Chapter 46.44


46.44.0904    Special permits for extra oversize.

46.44.0941    Fees.

46.44.0904 Special permits for extra oversize.

It is unlawful for any person to move upon or across any county road or county right-of-way of Kitsap County any load having any overall width in excess of fourteen feet or an overall height in excess of sixteen feet above the level surface upon which the loaded vehicle stands, or load requiring the use of dollies, without first obtaining a special oversize load permit. The Kitsap County engineering department is hereby authorized to issue such permit.

(1)    Before a permit is issued, the mover shall:

(A)    Submit an application to the traffic division of the Kitsap County engineering department in advance of the planned move containing the following information:

(i)    Present location of the load to be moved,

(ii)    Proposed new location of the load,

(iii)    Dimensions of the load when loaded,

(iv)    Proposed route over which the load is to be moved,

(v)    Evidence of notification to all public and private utility companies including railroad companies having facilities over, along or across the proposed route of travel which may be in conflict with or endangered by the loaded vehicle proposed to be moved. Such notification shall be given to a responsible member of each company at least twenty-four hours before starting the proposed move,

(vi)    Evidence of notification to the Kitsap County sheriff’s department, local fire departments and Washington State Patrol of the date, time and route of move,

(vii)    Obtain permission from the local authorities when the move is to pass through an incorporated area or on a state highway,

(viii)    Such other information as the engineering department may require;

(B)    Deposit or have on deposit with the county engineering department a bond in the amount of five thousand dollars executed by the applicant, as principal, and a surety company authorized to do business, as a surety, in the state, as surety, such bond conditioned to:

(i)    Indemnify and hold harmless Kitsap County against all liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against it in consequence of oversize load moving by the holder,

(ii)    Indemnify Kitsap County for damages to any of its property resulting from the activities by the permit holder in moving oversize loads,

(iii)    Pay all lawful claims for injury or damage to persons or property occasioned by or in any way arising out of such oversize load moving operations by the permit holder, and such bond shall inure to the benefit of any person damaged in person or property by such operations,

(iv)    Make just compensation to the utility companies for making temporary or permanent arrangements of their property to accommodate the oversize load movement;

(C)    Agree to defend Kitsap County, at mover’s own expense, in the event that any action is brought against the county as a result of any act or activity of the county or its agents or employees because of, or in any way arising out of, the moving operation;

(D)    Provide proof of the following insurance, showing Kitsap County as additional insured:


Comprehensive general liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000.


Business automobile liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000.

(2)    The cost of such permit for each move shall be in accordance with the fee schedule in Kitsap County Code, Chapter 21.06.

(3)    The county engineering department shall have the authority to set reasonable days and hours for the movement of oversize loads.

(4)    Oversize load permits shall be issued after a reasonable time for inspection and approval of the proposed route and payment of fee.

(5)    Special escort or other precautions may be imposed by the county engineering department to assure movement is under the safest possible conditions.

(6)    The above requirements may, under special conditions, be altered at the discretion of the county engineering department. Provided that:

(A)    These limitations may be rescinded when certification is made by military officials or by officials of public or private power facilities, when in the opinion of the board of county commissioners, the movement or action is a necessary emergency movement or action; provided further, that the structures and highway surfaces of the routes involved are determined to be capable of sustaining widths in excess of such limitation.

(B)    These limitations shall not apply to farmers moving farm machinery between farms during daylight hours if the movement does not pass along and upon any primary or secondary highway for a distance greater than thirty-five miles, if properly patrolled and flagged.

(C)    These limitations shall not apply to movement during daylight hours on any two-lane highway where the gross weight, including load, does not exceed forty thousand pounds and the overall width of load does not exceed sixteen feet; provided, that the minimum and maximum speed of such movements, prescribed route of such movement, the times of such movements, limitation upon frequency of trips (which limitation shall be not less than one per week), and conditions to assure safety of traffic may be prescribed by the board of county commissioners.

(Ord. 378 (2007) § 12, 2007: Ord. 4-B (1975) § 1, 1975)

46.44.0941 Fees

All fees for overlegal load permits shall be paid and disbursed in accordance with RCW 46.44.0941, RCW 46.44.096, and Section 46.44.0904 of this chapter.

(Ord. 378 (2007) § 13, 2007: Ord. 4-B (1975) § 3, 1975)