Chapter 3.72


3.72.010    Purpose.

3.72.020    Department responsibilities.

3.72.030    General provisions.

3.72.040    Reporting.

3.72.010 Purpose.

The ordinance codified in this chapter establishes a waste reduction program to achieve the following goals:

1.    Reduce the cost of conducting county operations by reducing waste in all departments;

2.    Ensure the participation of every department in all aspects of this program;

3.    Ensure that every department purchases environmentally preferred products and services without compromising budgetary or performance requirements;

4.    Reduce the amount of hazardous wastes departments generate and ensure proper treatment, storage, and disposal of generated hazardous wastes;

5.    Implement practices and policies to ensure efficient use of energy, water and other resources by each department;

6.    Encourage other elected officials to implement these goals in their offices; and

7.    Serve as an example for other institutions, both public and private.

(Ord. 233 (1999) § 1, 1999)

3.72.020 Department responsibilities.

A.    Each year, to facilitate the implementation of this chapter, Kitsap County department of public works will develop a set of waste reduction objectives for the calendar year specific to the department, a target date for completion of each objective, and a one-page progress report form. The waste reduction objectives are designed to:

1.    Prevent waste of materials, energy and water resulting from county operations;

2.    Replace toxic products used as part of county operations with less toxic alternatives;

3.    Increase the use of environmentally preferred products;

4.    Increase recycling of wastes generated from county operations.

B.    For objectives requiring the purchase of materials, the purchasing division will develop:

1.    A preferred product and purchasing source list; and

2.    Purchasing goals for each product, defined as a percentage of total expenditures.

C.    Each department will use the preferred product and purchasing source list and purchasing goals for purchases made either through purchasing or directly by the department.

D.    The waste reduction objectives with target completion dates, preferred product and purchasing source list, purchasing goals, and a progress report form will be submitted as one document, titled Guidelines for Reducing Waste (the “guidelines”) to the board of commissioners for approval by January fifteenth of each year.

E.    Each department will implement the guidelines by the target dates. The department of public works will provide staff training and prepare education materials necessary to assist each department in implementing the guidelines.

(Ord. 233 (1999) § 2, 1999)

3.72.030 General provisions.

Kitsap County shall provide written notice requiring its contractors and consultants to comply with the requirements of this chapter while fulfilling contractual obligations to the county.

(Ord. 233 (1999) § 3, 1999)

3.72.040 Reporting.

Every department will report their progress toward meeting their guidelines to the board of commissioners by December thirty-first of each year.

(Ord. 233 (1999) § 4, 1999)