Kitsap County Historical Zoning Code and Zoning Map Changes

Map and Code Changes

Zoning classifies, designates, and regulates the development of land for agriculture, forest, mineral resource extraction, residential, commercial, industrial, and public land uses for the unincorporated area of Kitsap County. Further, it is the purpose of zoning to provide for predictable, judicious, efficient, timely, and reasonable administration respecting due process set forth in Kitsap County Code Title 17- Zoning and other applicable laws; and to protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare.

The intention of this page is to list changes to Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning and changes to the Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan and associated maps.  For more details on all of Kitsap County Code changes, please visit the disposition tables below:

Codified Resolutions Disposition Table (
Ordinance Disposition Table (

Please Note: There is no guarantee or warranty to the completeness of these historical zoning ordinances.  All Kitsap County code is current through the Ordinance and dates listed.  The Clerk of the Board's office has the official version of the Kitsap County Code.  Users should contact the Clerk of the Board's office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance and dates listed below.
This page is for historical zoning has it related to Kitsap County Code Title 17, which may be cited as either the "Kitsap County Zoning Ordinance" or "Title 17, Kitsap County Code."

Only Ordinances related to or affecting Title 17 are linked below.

Zoning Ordinance
1969 Zoning Ordinance (43-1969) (pdf file)
June 16, 1969
1971 Zoning Ordinance (pdf file) June 21, 1971
1976 Zoning Ordinance  (pdf file) June 7, 1976
1977 Zoning Ordinance (pdf file) August 3, 1977
1978 Zoning Ordinance (pdf file) May 1, 1978
1983 Zoning Ordinance (93-1983) (pdf file) June 6, 1983
1988 Zoning Ordinance (93-1988, I, K) (pdf file) November 14, 1988
1990 Zoning Ordinance (93-1989, M) (pdf file) March 1, 1990
1995 Zoning Ordinance (Interim) (pdf file) July 25, 1995
1996 Zoning Ordinance (Interim) (pdf file) January 8, 1996
1998 Zoning Ordinance (Interim) (pdf file) June 22, 1998
1999 Zoning Ordinance (230-1999) (pdf file)
February 15, 1999

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning (pdf file)

