Chapter 16.66


16.66.010    Purpose.

16.66.015    Powers and duties of department.

16.66.020    Official map.

16.66.025    General addressing standards and rules.

16.66.030    Designation of way of travel.

16.66.040    Numerical designation of multi-unit buildings.

16.66.050    Denoting of ways of travel (road naming).

16.66.060    Display of designations.

16.66.070    Enforcement.

16.66.010 Purpose.

This chapter provides the procedures and guidelines for regulating addressing within unincorporated Kitsap County.

(Ord. 489 (2012) § 2 (part), 2012: Ord. 483 (2012) § 2 (Att. 1), 2012)

16.66.015 Powers and duties of department.

A.    The director is authorized and empowered to assign and/or change numerical designations of buildings and real property.

B.    Addresses shall be assigned in conjunction with the approved building permit application for primary residence or during the final plat process. Community or public facilities without structures, such as parks and utilities, shall be addressed.

C.    The director is authorized and empowered to assign and/or change the names of ways of travel and numerical designations.

D.    The director is authorized to administer and implement the provisions of this chapter and develop policies (e.g., interpretations) to ensure the proper operation.

E.    The director is authorized and empowered to designate roads if determined to be in the interest of public safety. If there are multiple segments or branches of a road, it will be at the department’s discretion as to the number of road names assigned.

F.    The processing fees for assignment of new addresses and petitions for road naming shall be in accordance with Section 21.06.100.

G.    Short subdivisions, large lot subdivisions, binding site plans, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks shall be named and numbered. Addresses assigned per subsection (B) of this section shall be clearly shown on short plats within a UGA, subdivision plats and binding site plans at the time of final plat approval.

(Ord. 528 (2015) § 1, 2015: Ord. 489 (2012) § 2 (part), 2012: Ord. 483 (2012) § 2 (Att. 1), 2012)

16.66.020 Official map.

A.    The Kitsap County Official Addressing Map (hereinafter referred to as the “official map”) shall divide Kitsap County into six districts: (1) Northwest (NW); (2) Northeast (NE); (3) East (E); (4) Southeast (SE); (5) Southwest (SW); and (6) West (W).

B.    The official map shall establish the numerical addressing grid for Kitsap County.

C.    The official map is kept and maintained by the department, and is hereby adopted as part of this chapter and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein.

D.    The official map and addresses thereof shall be maintained at the Kitsap County department of community development. The official map or copy thereof shall be available for public inspection during regular business hours.

(Ord. 489 (2012) § 2 (part), 2012: Ord. 483 (2012) § 2 (Att. 1), 2012)

16.66.025 General addressing standards and rules.

A.    No address shall be an exact duplicate of any other address. A duplicate would consist of a match in all of the following address components: number, road name (all components), city, zip, and suite number.

B.    Structures shall be addressed to the road from which they are primarily accessed, or to the front door.

C.    Address numbers shall be in sequence along a road.

D.    If an existing road is designed to have odd addresses on one side, and even addresses on the other, then addresses shall adhere to the established pattern. If an existing road is designed to have all odd addresses on both sides (or all even addresses on both sides), then addresses shall adhere to the established pattern.

E.    Address numbers shall be within the established range of the road centerline (note – the road centerline range may be edited to accommodate out-of-range addresses).

F.    Abbreviations shall be consistent with the USPS standards. For unit designations, see USPS Publication 28 Appendix C2 and for street type designations, see Appendix C1.

(Ord. 528 (2015) § 2, 2015)

16.66.030 Designation of way of travel.

A.    Ways of travel running generally or predominantly north and south shall be suffixed with the abbreviated name of the district for the entire way of travel in which they are situated when initially named.

B.    Ways of travel running generally or predominantly east and west shall be prefixed with the abbreviated name of the district for the entire way of travel in which they are situated when initially named.

C.    Ways of travel shall be designated by a name in accordance with Section 16.66.050.

D.    The numerical designations shall be assigned based on the geographic direction of the way of travel, as determined by observing its overall length and noting its general or predominant direction, as follows:

1.    In the northwest, northeast and west districts, even numerical designations shall be assigned to the north and east sides of ways of travel and odd numerical designations shall be assigned to the south and west sides of ways of travel.

2.    In the southwest, southeast, and east districts, even numerical designations shall be assigned to the south and west sides of ways of travel and odd numerical designations shall be assigned to the north and east sides of ways of travel.

