Chapter 7.08


7.08.010    Cat and dog licenses.

7.08.020    Senior citizen pet licenses.

7.08.030    Cat and dog license procedure.

7.08.040    Commercial pet facilities, grooming parlors and animal welfare shelters.

7.08.050    Hobbyist.

7.08.060    Grooming parlors (Repealed)

7.08.065    Enthusiast.

7.08.010 Cat and dog licenses.

(a)    Annual License. All dogs and cats shall be licensed annually or within thirty calendar days from the date the owner acquires the animal or takes up residence in the county.

(b)    License Expiration. Cat and dog licenses shall expire one calendar year from the date of issuance; except that persons sixty-five or older may obtain permanent licenses for spayed or neutered cats or dogs which are valid for the lifetime of the cat or dog; provided, such cat or dog must permanently reside with the license applicant; provided further, no person or persons residing in the same household may obtain more than three such senior citizen pet licenses.

(c)    Cat and Dog License Fee. License fees are as follows:

(1)    Adult dog spayed or neutered – $10.00;

(2)    Adult cat spayed or neutered – $5.00;

(3)    Adult dog not spayed or neutered – $35.00;

(4)    Adult cat not spayed or neutered – $35.00;

(5)    Any juvenile cat or dog – $5.00, except under a county-sponsored promotional program to provide free juvenile cat and/or dog licenses.

(d)    Additional License Fee. Licenses not renewed by the designated renewal date shall be assessed an additional license fee of $10.00; provided, there shall be no additional license fee where:

(1)    The applicant has owned the cat or dog for less than thirty calendar days; or

(2)    The applicant has resided in the county for less than thirty calendar days.

(e)    Exemptions from license fees. The following are exempt from license fees:

(1)    Cats and dogs in the temporary custody of a veterinarian or animal welfare organization whose owners are unknown;

(2)    Cats and dogs owned by the owner or operator of a licensed commercial pet facility or hobbyist facility; or

(3)    Service dogs.

(Ord. 266 (2002) § 3, 2002: Ord. 127-A (1999) § 4, 1999: Ord. 127 (1989) § 5, 1989)

7.08.020 Senior citizen pet licenses.

(a)    Persons sixty-five years of age or older may obtain permanent licenses for spayed or neutered dogs and cats which are valid for the lifetime of the animal; provided, such dog or cat must permanently reside with the license applicant; provided, further, no person or persons residing in the same household may obtain more than three licenses pursuant to this section.

(b)    The license fee shall be six dollars for dogs and three dollars for cats.

(Ord. 127 (1989) § 6, 1989)

7.08.030 Cat and dog license procedure.

(a)    Issuance of Licenses. The county auditor, animal control authority, or the authorized agents thereof shall issue licenses pursuant to Section 7.08.010, as specified in this section.

(b)    Contents of License. The license shall contain the following:

(1)    Date of issuance and date of expiration;

(2)    A serial number;

(3)    Type of animal, its name, age, color(s), sex, breed/mix, distinguishing characteristics, and whether the animal is spayed or neutered;

(4)    The name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the animal;

(5)    Permanent identification number or marking, such as microchip implant, if applicable.

(c)    License Tag.

(1)    With each license, the owner shall receive a license tag that shall contain the serial number that corresponds to the serial number on the license and the date of license expiration; provided, permanent licenses issued to senior citizens pursuant to Section 7.08.010 shall contain no expiration date.

(2)    The license tag need not be worn by the licensed cat or dog in a hunt or sanctioned cat or dog show or while engaged in formal, recognized training. A microchip implant may replace a license tag, provided that the license is renewed annually and the annual license fee is paid.

(d)    Transferability of Licenses. Licenses are not transferable from one cat or dog to another, but may be transferred from an original owner to a new owner; provided, that the new owner records the transfer with the licensing agent within fourteen calendar days, pays a transfer charge, and assumes responsibility for all future license fees while maintaining ownership of the cat or dog; provided further, in no event are senior citizen pet licenses transferable.

(e)    Lost Tags. Lost license tags may be replaced by a substitute license or tag upon application to the county auditor, the animal control authority, or their authorized agents thereof and payment of a replacement charge.

(Ord. 266 (2002) § 4, 2002: Ord. 127-A (1999) § 5, 1999: Ord. 127 (1989) § 7, 1989)

7.08.040 Commercial pet facilities, grooming parlors and animal welfare facilities.

(a)    License Required. Commercial pet facilities, grooming parlors, and animal welfare facilities shall be licensed annually or no less than thirty calendar days prior to commencement of operation.