Effective December 8, 2003 - September 14, 2005

Code Amendments


Amends comprehensive plan and map; amends Zoning Code and map (Repealed by 534 (2016)) (Repealed by 534 (2016))
Amends § 17.370.020 to reflect board's decision to allow race tracks as conditional use in business center zone (Repealed by 350 (2005))
Amends §§ 17.300.030, 17.301.030, 17.305.030, 17.310.030, 17.315.030, 17.320.020, 17.330.060, 17.340.060, 17.430.020, 17.450.040, 17.450.050, 17.455.040; also repeals § 17.450.060; all generally pertaining to lot area requirements and uses (Repealed by 534 (2016))
Amends Title 17, Zoning, to reflect 10-year Comprehensive Plan update; specifically: Adds Ch. 17.322, Urban Holding Area Zone; Ch. 17.352, Mixed Use Zone; Ch. 17.377, Parks Zone; Ch. 17.381, Allowed Uses; Ch. 17.382, Density, Dimensions and Design; Ch. 17.421, Hearing Examiner Conditional Use permit; Ch. 17.430, Transfer of Development Rights; also amends Ch. 17.110 (Definitions); 17.200.010, Ch. 17.300 (Forest Resource Lands), 17.305.020 – 17.305.040, 17.310.020 – 17.310.040, Ch. 17.315 (Urban Reserve Zone), 17.321 (Limited Areas of More Intensive Rural Development (LAMIRD), Ch. 17.321A (Suquamish Rural Village), 17.321A.020, 17.321A.030, 17.321A.040, 17.321A.080, 17.321B.030, 17.321B.040, 17.321B.050, 17.321B.055, 17.321B.060, 17.321B.070, 17.321B.075, Ch. 17.321C (Manchester Rural Village), 17.321C.020, 17.321C.030, 17.321C.040, 17.321C.060 (amended and renumbered as 17.321C.050), 17.321C.070 (renumbered as 17.321C.060), 17.321C.090 (amended and renumbered as 17.321C.080), Ch. 17.325 (Urban Restricted Zone), 17.325.020, 17.325.050, 17.325.060, 17.325.070, Ch. 17.330 (Urban Low Residential Zone), 17.330.020, 17.330.050, 17.330.060, Ch. 17.335 (Urban Cluster Residential Zone), 17.335.020, 17.335.030, 17.335.040, 17.335.050, Ch. 17.340 (Urban Medium Residential Zone), 17.340.020, 17.340.050, 17.340.060, 17.350.020, 17.350.030, 17.350.040, 17.350.050,  17.351.020, Ch. 17.353 (Urban Center Zones), 17.353.020, 17.353.030, 17.353.040, 17.353.050, 17.353.060, 17.353.070, 17.354.010, 17.355.010, 17.355.020, 17.355.030, 17.355.040, 17.360.020, 17.360.030, 17.360.040, Ch. 17.365 (Business Center Zone), 17.365.020, 17.365.030, 17.365.040, 17.365.090, 17.370.020, 17.370.025, 17.370.030, 17.370.040, 17.370.050, 17.370.090, Ch. 17.375 (Airport Zone), 17.375.020, 17.375.046, 17.375.050, 17.375.060, 17.380.020, 17.380.030, 17.380.070, 17.385.010, 17.415.020, 17.428.040, 17.428.080, 17.435.030, Ch. 17.455 (Interpretations and Exceptions), 17.470.040, Table 17.470.100, 17.510.010, 17.510.020, 17.510.030, 17.525.010; also repeals and replaces Ch. 17.301, Rural Wooded Zone; Ch. 17.400, Land Use Review; Ch. 17.420, Administrative Conditional Use Permit; and repeals Chs. 17.317, 17.320, 17.410, 17.430, 17.440, 17.465; repeals §§ 17.321A.025, 17.321A.035, 17.321A.045, 17.321C.050, 17.321C.080, 17.325.030, 17.325.040, 17.330.030, 17.330.040, 17.340.030, 17.340.040, 17.365.025, 17.375.030, 17.375.040, 17.375.090, 17.455.020, 17.455.030, 17.455.040, 17.455.050 (Repealed by 534 (2016))
Amends Tables 17.381.040.A and 17.381.040.E, relating to allowed uses (Repealed by 534 (2016))
Amends §§ 17.381.050(A), pertaining to allowed uses, and 17.382.110(A), pertaining to density, dimensions, and design (Repealed by 534(2016))
Amends § 17.382.110(A), relating to density, dimensions, and design (Expired)
Amends §§ 17.200.010, 17.360.020, 17.365.020, 17.370.020, 17.375.020, 17.381.040, Table 17.381.040.C, 17.381.050, 17.382.040 and 17.382.080; also repeals Ch. 17.322; all pertaining to repeal of Urban Holding Area legislation (Repealed by 534 (2016))
Adopts Keyport Community Plan; adds Chapter 17.321D; amends §§ 17.381.040(D), 17.382.090 and 17.382.110, zoning (Repealed by 534(2016))
Amends comprehensive plan and comprehensive plan land use and zoning map; amends §§ 17.321C.010, 17.381.040.D, 17.381.050, 17.382.090 and 17.382.110, Manchester Community Plan (Repealed by 534 (2016))
Amends § 17.301.080, Rural Wooded Incentive Program (Repealed by 456 (2010))
Adds §§ 17.110.100, 17.110.132, 17.110.133, 17.110.171, 17.110.197, 17.110.212, 17.110.213, 17.110.319, 17.110.366, 17.110.368, 17.110.396, 17.110.412, 17.110.506, 17.110.548, 17.110.572, 17.110.576, 17.110.642, 17.110.643, 17.110.646, 17.110.662, 17.110.663, 17.110.693, 17.110.706, 17.110.725, 17.321C.030, 17.353.100, 17.380.065, 17.382.037, 17.385.027, 17.400.050, 17.415.032, 17.415.065, 17.415.075, 17.415.535, 17.415.625, 17.415.675, 17.420.035, 17.420.100, 17.421.025, 17.421.090, 17.425.045, 17.425.110, 17.425.120, 17.425.130, 17.435.060 and 17.445.095; amends Ch. 17.100, §§ 17.110.005, 17.110.015, 17.110.045, 17.110.055, 17.110.075, 17.110.105, 17.110.110, 17.110.130, 17.110.196, 17.110.200, 17.110.205, 17.110.220, 17.110.226, 17.110.290, 17.110.301, 17.110.315, 17.110.317, 17.110.345, 17.110.400, 17.110.405, 17.110.440,
 17.110.470, 17.110.475, 17.110.477, 17.110.490, 17.110.535, 17.110.580, 17.110.615, 17.110.630, 17.110.635, 17.110.640, 17.110.647, 17.110.655, 17.110.660, 17.110.666, 17.110.673, 17.110.695, 17.110.710, 17.110.765, 17.200.010, 17.301.070, 17.305.010, 17.310.010 and 17.315.010, Ch. 17.318, §§ 17.321A.010, 17.321A.020, 17.321A.030, 17.321A.040, 17.321A.080, 17.321B.010, 17.321B.020, 17.321B.025, 17.321B.040, 17.321B.050, 17.321B.055, 17.321B.060, 17.321B.070, 17.321B.075, 17.321C.060, 17.321C.080, 17.325.010, 17.325.100, 17.330.010, 17.330.090, 17.335.010, 17.335.080, 17.340.010, 17.340.090, 17.350.100, 17.352.010, 17.352.020, 17.352.070, 17.353.020, 17.353.030, 17.353.040, 17.353.050 and 17.353.060, Ch. 17.354, §§ 17.365.010, 17.365.020, 17.365.070, 17.370.010, 17.370.022, 17.370.070, 17.370.080, 17.370.090, 17.375.060, 17.380.010, 17.380.030, 17.380.050, 17.380.060, 17.381.010, 17.381.030, 17.381.040, 17.381.050, 17.381.060, 17.382.010, 17.382.020, 17.382.030, 17.382.035, 17.382.040, 17.382.060, 17.382.070, 17.382.080, 17.382.090, 17.382.100, 17.382.110, 17.385.010, 17.385.030, 17.385.060, 17.400.010, 17.400.020, 17.415.010, 17.415.020, 17.415.030, 17.415.035, 17.415.060, 17.415.070, 17.420.040, 17.420.060, 17.420.070, 17.421.030, 17.421.050, 17.421.060, 17.425.010, 17.425.020, 17.425.040, 17.425.050, 17.425.100, 17.430.080, 17.435.010, 17.435.020, 17.435.030, 17.435.050, 17.445.100, 17.455.010, 17.455.060, 17.455.090, 17.455.100, 17.455.120, 17.470.010, 17.470.030, 17.470.050, 17.500.080, 17.510.010, 17.520.010 and 17.525.010; amends and renumbers § 17.110.505 as 17.110.508; renumbers § 17.110.197 as 17.110.199; repeals §§ 17.110.103, 17.110.230, 17.110.340, 17.110.425, 17.110.605, 17.110.674, 17.110.735, 17.380.040, 17.385.050, 17.415.050, 17.415.400 and 17.415.600; repeals and replaces § 17.415.550, zoning (Repealed by 534 (2016))

