Chapter 3.52


3.52.010    Reaffirmation and declaration.

3.52.020    Sexual harassment defined.

3.52.030    Examples of sexual harassment – Courses of action for victims.

3.52.040    Action by county.

3.52.050    Dissemination.

3.52.010 Reaffirmation and declaration.

Kitsap County reaffirms its commitment to eradicate sexual discrimination in the workplace and specifically condemns sexual harassment of county employees by other county employees.

(Res. 477-1992 § 1, 1999: Res. 109-1986 § 1, 1986)

3.52.020 Sexual harassment defined.

While sexual harassment may come in innumerable degrees and variations, it has two major subcategories:

(1)    Solicitation of Sexual Favors. “Solicitation of sexual favors” means where one’s employer, supervisor or co-worker seeks sexual favors in exchange for employment advantages such as job retention or advancement, more favorable working conditions or other job-related benefits.

(2)    Sexually Hostile Work Environment. “Sexually hostile work environment” means where one’s working situation is infected with degrading action and behavior of a sexual nature. This type of sexual harassment typically has three components:

(A)    Unwelcome, unsolicited harassment;

(B)    Harassment because of sex, i.e., the harassment would not likely occur if the employee were of the opposite sex;

(C)    Harassment not trivial, casual or isolated but is sufficiently pervasive to create a work environment which is often or routinely unpleasant.

(Res. 477-1992 § 2, 1992: Res. 109-1986 § 2, 1986)

3.52.030 Examples of sexual harassment – Courses of action for victims.

(a)    As indicated, harassment has innumerable forms but some common examples are:

(1)    Implicit or explicit promises by one’s superior for employment advantages in exchange for sex;

(2)    Repeated and offensive sexually explicit remarks or comments;

(3)    Unwanted touching, patting or brushing against one’s body.

(b)    What To Do. If you believe that you have been subjected to sexual harassment report it as quickly as possible. Do not suffer in silence. Do not think that it will go away on its own. Report it to:

(1)    Your elected or appointed department head; or

(2)    The personnel director or his or her designee.

(Res. 477-1992 §§ 3, 4, 1992: Res. 109-1986 §§ 3, 4, 1986)

3.52.040 Action by county.

(a)    The county will promptly investigate complaints of sexual harassment and will take appropriate action to protect the complainant pending the investigation.

(b)    If found to be true the perpetrator will be disciplined which could include a reprimand, demotion, transfer or termination.

(c)    If found to be true all reasonable measures will be taken to protect the complainant from further sexual harassment.

(Res. 477-1992 § 5, 1992: Res. 109-1986 § 5, 1986)

3.52.050 Dissemination.

The resolution codified in this chapter shall be disseminated to all county departments.

(Res. 477-1992 § 6, 1992: Res. 109-1986 § 6, 1986)