Chapter 2 — Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention

2.1 Introduction

Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention, Minimum Requirement #2 per Vol I–4.2.2 Minimum Requirement #2: Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requires submittal of Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and reports for review by Kitsap County. Requirements for meeting Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention (SWPP) are contained in Volume II of the Ecology Manual. Development of Construction SWPPPs and reports are contained in Volume II, Chapter 2 of the Ecology Manual.

The Construction SWPPP designer shall evaluate the stormwater management requirements for the entire project, including utilities, when preparing the Construction SWPPP. The designer shall consult with and request input from the appropriate utility purveyors and contractors as needed.

For small projects (Chapter 12.08 KCC) eligible for Simplified Drainage Review and Abbreviated Drainage Review in accordance with Volume II, Chapter 1, complete a narrative checklist and SWPP site plan template (available on Kitsap County’s Department of Community Development [DCD] website) in lieu of preparing a full Construction SWPPP.

2.2 Construction Stormwater BMPs

See Volume II, Chapter 3 of the Ecology Manual for construction stormwater best management practices (BMPs) that are temporary BMPs to be used as appropriate during the construction phase of a project. The construction stormwater BMPs are divided into two categories: Construction Source Control BMPs and Construction Runoff BMPs. Construction SWPPPs can contain experimental BMPs or make minor modifications to standard BMPs. However, the permitting authority (state, local, or both) must approve such practices before use. Experimental and modified BMPs must achieve the same or better performance than the BMPs listed in Volume II, Chapter 3 of the Ecology Manual. Regular inspections and maintenance are key to successful implementation of construction stormwater BMPs.