Amends §§ 17.110.160, 17.110.375, 17.110.504, 17.381.040, 17.381.050, 17.381.060, 17.382.110, 17.435.030, zoning (Repealed by 534 (2016))
Adopts Illahee Community Plan; adds Ch. 17.326; amends §§ 17.200.010, 17.381.040, 17.381.050, 17.382.040, 17.382.060 and 17.382.110, Silverdale Subarea Plan, Kingston Subarea Plan, Capital Facilities Plan, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Plan (Repealed by 534 (2016))

Zoning Map or Comprehensive Plan Amendment:

Emergency amendment of Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map (Not codified)
Amends Kingston and Suquamish rural village sub-area plans (Not codified)
383 (2007)
Repeals industrial multi-purpose recreational area Comprehensive Plan policy and land use designation, as well as associated urban holding area zoning classification and development regulations relating to growth management (Not codified)
Amends Comprehensive Plan, Kingston Sub-Area Plan, 6-Year Capital Facility Plan and Kingston Wastewater Facility Plan (Not codified)
Amends Comprehensive Plan, Silverdale and Port Orchard/South Kitsap Sub-Area Plans, and 6-Year Capital Facility Plan (Not codified)
Amends zoning map (Not codified)

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 421 (2008), passed on December 28, 2008

    Code Amendment:

425 (2009) 

Amends Tables 17.381.040(B) and (C), § 17.381.050 and Silverdale Design Standards; repeals Ord. 417-2008, zoning (Repealed by 534 (2016))

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 430 (2009),  passed on July 13, 2009

   Zoning Map or Comprehensive Plan Amendment:

443 (2009)

