1.2.4 Drainage Review Required by Other Agencies

Drainage review for a proposed project may be addressed by processes or requirements apart from Kitsap County’s requirements. Agencies such as those listed in Table II-1.2 may require some form of drainage review and impose drainage requirements that are separate from and in addition to Kitsap County’s drainage requirements. The applicant is responsible for coordinating with these agencies and resolving any conflicts in drainage requirements.

Table II-1.2. Example Permits or Approvals that May Be Required by Other Agencies.



Kitsap Public Health District

Washington State

Department of Transportation

  • Developer/Local Agency Agreement

Department of Fish and Wildlife

  • Hydraulic Project Approval

Department of Ecology

  • Short Term Water Quality Modification Approval

  • Dam Safety Permit

  • NPDES Stormwater Permit

Department of Natural Resources

  • Forest Practices Class IV Permit

United States Army Corps of Engineers

  • Section 10 Permit

  • Section 401 Permit

  • Section 404 Permit