4.7.1 Level 1 Analysis

Level 1 analysis is the minimum acceptable level of analysis. See Volume II, Chapter 1 for drainage report submittal requirements. The following steps shall be completed for this level of analysis:

  1. Define and physically verify the study area. The upstream portion of the study area shall encompass the entire tributary drainage area (the area that drains to the proposed project site). The remaining portion of the study area shall extend downstream of the proposed project discharge location to a point on the drainage system where the proposed project site constitutes 15% or less of the total tributary area, but in no event less than one-fourth (1/4) of a mile.

  2. Review all available resource information regarding existing and potential water quality, runoff volumes and rates, flooding and streambank erosion problems within the study area.

  3. Physically inspect the existing onsite and offsite drainage system problems reported in the resources.

  4. On a map (minimum USGS 1:24000 Quadrangle Topographic Map) delineate the study area, together with the drainage system onto and from the proposed site.

  5. Describe in a narrative form, observations regarding the makeup and general condition of the drainage system.

  6. Include such information as pipe sizes, channel characteristics, and drainage facilities.

  7. Identify on the map and describe any evidence of the following types of existing or predicted problems:

    • Potential for contamination of surface waters.

    • Overtopping, scouring, bank sloughing or sedimentation.

    • Significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms (e.g., severe siltation or incision in a stream).

    • Potential for contamination of ground water.

  8. Following the review of the Level 1 analysis, Kitsap County will determine whether a Level 2 analysis is required, based on the evidence of existing or predicted problems.