Adopts Greater Hansville Community Plan; amends Capital Facilities Plan, Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map; rezones certain property (Not codified)

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 463 (2010), passed on November 8, 2010

    Code Amended

467 (2010)

Adds Ch. 17.376 and §§ 17.381.040(F) and 17.382.110 [17.382.105]; amends Chs. 17.355 and 17.370, §§ 17.381.040(B), 17.381.050, 17.382.070, 17.382.080 and 17.445.095, zoning (Repealed by 534 (2016))

470 (2011)
Amends § 17.110.510 and Ch. 17.460, nonconforming uses and structures (Repealed by 534 (2016))
479 (2011)
Amends §§ 17.381.040(A) and 17.382.090, zoning (Repealed by 534 (2016))

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 480 (2011), passed on December 12, 2011

    Code Amendment:

484 (2012)

Amends § 17.381.040(D), zoning (Repealed by 534(2016))

490 (2012)
Amends §§ 17.455.010 and 18.04.210; repeals and replaces Title 21; repeals Ch. 17.405, §§ 17.42.060, 17.42.070 and 17.455.060 and Ch. 17.510, land use and development procedures (18.04, 21.01, 21.02, 21.04, 21.08, 21.10)
495 (2012)
Adds §§ 17.110.169, 17.110.392, 17.110.641, 17.110.669 [17.110.670], 17.110.728 and Ch. 17.332; amends §§ 17.110.660, 17.200.010, 17.381.040, 17.381.050, 17.382.060 [17.382.040, 17.382.060], 17.382.110 and Ch. 17.383, zoning (Repealed by 534 (2016))


     Zoning Map or Comprehensive Plan Amendment:

493 (2012)

Urban Growth Area - Remand

current through Ordinance 496 (2012), passed on August 29, 2012

    Code Amendment:

502 (2013) 01/30/2013

Adopts shoreline master program; amends § 17.381.050(A); repeals and replaces Title 22; repeals Ch. 17.450 (Not codified, replaced by 519 (2014))

504 (2013)
Interim zoning regulations adding § 17.445.092 and amending § 17.445.090, signs (Not codified)


Zoning Map or Comprehensive Plan Amendment:

498 (2012)

Amends comprehensive plan and associated maps (Special)

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 507 (2013), passed on September 23, 2013

    Code Amendment:

511 (2013)
Adds Ch. 17.378; amends comprehensive plan and zoning map; amends §§ 17.355.010, 17.355.080, Tables 17.381.040 (A), (B) and (E), 17.381.050, 17.382.035, 17.382.040(B), 17.382.060, 17.382.070, 17.382.100 and 17.382.110, Gorst subarea (Repealed by 534 (2016))
512 (2013)
Adds Ch. 17.465; amends § 17.100.040, marijuana regulations (Repealed by 534 (2016))
517 (2014)
Adds Ch. 17.446; repeals Ch. 17.445, signs (Repealed by 534 (2016))
518 (2014)
Amends Silverdale design standards; amends §§ 17.381.040(B) and 17.381.050, zoning (Repealed by 534 (2016))

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 519 (2014), passed on November 24, 2014

    Code Amendment:

520 (2014)

Amends Comprehensive Plan (Special)

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning
current through Ordinance 529 (2016), passed on January 11, 2016

    Code Amendment:

534 (2016) 06/27/2016

Amends § 13.12.025 and comprehensive plan; repeals and replaces Title 17, zoning (13.12, 17.100, 17.105, 17.110, 17.120, 17.130, 17.140, 17.150, 17.160, 17.170, 17.180, 17.190, 17.200, 17.210, 17.220, 17.230, 17.240, 17.250, 17.260, 17.270, 17.280, 17.290, 17.300, 17.310, 17.320, 17.330, 17.340, 17.360A, 17.360B, 17.360C, 17.360D, 17.360E, 17.390, 17.400, 17.410, 17.420, 17.430, 17.440, 17.450, 17.460, 17.470, 17.490, 17.500, 17.510, 17.520, 17.540, 17.550, 17.560, 17.570, 17.580, 17.590, 17.600, 17.610)

535 (2016)
Amends §§ 17.520.020 and 17.520.030; reenacts § 17.520.060, marijuana regulations (17.520)
536 (2016)
Adds Ch. 17.455; amends §§ 17.110.050, 17.410.040 and 17.410.050, agriculture code (17.110, 17.410, 17.455)
538 (2016)
Amends §§ 17.410.040, 17.410.050, 17.420.050 and 17.420.060, zoning (17.410, 17.420)