E.    From the point of origin, when possible, even and odd numerical designations shall be assigned consecutively and opposite one another for the entire way of travel in which they are situated when initially named. However, buildings and real property situated on a circle, court, or loop shall be numbered consecutively beginning at the point of origin and proceeding progressively around such circle, court or loop in a clockwise direction.

(Ord. 528 (2015) § 3, 2015: Ord. 489 (2012) § 2 (part), 2012: Ord. 483 (2012) § 2 (Att. 1), 2012)

16.66.040 Numerical designation of multi-unit buildings.

A.    Buildings with multiple tenant spaces, suites or dwelling units shall receive one numerical designation per building.


1.    Mini-storage complexes may have one address for multiple buildings provided each building is designated with the numerical designation of the complex as well as the individual unit designation and the site plan showing all building and unit designations is submitted to and approved by the department.

2.    Residential duplexes may have two numerical designations.

B.    Buildings with multiple tenant spaces, suites or dwelling units shall have the suites/units further identified with suite, unit or apartment numbers. Assignment of suite or apartment numbers of commercial occupancies shall be from left to right facing the buildings or units. All suite, apartment or unit numbers shall use “100” numbers for units located on the first floor of buildings, “200” numbers for units located on the second floor, “300” numbers for units on the third floor, and continue likewise for successive floors. Suite, unit or apartment numbers on floor levels below the first floor (sub-grade levels) shall use the letter “S” preceding the suite/unit numbers. For example, on the floor level immediately below the first floor, “S100” numbers shall be used. The next floor level down shall use “S200” numbers and continue likewise for successive sub-grade or basement levels.

1.    Multi-unit commercial occupancies, other than Group R (residential occupancies), shall have suite/unit numbers in ten-number increments, whenever possible, to ensure adequate opportunity for future changes to be numbered in correct order. When the building has an odd numerical designation, suite/unit numbers shall be odd. For example, a building with an address of 123 NW Alphabet St. would have suite/units 101, 111, 121, etc., on the first floor; 201, 211, 221 on the second floor, etc. Buildings with even numerical designations shall use even suite/unit numbers.

2.    Multi-unit commercial occupancies with Group R (residential occupancies) units shall have suite/unit numbers consecutively. For example, a multi-unit Group R (residential occupancies) building would have suite/units 100, 101, 102, 103 on the first floor; suite/units 200, 201, 202, 203 on the second floor, etc. A multi-unit Group R (residential occupancies) building with interior access corridors may use consecutive even and odd numbers on opposite sides of the corridor. Suite/unit numbers of different floors, whenever possible, shall be “stacked”; for example, unit 112 should be directly below unit 212, which would be directly below unit 312, etc.

(Ord. 528 (2015) § 4, 2015: Ord. 489 (2012) § 2 (part), 2012: Ord. 483 (2012) § 2 (Att. 1), 2012)

16.66.050 Denoting of ways of travel (road naming).

A.    Ways of travel shall be named when they serve a minimum of five or more parcels, or three or more buildings with an occupancy group other than Group U (residential accessory buildings) and is longer than one thousand feet in length. Requests for road names shall be petitioned to, and approved by, the department.

The road name is the principal identifying component of a full street name, which in most cases should uniquely distinguish a street from all others. In addition to emergency response, addresses are used to record the location of events and objects in databases throughout the county. It is important that road names be easy to input correctly. The following road name criteria reflect that need as well as the needs of emergency response:

1.    No road name shall be used more than once. For example, two roads may not be named Cedar even if they have different road types.

2.    Road names shall not sound alike. For example, two roads may not be named Stephen and Steven.

3.    Names that tend to be mispronounced or misspelled shall not be used. For example, names like Javelina, Weimaraner, and Perseverance are either hard to spell or pronounce and would be subject to increased scrutiny during the name review process.

4.    Road names should be composed of one word wherever possible and limited to thirteen characters or less. This does not include directionals or identifiers which are assigned by the department according to the Kitsap County official grid map.

5.    Two-word names or one-word names that can be confused as two-word names shall not be used. For example, names like Clearlake, Clear Lake, and Baytree would not be acceptable.

6.    Names that include directional words such as North, South, East, or West shall be avoided. For example, North East Beach would not be acceptable.

7.    Names that include punctuation shall be used without the punctuation. For example, NW George’s Rd. would be approved as NW Georges Rd.

