Chapter 12.30


12.30.020    Illicit discharges.

12.30.030    Illicit connections and uses.

12.30.040    Pollution control device maintenance.

12.30.050    Test procedure.

12.30.060    Exemptions.

12.30.020 Illicit discharges.

Illicit discharges to storm water drainage systems are prohibited.

(Ord. 540 (2016) § 4 (Att. 1) (part), 2016)

12.30.030 Illicit connections and uses.

The storm water system of Kitsap County, natural and artificial, may only be used to convey storm water runoff. Violation of this chapter can result in enforcement action being taken as prescribed in Chapter 12.32.

No person shall use this system, directly or indirectly, to dispose of any solid or liquid matter other than storm water. No person shall make or allow any connection to the storm water system which could result in the discharge of polluting matter. Connections to the storm water system from the interiors of structures are prohibited. Connections to the storm water system for any purpose other than to convey storm water or ground water are prohibited and shall be eliminated.

(Ord. 540 (2016) § 4 (Att. 1) (part), 2016)

12.30.040 Pollution control device maintenance.

Owners and operators of oil/water separators, wet ponds, bioretention facilities, permeable pavement systems, sand filters, vaults, sediment and erosion control systems, infiltration systems, and any other pollution control devices shall operate and maintain such control devices to assure that performance meets the intended level of pollutant removal. Recommended maintenance schedules for these devices are included in the Kitsap manual.

(Ord. 540 (2016) § 4 (Att. 1) (part), 2016)

12.30.050 Test procedure.

In the event that water quality testing is utilized in determining whether a violation of this chapter has occurred, the water quality test procedures shall be followed as described in the most recent edition of Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 136.

(Ord. 540 (2016) § 4 (Att. 1) (part), 2016)

12.30.060 Exemptions.

The following discharges are exempt from the provisions of this chapter:

(1)    The regulated effluent from any commercial or municipal facility holding a valid state or federal wastewater discharge permit;

(2)    Acts of God or nature not compounded by human negligence.

(Ord. 540 (2016) § 4 (Att. 1) (part), 2016)