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 539 (2016), passed on September 12, 2016

    Code Amendment:

540 (2016) 11/14/2016

Adds §§ 17.110.107, 17.110.137, 17.110.310, 17.110.311, 17.110.321, 17.110.322, 17.110.461, 17.110.462, 17.110.505, 17.110.506, 17.110.576, 17.110.739, 17.500.050 and Ch. 17.700; amends §§ 16.24.040, 16.24.050, 16.48.020, 16.52.020, 17.110.132, 17.110.133, 17.110.367, 17.110.390, 17.110.535, 17.110.695, 17.400.040, 17.400.080, 17.420.060, 17.450.040, 17.450.045, 17.470.080, 17.480.050, Ch. 17.490, §§ 17.500.010, 17.500.020, 17.500.025, 17.500.027, 17.500.030 and 17.500.040; renumbers and amends §§ 17.110.462 to 17.110.463, 17.110.506 to 17.110.507, 17.110.576 to 17.110.577, 17.110.642 to 17.110.643 and 17.110.643 to 17.110.644; repeals and replaces Title 12; repeals Ord. 447 (2010) and § 16.24.060, storm water drainage, land division and development, zoning (12.04, 12.08, 12.10, 12.12, 12.16, 12.20, 12.24, 12.28, 12.30, 12.32, 12.36, 12.40, 16.24, 16.48, 16.52, 17.110, 17.400, 17.420, 17.450, 17.470, 17.490, 17.500, 17.700)

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 541 (2017), passed on March 22, 2017

    Code Amendment:

543 (2017) 05/22/2017

Amends §§ 17.410.040 and 17.410.050, zoning use tables (17.410)

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning 
current through Ordinance 549 (2017), passed on October 23, 2017

    Code Amendment:

550 (2018) 02/12/2018

Adds §§ 17.410.042, 17.410.044, 17.410.046, 17.420.052, 17.420.054, 17.420.056 and 17.420.058; amends §§ 12.10.055, 16.40.040, 16.40.050, 16.48.030, 16.52.030, 17.110.200, 17.110.369, 17.110.646, 17.260.020, 17.410.040, 17.410.050, 17.410.060, 17.420.050, 17.420.060, 17.450.060, 17.480.010, 17.560.010, 17.560.020, 17.560.080, 17.580.080 and 21.04.230; renames Ch. 17.480, development regulations (12.10, 16.40, 16.48, 16.52, 17.110, 17.260, 17.410, 17.420, 17.450, 17.560, 17.580, 21.04)

554 (2018)
Amends Tables 17.410.040(A), (B) and (C) [§§ 17.410.042, 17.410.044, 17.410.046], §§ 17.505.010, 17.505.020, 17.505.030 and 17.505.040, transitory accommodations (17.410, 17.505)
559 (2018)
Amends § 17.420.060, density, dimensions, and design (17.420)

   Zoning Map or Comprehensive Plan Amendment:

553 (2018)

Amends Zoning map (Not codified)

558 (2018)
Amends comprehensive plan (Special)

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 565 (2018), passed on December 21, 2018

    Code Amendment:

570 (2019) 06/10/2019

Adds §§ 17.110.073, 17.110.103, 17.110.156, 17.110.227, 17.110.484, 17.110.494, 17.110.656, 17.110.708, 17.110.721, 17.110.724 and 17.110.764; amends §§ 17.110.168, 17.110.393, 17.110.503, 17.110.687, 17.110.770, 17.110.775 and 21.04.020; amends and renumbers § 17.110.227 [17.110.226] to 17.110.228; repeals and replaces Ch. 17.530; repeals §§ 17.110.057, 17.110.223, 17.110.463, 17.110.480, 17.110.483, 17.110.547, 17.110.707, 17.110.765 and 17.110.780, wireless communication facilities (17.110, 17.530, 21.04)

574 (2019)
Adds § 17.110.335; amends §§ 17.410.044, 17.410.060 and 21.04.130; repeals Ord. 566 (2019), high-risk secured facilities (17.110, 17.410, 21.04)

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 577 (2019), passed on August 12, 2019

Kitsap County Code Title 17 Zoning

current through Ordinance 583 (2019), passed on November 25, 2019