1.4.1 Site Assessment and Planning Packet

The Site Assessment and Planning Packet shall demonstrate the methods, sources of information used, and the results of site assessment and planning analyses as described in Vol II– Site Assessment and Planning Review. The Site Assessment and Planning Packet is organized into the following sections:

  1. Project Information – Includes basic project summary information.

  2. Existing Site Inventory and Analysis Checklist – Documents findings from the inventory and analysis as described in Volume I, Chapter 2.

  3. Existing Site Composite Map – Combines the information analyzed in Volume I, Chapter 2 into a single site map that is used as the basis for site design.

  4. Existing and Proposed Site Land Cover Areas – Summarizes existing and proposed site land cover areas. This summary information helps demonstrate compliance with the requirement to minimize impervious area, loss of vegetation, and stormwater runoff.

  5. Proposed Site LID BMP Matrix – Documents LID BMP infeasibility evaluation and provides justification for why individual LID BMPs were included or not included in site plans.

See Appendix C for the Site Assessment and Planning Packet, which shall be completed by the applicant prior to Site Assessment and Planning Review.