(b)    License Expiration. Licenses issued under this section shall expire one calendar year from the date of issuance.

(c)    License Fees. License fees are as follows:

(1)    Commercial pet facility – $150.00 per location;

(2)    Pet shop – $50.00;

(2)    Grooming parlors – $50.00 per location; provided, if the grooming parlor is operated at the same location as a commercial pet facility or by the owner or operator thereof, this license fee shall not be collected.

(3)    Animal welfare facilities – No fee except applicable service charge(s).

(d)    Additional License Fee. If all license requirements are not met by the designated renewal date, there shall be an additional license fee of $50.00 per location for commercial pet facilities and grooming parlors. There shall also be an additional fee of $25.00 for new or first-time applications.

(e)    License Application. A license applicant shall provide the following to the animal control authority for each commercial pet facility, grooming parlor, or animal welfare facility location:

(1)    Name, address, and telephone number of the owner or operator of the facility and the name and address of the facility;

(2)    The type of license sought and a brief description of the magnitude and nature of the contemplated operation; and

(3)    A written statement from the county’s department of community development or other satisfactory proof that the contemplated operation conforms to the county’s zoning regulations.

(f)    License Issuance. The animal control authority shall issue the license or renewal thereof if the license fee is paid, if the application meets the requirements of subsection (e), and if, upon inspection, the operation or contemplated operation meets or will meet the requirements of subsections (g), (h) or (i) as appropriate. The license shall contain its date of expiration and shall be prominently displayed at the place of operation. For license renewals, the license applicant shall meet the above requirements no less than thirty calendar days prior to the date of expiration of the existing license.

As part of a commercial pet facility license, the licensee shall receive a license tag for each adult dog, adult cat, juvenile dog, and juvenile cat owned by the licensee or possessed by the licensee for resale. No further licensing is required for such pets. It is the responsibility of the licensee to transfer to the licensing agent the new owner information at the time of sale.

(g)    Operation Requirements for Commercial Pet Facilities and Animal Welfare Facilities.

(1)    Adequate food and water for each species, pursuant to Section 7.04.020(1), and proper habitat and medical attention, if needed, shall be provided during normal business hours and when the facilities are not open for business;

(2)    Food shall be stored in a fashion that prevents contamination or infestation;

(3)    The facilities shall be maintained and operated in a healthful and sanitary manner, free from disease, infestation, and foul odors;

(4)    Sick animals shall be isolated from healthy ones in quarters adequately ventilated to prevent contamination of healthy animals;

(5)    Sick or injured animals shall receive appropriate medical treatment by or under the auspices of a licensed veterinarian. Records shall be maintained reflecting treatment, care, dates of veterinary visits, and the name of the veterinarian and veterinary clinic providing treatment. Sick or injured animals shall not be sold, bartered, or otherwise transferred from a commercial pet facility or animal welfare facility to a new owner until the illness or injury is substantially healed, unless such transfer is to an animal welfare organization that assumed all responsibility for providing the appropriate medical treatment;

(6)    Cats and dogs shall receive age-appropriate vaccines and anthelmintics. Records of such shall be maintained for each animal and made available to the animal control authority and the Bremerton-Kitsap County Health District, including the name and address of the attending veterinarian, if applicable;

(7)    A copy of all medical records including, but not limited to, the records described in subsections (5) and (6) shall be provided to new owners at the time the ownership of the animal is transferred, or to the animal control authority upon request.

(h)    Facility and Individual Housing and Habitat Requirements for Commercial Pet Facilities and Animal Welfare Facilities.

(1)    Indoor and outdoor animal housing facilities shall be in good repair, protect the animals from injury, and shall provide sufficient security to contain the animals while preventing entry by unwanted animals. Also, the habitat shall provide species-specific requirements including, but not limited to, temperature, humidity, and light.

(2)    Indoor facilities shall:

(a)    Provide the animal with adequate space for movement and ability to sit, lie, stand, and stretch without touching the sides or top of housing;

(b)    Be heated or cooled to protect the animals from temperatures to which they are not acclimated;

(c)    Be adequately ventilated;

(d)    Have interior walls, ceilings, and floors that are sealed and are resistant to absorption of moisture or odors;

(e)    Have flooring with a surface that can be sanitized and treated to minimize growth of harmful bacteria;

(f)    Have a waste collection and removal system that facilitates cleaning and permits maintaining the facility in a sanitary condition; and

(g)    Have available a washroom with sink for hot and cold running water.

