1.2.2 Review Types and Requirements

For most projects resulting in 2,000 square feet or more of new plus replaced hard surface area or 7,000 square feet or more of land disturbing activity, the full range of minimum requirements contained in Volume I shall be evaluated for compliance through the drainage review process. However, for some types of projects, the scope of requirements applied is targeted to allow more efficient, customized review.

The review process and drainage requirements vary based on a project’s size, location, type of development, and anticipated impacts to the local and regional surface water system. There are five types of drainage review, as follows:

  1. Simplified Drainage Review

  2. Simplified Drainage Review – Engineered

  3. Abbreviated Drainage Review

  4. Abbreviated Drainage Review – Engineered

  5. Full Drainage Review

The permit or conditions that trigger each type of drainage review are described in Sections,,,, and Figure II-1.1 provides a flow chart for determining which type of drainage review is required. Table II-1.1 summarizes the requirements that must be evaluated based on the applicable type of review, while Vol II–1.3 Submittal Processes and Requirements and Vol II–1.4 Submittal Documents outline the specific materials (i.e., plans, analyses, reports, and other documents) that must be submitted at various stages of permit review. Simplified Drainage Review

Simplified Drainage Review applies to small (Chapter 12.08 KCC) Single Family Residential (SFR) projects for which Minimum Requirements #1 through #5 apply, located outside of critical areas and their buffers, and that do not implement a Threshold Discharge Area (TDA) approach (Volume I, Chapter 3). This type of drainage review is triggered by a building permit. The review process is streamlined by not requiring Preliminary Design Review (Vol II– Preliminary Design Review) and allowing for targeted submittal documents that do not require a professional engineer, as detailed in Vol II– Site Plans and Profiles (Simplified Drainage Review). Simplified Drainage Review – Engineered

Simplified Drainage Review – Engineered applies to small (Chapter 12.08 KCC) SFR projects located inside critical areas (see KCC 12.28.020) or their buffers and to small (Chapter 12.08 KCC) SFR projects that implement a TDA approach (Volume I, Chapter 3). As with Simplified Drainage Review, this type of drainage review is triggered by a building permit, not by an SDAP. Preliminary Design Review (Vol II– Preliminary Design Review) is not required. Submittals must be prepared by a professional engineer. Additional mitigation beyond the minimum stormwater requirements in Volume I may be required to compensate for loss of critical drainage area habitat functions associated with activities inside the critical drainage area or critical drainage area buffers. See Vol II– Site Plans and Profiles (Simplified Drainage Review – Engineered) for detailed submittal requirements for this type of drainage review. Abbreviated Drainage Review

Abbreviated Drainage Review applies to the following project types:

  • Small (Chapter 12.08 KCC) non-SFR projects for which Minimum Requirements #1 through #5 apply, located outside critical areas and their buffers; and

  • Grading only projects located outside critical areas and their buffers that involve the movement of between 150 and 5,000 cubic yards of material.

This type of drainage review is triggered by an SDAP. Preliminary Design Review (Vol II– Preliminary Design Review) is required, but the submittal process is streamlined by allowing targeted submittal documents that do not require a professional engineer, as detailed in Vol II– Site Plans and Profiles (Abbreviated Drainage Review). Abbreviated Drainage Review – Engineered

Abbreviated Drainage Review – Engineered applies to the following project types:

  • Small (Chapter 12.08 KCC) non-SFR projects for which Minimum Requirements #1 through #5 apply and grading only projects that involve the movement of between 150 and 5,000 cubic yards of material where the project:

    • Connects into a drainage system in the right of way; or

    • Constructs improvements in the right of way; or

    • Constructs in a critical area or critical area buffer.

This type of drainage review is triggered by an SDAP and requires a professional engineer. See Vol II– Site Plans and Profiles (Abbreviated Drainage Review – Engineered) for detailed submittal requirements. Full Drainage Review

Full Drainage Review – Engineered applies to large (Chapter 12.08 KCC) projects for which Minimum Requirements #1 through #9 apply. This type of drainage review is triggered by an SDAP. See Vol II– Site Plans and Profiles (Full Drainage Review) for detailed submittal requirements.

Figure II-1.1. Flow Chart for Determining Type of Drainage Review Required.

Flow Chart for Determining Type of Drainage Review Required

Table II-1.1. Drainage Requirements that Must Be Evaluated for Each Type of Drainage Review.

Drainage Review Type

Minimum Requirements #1–5a

Minimum Requirements #1–9a

Critical Drainage Area Requirementsb

Special Requirementsb

Simplified Drainage Review




Simplified Drainage Review – Engineered



Abbreviated Drainage Review




Abbreviated Drainage Review – Engineered


Full Drainage Review


  1. See Vol I–4.2 Minimum Requirements.
  2. See Vol II–1.2.4 Drainage Review Required by Other Agencies and Vol II–1.2.5 Drainage Design Beyond Minimum Requirements.