Chapter 6.10


6.10.010    Definitions.

6.10.020    Registration – Maintained by sheriff.

6.10.030    Registration – Required.

6.10.040    Registration – Application.

6.10.050    Registration – Fees.

6.10.060    (Repealed)

6.10.070    (Repealed)

6.10.080    (Repealed)

6.10.090    (Repealed)

6.10.100    Rules and regulations.

6.10.110    False alarms – Inspection of premises authorized when.

6.10.120    False alarms – First response – Report.

6.10.130    False alarms – Second response – Report.

6.10.140    False alarms – Third response – Fee and report required.

6.10.150    False alarms – Fourth response – Fee and report required.

6.10.160    Disconnection authorized when – Reconnection conditions.

6.10.170    Violation – Penalty.

6.10.010 Definitions.

Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms shall have the meanings which follow:

(1)    “Alarm” means a signal, transmission or other communication advising CENCOM of an emergency for the purpose of having CENCOM dispatch emergency services.

(2)    (Repealed)*

(3)    (Repealed)*

(4)    (Repealed)*

(5)    “Emergency” means a situation or occurrence where there is a need, or reasonable cause to believe there is a need, for immediate police, fire or other emergency services; emergencies shall include, but are not limited to burglaries, robberies and fires.

(6)    “False alarm” means a signal, transmission or other communication to CENCOM, whether intentionally made or not, to which it can reasonably be expected that CENCOM will dispatch emergency services when, in fact, there is no need for emergency services or reasonable belief of need for emergency services.

(7)    “Person” means any natural person, firm, partnership, joint stock company, unincorporated association or society or corporation of any character.

(8)    (Repealed)*

(9)    “Sheriff” means the elected sheriff of Kitsap County, his deputies or designees.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 1, 1981)

*    Editor’s Note: Subsections (2), (3), (4) and (8) of this section, pertaining to certain types of alarms which are either no longer allowed in the county, or no longer permitted to be connected to CENCOM’s emergency communication system, were repealed by the ordinance adopting this 2000 edition of the Kitsap County Code. See Title 1 of this code.

6.10.020 Registration – Maintained by sheriff.

The sheriff shall maintain a central register of all persons maintaining an alarm system within the unincorporated areas of Kitsap County.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 2 (part), 1981)

6.10.030 Registration – Required.

It is unlawful for any person within the unincorporated areas of Kitsap County to have or maintain on their premises an alarm, whether automatic or semiautomatic, unless the alarm is registered with the sheriff and the registration fees are paid.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 2(A), 1981)

6.10.040 Registration – Application.

An application for registration shall be made to the sheriff on forms provided by the sheriff, and shall include:

(1)    Name of person;

(2)    Address and telephone number;

(3)    Location of the alarm system on the premises;

(4)    Type of alarm (fire or burglary); and

(5)    Such other information as the sheriff deems advisable.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 2(B), 1981)

6.10.050 Registration – Fees.

The fee for registration shall be five dollars, and shall be made payable to the sheriff by certified check, cash or money order. No fee shall be charged after initial registration for changes or amendments in registration information. No registration fee shall be charged to any entity of state, county or municipal government.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 2(C), 1981)

6.10.060 (Repealed)*

*    Editor’s Note: Former Section 6.10.060, “CENCOM permit – Required when,” was repealed by the ordinance adopting this 2000 edition of the Kitsap County Code. See Title 1 of this code. Subsection 3 (part) of Ordinance 62-B was formerly codified in this section.

6.10.070 (Repealed)*

*    Editor’s Note: Former Section 6.10.070, “CENCOM permit – Application requirements,” was repealed by the ordinance adopting this 2000 edition of the Kitsap County Code. See Title 1 of this code. Subsection 3(A) of Ordinance 62-B was formerly codified in this section.

6.10.080 (Repealed)*

*    Editor’s Note: Former Section 6.10.080, “CENCOM permit – Issuance conditions – Period of validity – Renewal,” was repealed by the ordinance adopting this 2000 edition of the Kitsap County Code. See Title 1 of this code. Subsection 3(B) of Ordinance 62-B was formerly codified in this section.

6.10.090 (Repealed)*

*    Editor’s Note: Former Section 6.10.090, “CENCOM permit – Fees,” was repealed by the ordinance adopting this 2000 edition of the Kitsap County Code. See Title 1 of this code. Subsection 3(C) of Ordinance 62-B was formerly codified in this section.

6.10.100 (Repealed)*

*    Editor’s Note: Former Section 6.10.100, “Rules and regulations,” was repealed by the ordinance adopting this 2000 edition of the Kitsap County Code. See Title 1 of this code. Subsection 3(D) of Ordinance 62-B was formerly codified in this section.

6.10.110 False alarms – Inspection of premises authorized when.

In the event a false alarm is received from any registrant, the sheriff may inspect the permittee’s premises and order corrective measures as are deemed appropriate. Further, the sheriff is authorized to require that the measures in Sections 6.10.120 through 6.10.150 be taken.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 4 (part), 1981)

6.10.120 False alarms – First response – Report.

For a response to a registrant’s premises at which no other false alarm has occurred within the preceding six-month period (hereinafter called “first response”) no fee shall be charged; but the registrant is required to submit a written report to the sheriff on forms prescribed by the sheriff, setting forth the cause of the false alarm, whether such alarm has been inspected by an authorized serviceman, the corrective measures taken, and such other information as the sheriff may reasonably require to determine the cause of such false alarm and the corrective action necessary.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 4(A), 1981)

6.10.130 False alarms – Second response – Report.

For a second response to a registrant’s premises within six months after a first response (hereinafter called “second response”) no fee shall be charged, but the registrant is required to submit a written report to the sheriff on forms prescribed by the sheriff, setting forth the cause of the false alarm, whether such alarm has been inspected by an authorized serviceman, the corrective measures taken, and such other information as the sheriff may reasonably require to determine the cause of such false alarm and the corrective action necessary.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 4(B), 1981)

6.10.140 False alarms – Third response – Fee and report required.

For a third response to a registrant’s premises within six months after a first response (hereinafter called “third response”), a fee of twenty-five dollars shall be charged to the registrant. The registrant is required to submit a written report to the sheriff on forms prescribed by the sheriff, setting forth the cause of the false alarm, whether such alarm has been inspected by an authorized serviceman, the corrective measures taken and such other information as the sheriff may reasonably require to determine the cause of such false alarm and the corrective action necessary.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 4(C), 1981)

6.10.150 False alarms – Fourth response – Fee and report required.

(a)    For a fourth response to a registrant’s premises within six months after a first response (hereinafter called “fourth response”), and for all succeeding responses within six months of the first response, a fee of fifty dollars shall be charged to the registrant. The registrant is required to submit a written report to the sheriff on forms prescribed by the sheriff, setting forth the cause of the false alarm, whether such alarm has been inspected by an authorized serviceman, the corrective measures taken and such other information as the sheriff may reasonably require to determine the cause of such false alarm and the corrective action necessary.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 4(D), 1981)

6.10.160 Disconnection authorized when – Reconnection conditions.

If the third false alarm or any such succeeding false alarm is the result of failure to take necessary corrective action prescribed by the sheriff, the sheriff may order the disconnection of said alarm system, provided that no disconnection shall be ordered as to any premises required by law to have an alarm system in operation. It is unlawful to reconnect an alarm system until the system has been corrected and a new registration is approved.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 4 (part), 1981)

6.10.170 Violation – Penalty.

Any person who violates any portion of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ninety days or by a fine of not more than two hundred and fifty dollars.

(Ord. 62-B (1981) § 5, 1981)