(3)    Outdoor facilities shall:

(a)    Provide adequate shelter and protection from adverse weather;

(b)    Provide sufficient room for adequate exercise and movement; and

(c)    When no indoor facility is available, outdoor facilities shall also:

(i)    Have flooring with a surface that can be sanitized and treated to minimize growth of harmful bacteria;

(ii)    Have a waste collection and removal system that facilitates cleaning and permits maintaining the facility in a sanitary condition; and

(iii)    Have available a washroom with sink for hot and cold running water.

(i)    Operation and facility requirements for grooming parlors. Grooming parlors shall:

(1)    Not board animals;

(2)    Provide restraining straps for animals to prevent injury while being groomed;

(3)    Sterilize grooming equipment after each use;

(4)    Not leave animals unattended when placed before a dryer;

(5)    Not prescribe or administer treatment or medicine or otherwise engage in veterinary practice as defined in RCW 18.92.010;

(6)    Not confine more than one animal in the same cage unless so requested by the owner of the animals;

(7)    Be structurally sound and in good repair, designed to protect the animals from injury, and provide sufficient security to contain the animals while preventing entry by unwanted animals;

(8)    Have grooming and animal containment areas with walls, ceilings and floors that are sealed and resistant to absorption of moisture and odors; and

(9)    Be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis.

(j)    Inspections. The animal control authority shall inspect existing or proposed commercial pet facilities, animal welfare facilities, and grooming parlors in connection with its licensing investigation and when inspections are necessary to ensure compliance with this title. Such inspections shall be made during regular business hours.

(Ord. 266 (2002) § 5, 2002: Ord. 127-A (1999) § 6, 1999: Ord. 127 (1989) § 8, 1989)

7.08.050 Hobbyist.

(a)    License Required. Hobbyists shall be licensed annually or within thirty calendar days of when the number of cats and/or dogs maintained at the same place or residence exceeds four adult cats and/or four adult dogs.

(b)    License Expiration. Hobbyist licenses issued under this section shall expire one calendar year from the date of issuance.

(c)    License Fee. The license fee shall be $75.00. Those owners of five or more adult cats and/or adult dogs on or before February 4, 2002 (the effective date of this amended section), and who apply for a hobbyist license within six calendar months of February 4, 2002 (the effective date of this amended section), shall have the first annual license fee waived.

(d)    Additional License Fee. If all license requirements are not met by the designated renewal date, there shall be an additional license fee of $50.00 per location. There shall also be an additional fee of $25.00 for new or first-time applications.

(e)    License Application. An application for a hobbyist license shall be made to the animal control authority and shall contain the following:

(1)    Name, address, and telephone number of applicant;

(2)    A description of the uses to which the properties surrounding the proposed hobbyist facility are devoted; and

(3)    The maximum number and breed of cats or dogs for which the license is sought.

(f)    License Issuance. The animal control authority shall issue the license or renewal thereof if the license fee is paid, if the application meets the requirements of subsection (e) of this section and if the existing or proposed hobbyist facility is not unreasonably incompatible with the uses of property in the surrounding area, would not create a burdensome annoyance to those in the vicinity, and would not cause a significant risk to human or animal health. For license renewals, the license applicant shall meet the above requirements no less than thirty calendar days prior to the date of expiration of the existing license.

In the application of the foregoing standards, the animal control authority may consider such things as the layout and construction of the hobbyist facility including, but not limited to, setbacks, fencing, screening and soundproofing, as well as the number of animals, breed and risk to human or other animal health. A license may be issued subject to conditions in the nature of physical alterations and improvements if such would bring the hobbyist facility within the foregoing standards. As part of a hobbyist license, the licensee shall receive a license tag for each adult cat and adult dog, and each juvenile cat and juvenile dog owned by the licensee. No further licensing is required for such cats and/or dogs.

(g)    Requirements for Hobbyists Participating in Breeding. Each hobbyist participating in breeding must agree to:

(1)    Provide verification of all age-appropriate vaccines and anthelmintics, with an agreement to accept back any animal found to be unhealthy or defective, provided that the animal is examined by a licensed veterinarian within seventy-two hours of transferred ownership, and to provide a full refund for the cost of the unhealthy or defective animal;

(2)    Obtain no convictions for animal cruelty and/or neglect pursuant to RCW Chapter 16.52;

(3)    Refrain from engaging in the sale to the public of more than two litters or twenty cats and/or dogs, whichever is greater, during a consecutive twelve month period, as not to be included in the definition of a commercial pet facility;

(4)    Advise new owner at time of sale of county licensing requirements.

