Chapter 12.28


12.28.010    Special drainage improvements.

12.28.020    Designation.

12.28.030    Conflicting information.

12.28.010 Special drainage improvements.

In order to mitigate or eliminate potential drainage-related impacts on critical drainage areas, the director may require drainage improvements in excess of those required in other sections of this title. These improvements in critical drainage areas may be required even if the development does not meet the thresholds requiring the minimum requirements to be met as stated in Section 12.20.010. For particularly sensitive drainage areas, the director may specify the general type of drainage improvements required.

(Ord. 540 (2016) § 4 (Att. 1) (part), 2016)

12.28.020 Designation.

The following are designated as critical drainage areas:

(1)    All lands having a slope of thirty percent or greater:

(A)    As determined by a topographic survey of the site; or

(B)    As shown on approved topographic mapping, such as LIDAR, when other topographic survey information is not available; or

(C)    As determined by the director based on field investigation of the site;

(2)    Geologically hazardous areas as defined in Title 19 and historically documented unstable slopes;

(3)    All lands within two hundred feet of the ordinary high water mark of bodies of water possessing fish spawning and rearing habitat for anadromous and resident fish species, as designated by the State Department of Fish and Wildlife;

(4)    All lands identified as critical areas in any comprehensive drainage plan, or defined as critical drainage areas by separate ordinance;

(5)    All lands that are classified as wetlands as defined by any separate Kitsap County ordinance or policy;

(6)    Any lands that have existing local requirements for the management or protection of ground water, aquifers or sole source aquifers;

(7)    Any lands that drain to a closed depression;

(8)    Any lands that have existing local or state requirements for the protection of particular fish or wildlife habitats;

(9)    Any lands that are established by law as shellfish protection areas;

(10)    Any lands determined by the director to have a high potential for drainage and water quality problems, and/or are sensitive to the effects of construction or development.

(Ord. 540 (2016) § 4 (Att. 1) (part), 2016)

12.28.030 Conflicting information.

In the event of conflict between maps or other available information resources, the final determination of whether or not certain lands are critical drainage areas shall be made by the director. In making such a final determination, the director may use detailed site surveys and/or other topographic data which the director may require the applicant to furnish at the applicant’s expense.

(Ord. 540 (2016) § 4 (Att. 1) (part), 2016)