2.1.10 Utility Availability and Conflicts

The location of wet (e.g., water, sewer, stormwater, etc.) and dry (e.g., power, phone, cable, etc.) utilities shall be identified and the adequacy of these utilities shall be confirmed. If new utilities need to be extended to the site, the applicant will need to understand where the utility will come from, and potentially extend to, and the impact that easements and restrictions may have on the site design.

The following steps shall be used to assess utilities:

  • Consult with the utility purveyor(s) to determine the location of wet (e.g., water, sewer, stormwater, etc.) and dry (power, phone, cable, etc.) utilities and discuss the proposed plans. This consultation shall be initiated during the planning phase of the project and extended through final design. Utilities Locate Service number is 811.

  • Map existing utilities and utility easements on the site plan. Note the setbacks from the easements that may be required.

  • Map existing utilities that may need to be moved and new utilities to be extended to the site.

  • Design appropriate measures to move or protect utilities, as needed.