Chapter 16.40


16.40.010    Public interest determination.

16.40.020    Development of illegally divided land.

16.40.010 Public interest determination.

No application for a building permit, septic tank permit or other development permit for any lot, tract or parcel of land divided in violation of state law or Chapters 16.04 through 16.44 shall be granted, nor shall such permit be granted during the processing of the preliminary plat, without prior approval of the board. Such approval shall only be given following a public meeting at which the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board that:

(1)    The director of health has certified that the proposed means of sewage disposal and water supply on and to the lot, tract or parcel are adequate;

(2)    The county engineer has certified that the lot, tract or parcel is served with an adequately designed means of ingress and egress, and with adequate drainage facilities, none of which interfere with or impair existing or planned public highway and drainage facilities in the vicinity;

(3)    The planning agency has certified that the proposed development conforms to the Comprehensive Plan and all zoning regulations;

(4)    The proposed development will not adversely affect the safety, health or welfare of adjacent property owners, or interfere with their enjoyment of their property.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 54, 1983)

16.40.020 Development of illegally divided land.

An application for a building permit, septic tank or other development permit for any lot, tract or parcel of land divided in violation of state law or Chapters 16.04 through 16.44 shall not be granted without prior approval of the board, which approval shall only be given following a public meeting at which the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board that:

(1)    The applicant purchased the lot, tract or parcel for value;

(2)    The applicant did not know, and could not have known by the exercise of care which a reasonable purchaser would have used in purchasing the land, that the lot, tract or parcel had been part of a larger lot, tract or parcel divided in violation of state law or Chapters 16.04 through 16.44.

(Ord. 20 (1983) § 55, 1983)