)    The boarding fee shall be $15.00 per day.

(2)    Livestock may be redeemed upon payment of an impound fee, a boarding fee, and, if impounding requires special transportation, a special transportation fee. All fees shall be charged per animal handled by the animal control authority.

(A)    The impound fee is $50.00, which amount shall double with each offense. For example: $50.00, first offense; $100.00, second offense; $200.00, third offense.

(B)    The boarding fee is $20.00 per day.

(C)    The special transportation fee is $75.00 per trip.

(f)    Disposition of impounded animals not redeemed.

(1)    When a pet is not redeemed, no sooner than ninety-six hours following impoundment, the animal control authority may give or adopt the animal to an animal welfare organization or qualified person, or euthanize the animal.

(2)    When livestock is not redeemed, no sooner than seventy-two hours following impoundment, the animal control authority may give or adopt the animal to an animal welfare organization or qualified person, or may commence to auction the animal to the highest bidder that can provide the animal with a suitable environment, or euthanize the animal. Notice of the auction and a description of the livestock to be auctioned shall be published at least seven calendar days prior to the sale in the official county newspaper. Such notice shall also be mailed to the owner of the livestock, if known.

(3)    When a feral cat is not redeemed, no sooner than twenty-four hours following impoundment, the animal control authority may give or adopt the animal to an animal welfare organization or qualified person, or euthanize the animal.

(g)    Disposition of sick or injured impounded animals. Sick or injured impounded animals may be euthanized in accordance with RCW 16.52.210.

(Ord. 266 (2002) § 9, 2002: Ord. 127-A (1999) § 9, 1999: Ord. 127 (1989) § 11, 1989)

7.10.020 Quarantine.

A pet or livestock that bites and breaks the skin of any person may be impounded by the animal control authority and, if impounded, shall be quarantined for ten calendar days to determine if the animal is infected with a disease. The place of quarantine shall be established by the animal control authority. The animal control authority may, in its discretion, allow the owner of the animal to maintain the quarantine. Any boarding fees incurred during the quarantine shall be paid by the owner of the animal. During the quarantine, the animal shall not have contact or access to any person or any other pet or livestock other than with the owner of the animal or animal control authority employees.

(Ord. 266 (2002) § 10, 2002: Ord. 127-A (1999) § 10, 1999: Ord. 127 (1989) § 12, 1989)