(h)    Operation and Facility Requirements for Hobbyists. Hobbyists shall:

(1)    Provide adequate food and water, proper habitat and appropriate medical attention for each animal. Food shall be stored in a fashion that prevents contamination or infestation;

(2)    Maintain and operate breeding facilities in a healthful and sanitary manner; and

(3)    Meet all county licensing requirements.

(i)    Limitation Upon Number of Cats and Dogs. No hobbyist shall have more than ten adult cats and/or dogs without the written consent of the animal control authority. A person desiring more than ten adult cats and/or dogs must seek permission therefore in writing from the animal control authority. In considering such a request, the animal control authority may consider the characteristics of the breed and the layout and surroundings of the hobbyist facility. Permission to have more than ten adult cats and/or dogs may be granted unless such increased number would make the hobbyist facility unreasonably incompatible with the uses of property in the surrounding area, and as long as the license applicant has met all of the requirements of subsections (e) through (h) of this section.

(j)    Inspections. The animal control authority reserves the right to inspect the premises of a hobbyist facility during regular business hours upon receipt of a written complaint alleging that the hobbyist facility is out of compliance with the provisions of this section.

(Ord. 266 (2002) § 6, 2002: Ord. 127-A (1999) § 7, 1999: Ord. 127 (1989) § 9, 1989)

7.08.060 Grooming parlors (Repealed)*.

*    Editor’s Note: Section 7.08.060, Grooming Parlors, was repealed by Section 7 of Ordinance 266 (2002). Relevant provisions have now been incorporated into Section 7.08.040.

7.08.065 Enthusiast.

(a)    License Required. Enthusiasts shall be licensed annually or within thirty calendar days of when the number of cats and/or dogs maintained at the same place or residence exceeds four adult cats and/or four adult dogs.

(b)    License Expiration. Enthusiast licenses issued under this section shall expire one calendar year from the date of issuance.

(c)    License Fee. No fee except applicable service charge(s).

(d)    Additional License Fee. If all license requirements are not met by the designated renewal date, there shall be an additional license fee of $50.00 per location. There shall also be an additional fee of $25.00 for new or first-time applications.

(e)    License Application. An application for an enthusiast license shall be made to the animal control authority and shall contain the following:

(1)    Name, address, and telephone number of applicant;

(2)    A description of the uses to which the properties surrounding the proposed facility are devoted; and

(3)    The maximum number of cats and/or dogs for which the license is sought.

(f)    License Issuance. The animal control authority shall issue the license or renewal thereof if the license fee is paid, if the application meets the requirements of subsection (e) of this section, if all cats and/or dogs owner by applicant are licensed as required by Section 7.08.010, and if the existing or proposed enthusiast facility is not unreasonably incompatible with the uses of property in the surrounding area, would not create a burdensome annoyance to those in the vicinity, and would not cause a significant risk to human or animal health. For license renewals, the license applicant shall meet the above requirements no less than thirty calendar days prior to the date of expiration of the existing license.

In the application of the foregoing standards, the animal control authority may consider such things as the layout and construction of the enthusiast facility including, but not limited to, setbacks, fencing, screening and soundproofing, as well as the number of animals, breed, and risk to human or other animal health. A license may be issued subject to conditions in the nature of physical alterations and improvements if such would bring the enthusiast facility within the foregoing standards.

(g)    Operation and Facility Requirements for Enthusiasts. Enthusiasts shall:

(1)    Provide adequate food and water, proper habitat and appropriate medical attention for each animal. Food shall be stored in a fashion that prevents contamination or infestation;

(2)    Maintain facilities in a healthful and sanitary manner;

(3)    Alter all animals; and

(4)    Meet all county licensing requirements.

(h)    Limitation Upon Number of Cats and Dogs. No enthusiast shall have more than ten adult cats and/or dogs without the written consent of the animal control authority. A person desiring more than ten adult cats and/or dogs must seek permission therefore in writing from the animal control authority. In considering such a request, the animal control authority may consider the characteristics of the breed, and the layout and surroundings of the enthusiast facility. Permission to have more than ten spayed or neutered adult cats and/or dogs may be granted unless such increased number would make the enthusiast facility unreasonably incompatible with the uses of property in the surrounding area, and as long as the license applicant has met all of the requirements of subsections (e) through (g) of this section.

(i)    Inspections. The animal control authority reserves the right to inspect the premises of an enthusiast facility during regular business hours upon receipt of a written complaint alleging that the enthusiast facility is out of compliance with the provisions of this section.

(Ord. 266 (2002) § 8, 2002)