4.7 Downstream Analysis

The following projects shall conduct an analysis of downstream water quantity and quality impacts resulting from the project and shall provide for mitigation of these impacts, in accordance with KCC 12.10.070:

  • All Site Development Activity Permit (SDAP) applications that meet any of the criteria listed in KCC 12.10.060.

  • All large projects (Chapter 12.08 KCC).

  • All project sites located within critical drainage areas.

  • All projects that implement TDAs.

The analysis shall extend a minimum of one-fourth (1/4) of a mile downstream from the project. The existing or potential impacts to be evaluated and mitigated shall include excessive sedimentation, erosion, discharges to ground water contributing or recharge zones, violations of water quality standards, and spills and discharges of priority pollutants.

The analysis shall begin with a Level 1 analysis (Vol II–4.7.1 Level 1 Analysis). In areas where existing or predicted water quality and quantity problem were identified in the Level 1 analysis, proceed to a Level 2 analysis (Vol II–4.7.2 Level 2 Analysis), which entails a rough quantitative analysis to define and evaluate proposed mitigation for the problem. In existing or predicted drainage problem locations, as defined by the director, proceed to Level 3 analysis. Level 3 analysis is similar to Level 2, but with more detailed quantitative analysis prepared by a licensed professional land surveyor or engineer (Vol II–4.7.3 Level 3 Analysis).