8.    The department shall promote road name continuity. For example, a private or unmaintained county road extending from the end of a dead-end county-maintained road shall retain the same name as the county road.

9.    Road names shall not include any of the road types listed in Chapter 21.02, Definitions. For example, Mountain Loop Rd. would not be an acceptable name.

B.    Road name changes may be initiated by the department when the road name fails to meet the criteria in subsection (A) of this section or when the road name serves to compromise the E911 system in any way. The department shall work in cooperation with CenCom and other departments in making changes. Except as detailed in this section, existing road names shall not be required to meet the criteria of this chapter.

C.    The department is authorized to affirmatively take all lawful action to cure or fix the problem of road names not meeting the criteria of this chapter provided written notice of the proposed action is provided to all persons owning property on the way of travel in question, and all persons affected or impacted by the proposed action, via U.S. mail or other appropriate means, and all the following procedures are followed:

1.    Petition for road name will be mailed to each parcel owner allowing thirty days from the date of the letter to provide input on the name selection.

2.    If a majority vote is not received for a road name that can be approved by the department, a second letter will be sent out to each parcel owner allowing an additional fourteen days from the date of the letter to provide input on the proposed name selection.

3.    If a simple majority vote is not received for a road name that can be approved by the department, then the department will select the new road name.

4.    When the approved road name has been selected and assigned by the department, a letter will be sent out to each parcel owner with the approved name and instructions for the construction of the road sign. On private roads or unmaintained county roads, the parcel owners shall have the sign constructed and installed within thirty days.

5.    When the road naming process is complete, a letter will be sent out to each parcel owner notifying them of the new address number assignment with the new road name. The parcel owners shall have the new address numbers posted within thirty days.

D.    All new or replaced road name signs shall be constructed and placed pursuant to Kitsap County public works sign standards. Costs and maintenance of any road signs for a private or unmaintained road shall be the sole responsibility of the parcel owners on said road. Failure to maintain road signs for a private or unmaintained road can constitute a separate Class 1 civil infraction against each and every parcel owner served by such road, in accordance with Section 16.66.070.

(Ord. 528 (2015) § 5, 2015: Ord. 489 (2012) § 2 (part), 2012: Ord. 483 (2012) § 2 (Att. 1), 2012)

16.66.060 Display of designations.

A.    The owner, occupant, tenant, lessee or any other person or entity having an interest in any addressed building shall conspicuously display the numerical designation assigned to such building. The numerical designation shall be easily legible with numerals displayed upon a contrasting background, for example, black on white, or white on blue, etc. Whenever possible, numerical designations should not be placed on window glazing.

1.    Number size for all residential occupancies shall be four inches minimum height with one-half-inch stroke.

2.    All commercial addresses shall be posted as follows: numerals on buildings located fifty feet or less from the named way of travel shall be twelve inches minimum height with one-and-one-half-inch stroke; numerals on buildings located between fifty and one hundred feet from the named way of travel shall be eighteen inches in height with two-inch stroke; numerals on buildings located more than one hundred feet from the named way of travel shall be twenty-four inches minimum height with two-and-one-half-inch stroke.

B.    Premises Identification. Approved numbers or address shall be posted for all new and existing buildings in such a position, facing the way of travel, as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. If the numerical designation of the building is not clearly visible from a named way of travel, the numerical designation shall also be displayed near the main entrance to the property and the driveway entrance upon which the building is situated. During the construction of buildings, the numerical designation shall be posted at the premises prior to requesting any department inspections.

C.    Address displays not visible from roadway are required to have additional sets of address numbers to further indicate the location of the residence. The numbers shall be reflective and placed upon a post or other structure which displays the numbers at least forty-eight inches above the ground so that the numbers are legible from the roadway, day or night.

(Ord. 528 (2015) § 6, 2015: Ord. 489 (2012) § 2 (part), 2012: Ord. 483 (2012) § 2 (Att. 1), 2012)

16.66.070 Enforcement.

A.    The director is authorized to enforce this chapter, and to designate county employees as authorized representatives of the department to investigate suspected violations of this chapter, and to issue orders to correct violations and notices of infraction.

B.    A violation of any provision of this chapter shall constitute a Class 1 civil infraction. Each violation shall constitute a separate infraction for each and every day during which the violation is committed, continued, or permitted. Infractions shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 2.116.

(Ord. 489 (2012) § 2 (part), 2012: Ord. 483 (2012) § 2 (Att. 1), 2012)