1.3 Submittal Processes and Requirements

Table II-1.3 summarizes the plans and reports that must be submitted for DCD review during the Site Assessment and Planning Review, Preliminary Design Review, and Final Design Review stages. For each stage, the submittal requirements vary based on the type of drainage review applicable to the proposed project (see Table II-1.1). See Vol II–1.4 Submittal Documents for detailed document contents and format required for each type of drainage review. See also Vol II–1.2.3 Review Stages for requirements that vary based on the stage of drainage review.

Table II-1.3. Summary of Submittal Requirements for Each Review Stage and Type of Drainage Review.
Submittal Materials Type of Drainage Reviewa

Simplified Drainage Reviewb

Simplified Drainage Review – Engineered

Abbreviated Drainage Review

Abbreviated Drainage Review – Engineered

Full Drainage Review

Site Assessment and Planning Review

Application Formsc

Site Assessment and Planning Packet

Preliminary Design Review (60 percent design, or higher)

Site Improvement Plans



Drainage Report




Other technical reports and documents (as applicable)



Final Design Review (90 percent design)

Site Improvement Plans

Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Construction SWPPP)

Drainage Report



Geotechnical Analysis/Soils Report



Other technical reports and documents (as applicable)

  1. For permit approval processes between DCD and Public Works, see “Site Development Activity Permit for Capital Projects; Process Procedures.”
  2. If a project is implementing a TDA approach, engineered review or a full drainage review is required (Vol II–1.2.2 Review Types and Requirements).

  3. For specific application requirements, see KCC 21.04.160.